Mysterious Ring

"Oh. Level 3 soul power? Dad, does that mean I'm strong?" This is what a young boy cares about naturally.

"Yes, of course. My son is the strongest. From tomorrow onwards, Dad will teach you the basics of cultivation." Lan Xiao strokes his son's head. Lan Xuan Yu has been very obedient since young, always getting so much love from everyone.

"Have you decided?" Nan Cheng pulled Lan Xiao's sleeves.

Lan Xiao smiles, "I've said it before, I will protect the both of you. It's not like I can't afford it. It's better not to expose it."

"Okay, we'll go with what you said." Nan Cheng held her husband's hands, although his own cultivation can't be compared to hers, he's the real pillar of the family. For a man, the most important thing is responsibility.

Lan Xuan Yu went to sleep very early, after dinner, he was so tired he couldn't open his eyes any longer. He has his own small bedroom, it's blue and has an upward spire. There is also a three-square-meter cloakroom in a small bathroom. Warm and comfortable.

His bedside is the shape of a soul-guided car. When Lan Xuanyu was four years old, he wanted to be a racing driver. When he sees cars, his eyes will be particularly bright. Therefore, there are many car-related decorations in his room.

Lan Xuan Yu slept deeply, very deeply. Slowly, he fell into a dream.

The dream was a blur, he only heard a joyful chant and barely see some halos. The halos are gold, there is also silver. They surrounded his body.

In reality, his body has started to glow, there is no energy, only the shining halo. Shining gold and silver. Just like the egg.

He slept soundly, the gold and silver light gradually disappeared. Just like nothing happened at all. But just when the two light disappeared, a round white light appeared on his feet, gradually rising up, then, his body suddenly released a pale golden light, which is exceptionally clear against the round white light.

The ring only disappeared after going above his head. But everything's not over yet. His body suddenly shines silver, another ring of white light rises up his body from the leg, slowly rising till it reaches his head. Only then did it completely disappear.

The room turned completely dark again but within the darkness, a small vortex seemed to appear, swallowing the surrounding light, not even the moonlight can pass through.

The vortex appears around Lan Xuan Yu's belly button. After some time passes, the sound of the vortex disappeared, a round dark blue colour floats up. It flies towards his. Finally ending up on his right thumb.

The dark blue colour light disappeared, stuck on his head unmoving. Turning into a tiny ring. It's not wider than five millimetres, perfectly fitting his thumb.

Lan Xuan Yu continues to sleep deeply as if nothing mattered to him, there was no movement.


The sky just brightens and the door to Lan Xuan Yu's room is opened, Lan Xiao walked in from the outside. He went to his son's bedside, touching his forehead, confirming his body temperature is normal, the slowly pats him, "Xuan Yu, it's time to wake up."

Lan Xuan Yu opened his eyes dazedly, looking at his father, " Dad, I still want to sleep a little more."

"You need to wake up. Morning matters the most. Although you're on summer break, when it is over, you'll be attending school already. What's more, you are already a spirit master, although the lowest tier, you're still a spirit master. Do you wish to become stronger?"

"I do." Xuan Yu answered unhesitatingly, he was more awake now.

"Then you need to wake up. From today onwards, I will teach you how to increase your soul power." He continues saying while carrying his son up from his bed.

"Hm?" Just then, he happened to see the ring on Lan Xuan Yu's finger.

"Son, where did your ring came from?" Lan Xiao said a little shock.

Lan Xuan Yu also looked at his right hand, a little blur and said: "I don't know. It's not mine."

Lan Xiao held his hands to his face to looked at it closely. It a dark blue ring, it looks very deep, there are some thin patterns on it, but not clear. When he looked at it closely, he felt a little dizzy, like the ring is swallowing up his consciousness.

He looked away and settled himself.

It's been six years since Xuan Yu came into their lives. These six years, Xuan Yu didn't exhibit anything different, everything seemed normal. Seems like all the researchers have even forgotten his origins, only treating him as Nan Cheng and Lan Xiao's child.

But, all the normality ended from yesterday, after his spirit awakening, everything changed.

A full innate spirit power Blue silver grass, there's still a past example. No matter whether it's Blue silver emperor, there are similar situations in the past.

However, where did this ring came from?

Lan Xiao quickly carried his son to the bedside, pulled away his curtains and checked the windows.

There are no traces of it being open. Everyhting seemed perfectly fine.

"Son, how do you feel? When was the ring put on?"

Xuan Yu shook his head.

Lan Xiao said: "Then when you looked at it, do you feel uncomfortable?" What he's worried about is that this mysterious ring will affect his sons' body.

"No. It looks quite nice." Xuan Yu happily looks at the ring, he tried to remove it. But no matter how much he pulled, the ring seemed to have grown on his finger, can't be removed at all.

"Dad, I can't remove it."

"Let dad try." Lan Xiao is filled with confidence, he wanted to just remove it. But the strangest thing happened.

The moment his hands touched the ring, a strange power was released, pushing his hands away.

Because it was too sudden, he suddenly released his hands and Lan Xuan Yu fell to the floor.

"Aiyo. Dad-" Luckily it was by the bed, Xuan Yu fell to the bed but was still shocked.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it was an accident." Lan Xiao was pushed two steps away by that power, then he stood his ground, yet he was shocked by the power.

How can he still remain calm?

Just where did the ring come from? He can't touch it himself, can't remove it. This means that his son is unusual. Six years, till now, did he show how unusual he is. What to do? How can he face it?

"Xuan Yu, wash up first, I'll talk to you later."