
Morning Walk

My consciousness returned and I felt my body so tired. What a chaotic battle that was. I move out from the Reality Verse Cabin and do some stretches before drinking water. Even though I was not literally on the game, I can literally feel my arms sore and my legs cramp a bit like I was over fatigued. But I can feel my body changing. I can also properly control my mana flow on my body and my control with the fire element is getting stable. Checking the time, it was still 2 in the morning. It should be considered early so I decided to sleep. I have to rest my body and it has been a while since I last slept on my bed as I have only slept mostly on the bed on the inn.

The softness of the real bed cannot rival the beds on virtual reality and my fatigue that accumulated from the stress of those guys earlier can really take away by your own private bed. Ah, I just hope something good happens soon. I come to find my life getting boring, I guess I am just tired of everything else. I close my eyes and slowly drift away to dreamland.


Krang! Krang! SMASH!

Ugh, I felt so groggy but I didn't really have no choice. I opened my eyes and I realized that I am stretching my right arm into my table. I look on my arm and discovered my pitiful alarm clock smashed to smithereens after doing its work. I have no choice but to clean up the mess that I have made and pick up my phone to check the time. Its still 6 in the morning. Did I just sleep that short? I stretched my arm a bit and it didn't feel that bad much now, I can't feel the heaviness much, more like my arm has undergone a development or something? I tried flexing my arm and my muscles bulge. What the f*ck. I look at my pitiful smashed alarm clock and my fist that smashed it, and frowned. Did I undergo some change without me noticing?

I decided to go to the kitchen and cook early than what I usually do. As I go to the kitchen, I already saw Pandora on the living room, reading a manga that was released last week that I bought. She seems to be so immersed that she didn't notice me going out of my room. Nah, I don't have to disturb her so I decided to go to the kitchen and start cooking. Should I create an omelette or fried rice? As I was about to go to the kitchen, I felt a tug in my shirt. Huh? I looked behind and saw Pandora tugging my shirt.

"What?" I frowned.

She pointed her mouth while opening it wide then gestures on something like a plate and she rubs her stomach after before tugging my shirt again. Is she a mute?

"You want food? I will be cooking shortly so stop tugging my shirt," I said and calmly take her hands off my shirt. Still, just by holding her white hands, I felt her soft skin on my own skin which made me nervous and my skin crawl. I quickly rush to the kitchen leaving her.

She followed me to the kitchen and I take out the ingredients. I will be making Fried Rice. While I was picking out the ingredients, she just stares at me and to the ingredients on my hands and the utensils and back to me again. She didn't utter a single word but I didn't mind. I prefer it to be like this than having an annoying companion like how Riko do.

While cooking the food, she stares at me intently that I felt annoyed and embarrassed at the same time. Still, I can't shake off the feeling that I know her somewhere in my past timeline but I don't recall any encounters on her but for some reason, she seemed to be really familiar and that sense of familiarity seems blank and missing in my mind. Did some of my memories got jumbled or erased when I came back to the past? But why only on Pandora's part? All other experiences including the betrayal is not erased in my mind and I can still remember all of those tricks and tips from the last 25 years I played the game. It is very weird.

After cooking the fried rice and putting everyone's shares, I ate breakfast with Pandora first and after that, I decided to jog off since it was still early. But Pandora didn't stop nagging me and pulled my shirt again when I was about to go out the door.

"What now?" I looked at her again.

She smiled and gestures that she also wants to go out.

"No, I have no permission from your brother and he might still be sleeping," I answered.

She pouted before rummaging on her side and pulls out a smartphone. She fiddles with it a bit before handing it on me. Though I was puzzled, I take the smartphone and I can see that she is dialing his brother. Soon, her brother picks up the call.


"Hello, this is Manato."

"Hey! What is up?"

"Your sister wants to go out but I don't know if I will allow her to go out."

"Really? I allow her but please accompany her. I am currently not there in your house since I still needed to process a few of our papers and Pandora's school transfer papers. I won't be home much so please take good care of my sister in the meantime, I already deposited extra payment from your parents for taking care of her, anyways, I need to go, xiao!"

...And he hung up. What the hell, he even said xiao, he is an effing Japanese not some Chinese fellow. I frowned and look at the smiling Pandora and sighed. I have no choice but to comply.


I pushed Pandora's wheelchair slowly on the streets. The place was not that busy yet and I am currently following the street where there are less people using when it is morning. Pandora was enjoying the morning walk despite not walking as she was just sitting on her wheelchair. I have not expected her to be this cheerful. She is still as quiet as ever and she never said a single word and I never hear her voice at all. I slowly accepted the fact that I am a dorm mother now. It was a nice change of pace from the game but still, I can't let myself deal much. I can feel a few mana fluctuations coming from her which is something not a normal person posses and I have not seen her play inside the Virtual Reality using the Reality Verse Cabin. I have a few doubts if her mana might have come from birth or she developed it much earlier.

Birds are chirping and the sky is clear. The sun is still not yet blazing over the skies so it was okay for Pandora. A few people greeted us while some just looked at us before looking busy in their own things.

Still, I can't deny that Pandora was pretty. She was gentle and cheerful. Though I was still holding back to never get attracted to her, I still can't deny that she has a charm that Harmless Sparrow and Riko do not posses and I kind of drawn to her. Wait... I shouldn't think much on that.

We have toured around the neighborhood and since I am just walking while pushing the wheelchair, I did not dare go further on. We returned back home and I decided to prepare myself and go to school much early. I missed the school yesterday so I have to catch up. Before that, I checked the Expansion News on the internet for the Alternate World. After knowing that the expansion is on, I have to prepare later on.

I took a bath and brushed my teeth and changed to my uniform. Riko just woke up and she seems to be on a groggy state when I saw her.

"What, you are so early..." Riko is still murmuring and she seems sleepy.

"Hah, you think? It was already 7:30 in the morning. I had to go early," I said as I fixed my hairdo in the mirror.

"What?!" Riko checked her clock and she screamed before rushing out to the bathroom," I overslept!"

I just smirked and shook my head. Still very careless. A typical Riko indeed.

"Breakfast is on the table Riko and lunch is also prepared. Don't bother cooking again," I said to her.

"Alright, now stop talking I need to rush " She said as the shower of the bathroom opens. She was in a rush that she is now using the conventional method to bath.

I took my bag when I also saw Pandora on her dress.

"She is blocking the door with her wheelchair and was smiling.

"What now?" I look at her.

This time, she is holding a marker and a board that can be used to write and erase words. A perfect tool to communicate properly with a mute. I don't know how to sign language so this will be helpful. She raised the board and shows me the sentence.

"I want to go to your school :)"

What is up with the smiley?

"But I can't bring you with me!" I reasoned. But she raised the board again.

"Brother already settled everything. I can now go with you."

"..." I was speechless. Her brother was able to do all of hat easily. I wonder if she was a mafia princess or something. I can't refuse it so I had to allow it. I sighed again. Indeed, something happened but I don't know whether to call it good or bad.