

I have no idea how long did the battle continue I am still trying to endure the attacks of the four brothers while trying to launch a counterattack. Even Lina and Leona are having a hard time pitching in the battle as Giji tries his best to strike Lina and Leona away from me, allowing Gaji, Geji and Goji to strike me down. Harmless Sparrow and the rest are not able to support as a barrier was blocking them from entering the battlefield and giving a support for me. I shook my arm holding the Terraform Sword, it was getting numb as time pass by and just having to block Geji and Goji's sabers again and again accompanied by the brute force from Gaji's claws. My HP was down below 10,000 which is not that plenty. Still, my HP is steadily rising with the help of the fast regenerative power of my health but what the heck, it cannot keep up easily with the damage output of these four bosses. With the help of Absolute Defense and Rapid Regeneration, I was trying my best to last with their attacks.

"Boy! You won't last long if you keep on defending! As the saying goes, even the toughest walls and gates of the castles falls from the cannons!" Gaji strikes but I dodged.

I gritted my teeth. For f*cking sake, I need to persevere! I can't die like this!

"Graah! Earth become my weapon! Earth Spike!"

I slammed my palms to the cracked ground and the soil moved to my will.

Bang! The four was stunned as they did not expect me to use a magic of the second tier.

"F*ck! You are a Versatile!" Gaji blocked using his hands while enduring the second tier spell, Earth Spike.

"Flames burn the Earth! Flame Spike!"

The Earth Spike was suddenly covered with flames and the four brothers suffered enough damages.

"Good! Keep it up!" Geji gritted his teeth as he dodges the Earth Spikes covered by Flame Spikes but still, his HP is slowly falling down.

Lina and Leona found a chance to chip in the battle. I quickly leap towards Leona's back and ride with Lina to strike the four brothers struggling on the Earth Spikes!

"Now! I commanded Leona to attack.


Leona flapped her massive wings and produced a strong wave of wind. It was an attack all skill called Tempest that targets all enemies on the battlefield using the strong tornado that ravages the battlefield.

"Thunderbolt!" I aim my hands to the four and struck them with the thunderbolt. Still, they easily blocked the Thunderbolt.

"Alright, we are just getting started boy! Beat it up!" Gaji pounded his chest hard.


His chest resounded and the other three brothers also did what Gaji did.


Urk! My ears! It was deafening and I have no choice but to stop them.

"Lina! Use Telekinesis on their Magic Sabers! Don't let them use it!" I commanded Lina and leap down from Leona's back while still covering my ears.

Gaji, Geji, Giji and Goji stopped banging their chests when their sabers get heavy. I already knew what happened. Their sabers are controlled by Lina. Time to counter attack!

"Ha!" I gripped my sword hard before swiftly attacking their exposed backs.


"KEH!" the four staggered. I repeated my attack and waited for the Blood Greed Bar to fill.




I kept on repeating those actions while doing another chant.

"Followers of Romulus and Remus! Allow this mere mortal to borrow the powers of the nature! Wolf Sprite!"

I slammed my palms together. My physique slowly changed. I have heard the experience to many druids but this is the first time for me to experience something so magical. My arms turned into hairy paws and my ears turned longer and my body grew lots of grey hair. I slowly realized I transformed into a wolf. This is the 1st Tier transformation skill of Druids, Wolf Sprite. It needs a chant to strengthen the power and full synchronization of my body fully.


My sword disappeared so I have no choice but to use my claws and fangs. From my perspective, Gaji and his brothers are smaller than me which should be me being a giant wolf monster. Their looks were very afraid and they seemed trying to pull their sabers to battle to no avail due to the intense control of Lina to their sabers.


I slammed my paws towards the four and before they can dodge, my large paws struck them. Still, those are not enough to flatten them and I have no intention to flatten them hard. This is not a hostile battle but a friendly battle. But since I was almost dying and I can't afford to lose, I also gave it my all.

I swatted them using my paws and massive damages appeared from their bodies. Gaji manages to escape since he is using his claws instead his saber so he didn't really get binded to Lina's telekinesis.

"Heh! That's it kid! Bring your inner beast! You can't survive the wild if you just maintained that status earlier!" Gaji seems enjoying the battle and quickly dodges my assault.

My mana was slowly being drained out but still, that is enough and I reverted back to my normal form. The transformation was faster when returning to human and my sword is in its scabbard. I pulled it out and rushed towards Gaji.



On the battlefield, Geji, Giji and Goji were incapacitated and only Gaji was left from the brothers. He has lots of wounds from his body but I am also wounded too. Basically saying, we are both on tie. Gaji grinned and cancelled his transformation.

"Good grief, you made me unleash my all boy, I have not fought that hard for how many years," Gaji said as he staggered a bit.

"Same..." though I felt beat, I still managed to keep myself awake.

