
Maggie opened her bloodshot eyes upon feeling the sunlight hit her face. Sluggishly, she got up from bed and groaned. She feels like crap. Everything feels like crap. She barely got some shut-eye the night before. Her stubborn tears kept falling, making her eyes swollen and her heart numb. She simply wanted nothing more than to dive back under the covers and sleep forever. But unfortunately, it's time to face another day in hell.

Trudging her way to the bathroom, she quickly caught scent of food wafting through the air. Her stomach gurgles to the thoughts of a delicious meal but that does not mean that she would have any. She does not eat breakfast with her parents anymore. Not that they would even want her too. Meals with them had turned too awkward and stiff, a suffering she would rather not go through anymore. She'd usually just grab a fruit from the counter or prepare a light meal for herself. But lately, she would rather prefer to eat outside (convenience store meals are not all that tasty but it can still satisfy anyone's hunger). It's a good thing her parents have yet to cut off her monthly allowance, as surprising as that may sound.

Inside the bathroom, Maggie stood by the sink. There was a strangely familiar yet unfamiliar girl staring right back at her from inside the mirror. The girl in front of her was too thin that her cheeks were starting to get hollowed out. Her skin was also pale and had an unhealthy color. When did she turn to look like this? Had she been so overwhelmed by stress that she had totally forgotten to take care of herself? Or perhaps it is the stress that is consuming her from the inside?

There is really nothing much she can do about her current state. She would just have to take note to try and eat more. And on time, that's important. The last thing she would need now is to get diagnosed with ulcer or another illness due to malnutrition. She just needs to stick it out and make it through 'til graduation and she will be able to have a new life. Just a bit more… Only a couple of months away.

With a sigh, she went on to do her morning routine. She changed into decent yet dull clothes. She really did not want to attract any further unwanted attention by strutting in with stylish outfits. Anything that can help her mix or blend in with her surroundings would be better, like a camouflage of some sort. Grabbing her things, she went off and made her way to school.

So far, so good.

Aside from a few jeers and insults thrown her way, nothing else has happened; which is a bit weird but she isn't complaining. Perhaps it's because the day has just started? Shrugging her shoulders, Maggie no longer dwelled on the matter and went to homeroom instead.

The day progressed with little to no mishaps happening at all. Also, it's a bit peculiar but every single one of the other students look super excited. Was there something good to look forward to? Or was this all a trap to lure her into letting her guard down before they give the final blow? Either way, she needs to stay vigilant, Maggie told herself.

During free period, Maggie prefers to spend her time burrowed in the library, surrounded by books all around. She loved to read. It was a form of escape for her. It's as if she is living a good and interesting life through the characters' eyes. When your real life is considered to be sad and tragic, you tend to turn to fantasy, magic, dreams, and the likes for a sense of happiness and safety.

Looking around, Maggie was reminded that she wasn't the only outcast in the entire school population. There were many people like her that were bullied just because they were deemed of lower status than average students. However, out of all the so called "losers", she was the most popular one. Everyone knew her story. Well, so they say or claim to be. Worse is, some of these outcast saw her as a stepping stone into being a part of the "in" crowd. They only joined in on the bullying to earn or boost their "social status" points. Better her than them, right?

But there were still some of them who kept mum and indifferent about everything. One of them was Lance, the geeky weirdo who kept to himself most of the time. For the other times, he just sticks by her side and pesters her with his quirky antics, but in a positive way. It's all for good fun and he even manages to make her laugh. She guesses that's one good thing to look forward to about school.

Maggie was skeptical at first of his intentions when he suddenly approached her one day. She tried to maintain her distance and put up a wall but the punk miraculously managed to get through to her. Since then, whether she wants to admit it or not, he has become her new best and closest friend – a reliable shoulder she can lean on without worries, her ray of silver lining amidst the dark clouds closing in on her small world. The idiot has such a big impact on her, being able to uplift her spirits like that, and he doesn't even know it.

