WebNovelProm Queen100.00%


I trust you.

Lance knew just how big those words mean to Maggie. He would truly be an idiot if he did not. With everything that she is constantly going through, trusting someone should be at the very last of her priority list. But even so, for her to actually do it is as rare as a drop of water in the scorching desert. And because he knows how significant it is for her, he is now torn with conflicting emotions.

They both agreed to meet up on Friday (Prom Day) instead of having Lance pick her up from her home. They would not want any family drama to ruin the night for them so it is best to stay away from her illogical parents. Besides, Maggie did not want Lance to be recognized as one of her "boy toys". He deserves better than that, the guy is pretty decent – just a bit weird, but still decent.

They spent the rest of free period together, making plans and other whatnots for the big night. For the first time in a long while, Maggie enjoyed her day – all relaxed and worry-free. There were no bullies around to torment her. She is just talking, laughing, and goofing around with Lance. It is quite crazy how time flies by so fast whenever you are having fun with people you cherish. Soon enough, they had to pack up and head home.

Even though Maggie does not really give much importance to the Prom, she still spent the next few days to prepare. She went through her wardrobe thousands of times just to find the perfect dress and the best set of heels to compliment her attire. In the end, she chose a simple yet classy red gown that perfectly accentuated her slim and delicate figure. Partnered up with light make up and her hair styled into big loose curls, she looked stunning. Too bad, people will only end up ridiculing her. But still, she wanted to present herself the best way possible. She did not want her best friend to lose face while he was with her.

Already foreseeing how surprised Lance is going to be, she could not help but to giggle softly. Catching herself, she drifted into a daze. Maggie is not really sure what Lance truly means to her. All she knows is that he is pretty special.

The next couple of days were still pretty chill. It was weird but she is not complaining. Maggie hopes that her bullies had finally lost interest on making her miserable and moved their unwanted attention unto other things. If that is what truly happened, then that would mean that she only has bright and sunny days to come. She did not want to speculate too soon just in case it was all temporary and they will suddenly fall into a relapse or something. Better safe than sorry, so she did not let her guard down.

The days continued to flurry by. Soon enough, the night of prom had finally arrived.

When Maggie arrived, it was still considered a bit early however, the party is already in full swing. The party is being held at the school's large event hall. The whole place was decorated quite well. It even had round tables coupled with chairs in case they wanted to sit down and enjoy refreshments from the long serving table on the left side of the room. Everything was decorated according to the designated theme which was "Royalty: Kings and Queens".

When she stepped into the hall, there were a few heads that had turned to look her way. There were looks of admiration, confusion, mockery, and slight disgust. Well then, it seems that aside from her not being disturbed and chased by her bullies every second of the day, nothing much has changed. To see looks of admiration aimed at her was something she has not experienced for a long time. She was flattered. Isn't it ironic how people's views about you can easily be altered with just a change of style?

However, Maggie did not focus much on these idolizing gazes. What bothered her most were the mocking glances thrown her way. She did not feel comfortable in the least to see those mocking smirks. She had chills up her spine. Something tells her that something bad was about to happen.

She knew it! She should not have come at all! Now, she is like a prey exposed in the wild, free for the taking, a vulnerable rabbit about to be butchered in the hunt. She immediately started to quiver. She closed her eyes and braced herself for their attack.

As she was internally stressing out, Lance swiftly made his way towards her. Maybe it was the look in her eyes that gave her thoughts and feelings away. He held both of her hands, pressed his forehead against hers, and softly whispered, "Stop freaking out, kitten. I'm right here. Everything is okay."

That soothing voice worked their magic and slowly, Maggie managed to calm down by listening to his commands of breathing in and out. After a couple of minutes, she opened her eyes and lifted her head to stare at those deep, hypnotizing eyes. Her heart was beating – no, it was pounding – loudly inside her chest. Realizing their position and how he was looking at her, Maggie could feel heat rush up her face and neck. Her head felt fuzzy yet she could only focus her gaze back on him.

Could it be?

Is she falling for him?

Or has she already fallen but failed to notice it until now?

Seeing that Maggie was still lost in her thoughts, Lance called out to her and asked, "Are you okay now?"

Breaking out of her stupor, Maggie nodded and kept her head down. She did not want to show to this guy how flustered he makes her feel. But it seems like the other party does not have any plans of letting her heart catch up as he complimented her appearance for the night. Maggie could only blush further.

"Hey, I swear I am not kidding. You really do look stunning tonight," Lance assured her.

After clearing her throat, Maggie was able to mumble out an almost inaudible "Thank you."

Lance only continued to smile at her cute and adorable nature. He offered her his elbow, which she gratefully accepted, and guided her towards a table on the far side of the room. He distracted her with easy-going conversations and his contagious melodious laughter. She greatly appreciated his presence. True to his words, Lance made sure he was enjoying the night.

Lance stood up and offered to get her refreshments. Maggie hastily declined and insisted that she came along with him. She did not want to be left alone at their table no matter what. She had a feeling she was still not safe, there is still danger lurking ahead. As they were flittering through the delicacies, desserts, and drinks on the long table, a ray of light suddenly hit Maggie's figure.

Dumbfounded and blinded by the bright light, Maggie did not know what else to do other than to try and cover her eyes. People were clapping and cheering all around. Maggie and Lance were internally asking the same question. What the hell was happening?

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's give another round of applause to this year's Prom Queen, Ms. Maggie Smith!" the host exclaimed.

It was then that both stupefied people finally gave a reaction. If Maggie was surprised earlier, this time around, she was so shocked she feels like her imaginary jaws hit the floor. Lance gave a troubled expression as he glanced at the confused woman beside him.

The host had called for Maggie's presence on top of the stage, so she slowly made her way towards that direction with Lance dutifully standing by her side, escorting her like a true gentleman.

"Once again, let us all welcome West High School's Prom Queen for the year 2019, Ms. Maggie Smith! She actually had such a tidal wave of votes. In fact, the judging committee was almost washed away." The host claimed. Everyone clapped and cheered for her, congratulating her as the host and a few members of the committee presented her a crown, a sash, and a bouquet of flowers.

"Now, may we please ask our Prom Queen to give us a short and inspiring victory speech?"

It felt like a dream. Was this really? Was all of this really happening?

Maggie still could not believe any of this. She actually won as Prom Queen? People actually voted for her? It was unbelievable! It was crazy! She felt overwhelmed. Maybe she was just being paranoid earlier. Maybe these people had truly changed and accepted her. Though she was teary-eyed, she still gathered her bearings. She cleared her throat that was already choking up and took a few deep breaths. When she opened her eyes, they were shining with profound happiness and motivation.

"Wow. This is truly unexpected. I still can't believe this is happening. I really feel so happy right now. So, okay. To start, I would like to thank everyone for —"