"Alright boy, you just make me impressed. No one has been able to take me seriously until just now. Starting today, you are my brother, what do you say and become my fifth brother?" Gaji laughed as he put his massive arm into my shoulder.

"That would be my honor but I have to keep on adventuring. I can't stay here," I said to Gaji.

"Hahahaha! What are you talking about? I never said you would also become one of us and guard this place! It is rare for immortals like you to say that! I like that!" Gaji said and rummage to his pocket and pulled out a golden token and hands it to me.

"If ever you are in danger, just use this and we will help you anytime."

I stared at the token and look at its description.

"Token of Friendship(Summoning Token)

Effect: Summons the Four Jungle Kings on your command for 5 hours. Can be used twice a week.

Rarity: Rare

Uses left: 2 uses

Description: A token given by the First Brother of the Four Jungle Kings. Sign of a friendship and lifelong friend.

I looked at Gaji and he nodded. I was overwhelmed. This is a Summoning token and it is not limited to two uses only! I can use it twice a week so that means if I used up all the uses this week, I can use it again next week with another two charges!

"This is so precious! Thank you very much!" I bowed to Gaji and he pat my head.

"Hahaha, no worried. Alright, you should go and help your cowering teammates over there. They are so terrified hahaha. I have to tend to my brothers for now,"Gaji said.

"I am sorry for being so harsh," I said apologetically.

"No worries, my brothers are not that weak. They can still last more than that or else they are not worth to be my brothers if they whined by just some shallow injuries. All I can say is that, you win and you have the right to be strong. I hop[e we will meet again," Gaji said and smiled.

"Likewise!" I grinned and made a fistbump with him.


"Worldwide Announcement!

The Guild Blue Sky members, Harmless Sparrow, Flaming Cutie, Pooshy, Ferventure, Izzzie, Thunderfire and guildless player Bladeheart successfully cleared the Abyss Mode of Jungle of Deceit!"

The worldwide gaming community was on uproar once again. Every player was on the forums discussing on how they do it. Many tried contacting Harmless Sparrow but to no avail. This time, first time players and a few guildless players rushed towards the guild hall of Blue Sky to register for the names.



The group that was on the announcement teleported to the inn of Lily which shows a very troubled look on their faces but they were still happy for a bit. Harmless Sparrow dragged me a bit and talked on a corner.

"Thanks for everything, Bladeheart, you were amazing out there fighting," Harmless Sparrow said smiling. I can see a hint of flirting on her voice.

"Really? Well, you should also improve your battle skills so that you won't be a burden anymore. I have to carry all of you and prevent you all from dying. It was troublesome, with so small credits and reward," I said to her.

"Uh... sorry for that," Harmless Sparrow said to me and she was embarrassed.

"I will be going, I had to sleep," I said to her.

"Wait! Why don't you join my guild? Your skills would be useful in the future..."

"No. I will be just carrying you all and I have no interest and I have no time to do so. So save that invitation to others. I don't need it but if you want another raid, give me a call and I will decide whether I want to go or not," I said and marched back to my room.

"..." Harmless Sparrow was speechless. She was rejected without thinking twice. She thought if her beauty is not enough for the invitation to go well.


I slammed the door and quickly lay down my tired body. My fatigue level is already on 100%. My damages earlier was so pitiful and I never expected I would be on that battle so hard. Even Leona was forced to return to my consciousness to rest. Of course it was real hard. It was a battle that almost thwarted my plans and got wrecked. Moreover, with teammates who were barely a help except Leona and Lina, the battle on the Jungle of Deceit made it harder. The reward was not I expected but it was still a good thing to have. Also, I have the token that Gaji has given to me. My level has risen and strengthen my physique more but I realized one thing from the dungeon diving.

I need to raise my level. It was so low that I was almost killed on the dungeon. I am now level 57 after the battle of Gaji and his brothers but this was still small. I also think that Harmless Sparrow might try my ways of battle soon and she might catch up to my level soon. I had to keep the level and work more than this. This Saturday might be the day that the Expansion quest will be issued so if I have to enter that, I need to level up more than normal. I sighed for now. I have classes later on and my avatar is still tired. I decided to log out and my vision from this virtual world was slowly fading to black...


On a certain dungeon, the four jungle kings were kneeling in front of a girl who has a tremendous aura on her. Every step she make made the four jungle kings shiver.

"Did you gave him the token?" an ice cold voice of a girl was heard and Gaji shivered, before he answered.

"Yes, your majesty, we did," Gaji bowed again.

"Good, I hope you help him, he is the only one who can help me," she said before teleporting away in a blink of an eye.

The four brothers collapsed weakly on the ground not from their injuries from the battle earlier but due to the immense pressure that the girl they call "Your Majesty" earlier. Gaji stood up weakly on the ground as he look up the sky.

"Looks like it is almost time."