The same idiot who kept walking back and forth, fidgeting while seemingly having an internal struggle. What is up with everyone today? They are acting all weird with some even doing monologues.

Wanting to get back at him for his pranks, she crept up behind him and tapped on his shoulder. Lance the idiot, due to his shock, let out a girly squeal that caused Maggie to burst out laughing with wild abandon. A shushing sound was heard from the librarian. She covered her mouth and tried her best to stifle her laughter down while Lance calmed his heart. Just one look at his current disposition evoked another round of laughter out from her petite body, her shoulders shaking with delight. Lance simply stared at her with a grieving look and ended up smiling, shaking his head at her cuteness. His endearing smile turned into an adorable pout resembling a little kid with big, teary, puppy eyes when her laughter refused to cease after a couple of minutes.

"Seriously?" he questioned her.

"Yeah, sorry." Maggie cleared her throat and gathered her bearings. It felt good. It feels as though it's been such quite a while since the last time she laughed this much. He truly is her happy pill. "What are you up to anyway, acting all so fidgety and stressed?"

"Well…" This time, it was Lance's turn to clear his throat and a soft red tinge started to spread across his face. He suddenly shifter and stood straight as a rod and took a deep, nervous breath. "Kitten, I know that things are rough right now and you aren't really fond of social interactions, more so an event, but I still want you to enjoy these once in a lifetime experiences. So, will you, Maggie Smith, be so kind as to go to the prom with me?"



That makes sense!

So the reason as to why everyone is acting all weird is because of prom. She scoffs, guess these animals can still think of this social event as their top priority than to spend time making her life miserable. Then why can't they do it on a daily basis and just mind their own freaking business instead? It's pitiful how petty the teenage human mind works.

Taking her silence on a negative note, Lance started to get nervous once again. Is she mad at me? Was it so shocking? Is my approach that bad? Perhaps she's thinking of a nice way to let me down?

"Maggie, I know you're hesitant about it but I promise to let you have a great time all throughout the party. We can even just keep to ourselves, stay by the sides and judge other people's attire." He rambled on, which Maggie noticed after breaking out of her stupor. "Oh wait. Does it sound like I'm forcing you? I didn't mean that. It's okay if you don't want to go with me. I was just thinking it would be better if you could. It will be fun but if you're uncomfortable, then I'm okay with reject–"

"Okay." Maggie interrupted him before he ends up hurting himself. After thinking about it, she concluded that it was okay to attend. After all, what Lance said was right. You can only experience Prom Night once. For, the opportunity can never be recovered after it slips through your fingers. So why should she not relax and enjoy herself even just for a single night simply because of those bastards? What was there to be scared of? Anyway, based on today's event, Maggie firmly believes that her bullies wouldn't even have time to make trouble for her because by then, they would be too busy with the event and how to make it the best night for themselves. They are narcissistic and self-centered like that. Besides, Lance will be there with her. He said so himself that it will be a fun night for the both of them. Oh this lad... how adorable. She could never really resist him.

"Okay. Wait, WHAT?" The librarian shushed the wide-eyed Lance and threw him a nasty glare. "Sorry," he said to the old lady. Turning his focus back on Maggie, he asked her again, wanting to clarify things. "Okay? Okay, okay? Like, is that "okay" an okay, you won't go or an okay, let's mess up the party?"

Pfft… "Really, Lance?" Lance shrugged his shoulders and gave out an expression that seemed to mean 'Well, just making sure, you know?' She could only chuckle softly and shake her head at his confusion. "That meant, okay, I will go with you to the prom."

He stayed silently for a few seconds, just attentively staring right into her eyes as though he was searching through her soul for the answers he seek. After reading her expression, a bright smile bloomed from his lips.

"Thanks, kitten!" He reached out and gave her a hug. "Don't worry. I will protect you. I promise you that."

"Okay. I trust you."