Two Rings At Once

Ten minutes later. Living room.

"What should we do?" Nan Cheng said worriedly as she walked to her husband.

Lan Xiao said: "I have no idea. Now we can only see how this plays out. If it is really impossible, we can only report to the higher-ups. What I'm most worried about, is the changes might affect his health."

"No, we can't report it." Nan Cheng was frightened: "If we report him, they will definitely take Xuan Yu away. Definitely not, Xuan Yu is my life!"

Lan Xiao sighed, "We'll just have to see. Hopefully, there are no more changes."

Nan Cheng said: "Are you still teaching him how to cultivate?"

Lan Xiao said: "Yes. Since he's so special, we need to guide him. If we're just concealing, once it's been exposed, more trouble would ensue. And I originally only wanted him to attend a normal school, so it would not attract attention. But now, I want him to go to a better one. There would be more prodigies, so even if he performs very well, it would not attract attention."

Nan Cheng said: "We'll listen to you. You have definitely thought through this."

After breakfast, Lan Xiao started the first training for his son.

"Son, dad is going to teach you this cultivation method call 'Xuan Tian Gong'. This is passed down from Tang Sect, originally a secret. Around seven thousand years ago, Tang Sect decided to release it to the public, so that more spirit masters could use it to train, increasing the quality of life and prepare for interplanetary migration. Tang Sect's contribution is then once again recording in history. If there's a chance in the future, you can also consider joining Tang Sect. Although it will be extremely challenging, Tang Sect is among the other minority of sects that has a way to ascend to godhood."

Lan Xuan Yu listened while Lan Xiao started to describe the training method of Xuan Tian Gong.

Xuan Tian Gong comes from Tang Sect, with over ten thousand years of history. This ten thousand year, Tang Sect became more prominent, with powerful beings appearing in history, till now, Tang Sect seems to be the most ancient sect. They have an important place within the whole federation.

Xuan Tian Gong as the foundation method is extremely important. Although the training speed is not particularly fast, it can stabilise the foundation and seems to be the choice for most spirit masters.

"The basics are like this. Now Dad will use my soul power to guide you in training. During the process, you only need to use your mind and flow your soul power with me. Don't resist and concentrate."

"Okay." Lan Xuan Yu is only six, after all, so he followed as his father said.

Lan Xiao let his son sit in front of him, back towards him, hands pressed against the centre of his back, carefully injecting his soul power into his body, flowing through his meridians.

Xuan Yu only felt a warm air appearing in his body, slowly moving, he followed the air within, following his father's instructions.

To let him remember the feeling, Lan Xiao slowed down the flow of soul power, a warm feeling, letting Lan Xuan Yu feel very comfortable.

After just using an hour.

"How do you feel?" Lan Xiao opened his eyes and asked Xuan Yu.

"It's comfortable." Lan Xuan Yu replied.

Lan Xiao smiled, "I never asked you whether it's comfortable, I asked you whether you remembered the process."

Xuan Yu bends his head and thinks: "I should have remembered. Dad, this will let my spirit become stronger? What happens after that?"

Lan Xiao smiled: "I also don't know! You'll need to find out yourself. Dad will give you a soul spirit later, try to integrate with it. Us spirit masters will need to absorb a spirit ring when trained to level ten to further increase our levels. In the past ages, spirit rings came from spirit beasts, only when killing a spirit beast canon use a spirit ring to strengthen oneself. But this is too cruel, letting humans and spirit beast unable to tolerate one another. After past research, around twenty thousand years ago, spirit solids are invented. At first, the spirit would also require spirit beasts to obtain, but after countless research, the spirit pagoda organisation invented the man-made spirit soul, which fundamentally solves the issues between humans and spirit beasts. Now, only a spirit soul is required, so when we spirit masters need to breakthrough, the stages also increase. Only Dad haven't yet thought through what kind of spirit would give you."

Lan Xuan Yu has an innate full spirit power, this means his soul power is already level ten, to continue to break through, he needs a spirit ring. But now Lan Xiao is unable to confirm what exactly is his spirit and the difference in spirit ring would mean different paths to develop a spirit.

Every spirit ring would give spirit masters a spirit skill, this is a fundamental ability of spirit masters, the strength of spirit skill or spirit ring would determine the suitability of the spirit.

For example, is Lan Xuan Yu's spirit is Blue silver grass, that means he is suitable with plant spirit souls or ones with similar forms like snakes and so on. This flexibility, toxicity and strength are all the best way to obtain spirit skill.

But his Blue silver grass is really too special, adding on to his origins, Lan Xiao is now hesitating. Luckily, Xuan Tian Gong allows soul power to accumulate, even if one trains without adding spirit rings, when one obtains it in the future, the accumulated soul power won't be wasted.

"Dad, what can Blue silver grass do?" Lan Xuan Yu is very curious about his own spirit. He knows his dad and mom are both spirit masters, so he never felt that spirit masters are special. But spirits are new to him.

"You'll need to search yourself." Lan Xiao said grinning.

"How do I search?" Xuan Yu asks. Kids this age would naturally have a lot of questions and parents are the best teachers to their kids.

Lan Xiao said: "Release your spirit more, feel it, observe it, or, maybe it'll tell you themselves."

"Oh okay." Xuan Yu happily gathered his concentration, both hands out, then the Blue silver grass once again spiralled out.

Lan Xiao smiled and said: "Don't rush, train Xuan Tian Gong first..." When he just finished saying. Hus eyes were filled with amazement.

"Dad, what are these two circles?" Xuan Yu looked at the changes that happen to the Blue silver grass on his hands, face filled with curiosity.

At the moment, the Blue silver grass on his palms has already changed from yesterday.

At the bottom of it, both of it has a white ring, slowly moving up and down, emanating gentle white light.

The Blue silver grass have different changes under the white light.

The surface of the Blue silver grass on his left hand has silver patterns like those of a leave's veins, its a very pale silver light, not too right.

And on his right palms, its golden patterns, its much thicker but the light shines from within instead, a pale golden light.

If it wasn't for the looking at it closely, maybe the silver and gold patterns won't be easily discerned. But to Lan Xiao, this is definitely a huge shock!