Chapter 1

Ye Han just finished reading one of his favorite novels and switched off his computer. He stood up and stretched his body. He was about to lay on his bed and play a game when his door suddenly opened, revealing a young girl.

"Brother, dinner is ready. Mom said to wash your hands and come down."

The one who opened his door was his younger sister, Ye Lin. She is 15 years old and is quite a beauty. She stands at 5'6 with long legs. Her body is well endowed, especially her chest. She has a long silver hair and grey eyes, something his whole family has.

"Alright, alright. I will be down in a minute after washing my hands, so leave already."


She replies with a snort and leaves his room. He could hear her mutter something about not wanting to go near his room, and if it wasn't for their mom telling her to call him, she wouldn't of bothered. Ye Han had a wry smile on his face when he heard her, but he can't complain.

Although he has the same silver hair and grey eyes, he isn't similar to his family at all. His younger sister is a beauty, and so is his older sister. His older brother is very handsome and catches attention wherever he goes.

His mother could be a model if she wanted to, and his father was once number 3 on the worlds most handsome list. As for Ye Han, he has the same silver hair and grey eyes, but for some reason, he isn't handsome, but he also isn't ugly.

He is slightly overweight, sitting at 264 pounds. He has tried many times to lose weight, but for some reason, it never works, so he just gave up. Although her isn't bullied due to his difference, he is compared to his siblings too much that he couldn't take it anymore and dropped out of school.

Both his older sister and older brother graduated from the cities best school at the top of their grade. Both him and Ye Lin also attended the same school. His sister is currently at the top of her grade, while he is just in the middle of his grade.

There have been many times that he was wondered if he was actually born from the same family or not, and he is pretty sure his siblings have also all thought of that. At first, when they were younger, both his older sister and older brother would play with him.

That all changed after they started growing up, though. Both his older siblings ended up being geniuses, while he was too ordinary, resulting in quite a lot of discrimination appearing. Although his older siblings didn't mind much at first, when they turned 14, they stopped paying attention to him and even began to look down on him, resulting in him not being close to them.

Although his younger sister is much better in that regard, he knows she doesn't like him at all, which is how it was since she was young. The reason for this was, sadly, his older siblings not allowing her to be around him much, and even talking badly about him to her.

Ye Han let out a sigh and shook his head, dispersing those negative thoughts. He left his room and head over to the washroom to wash his hands before heading downstairs. His parents and younger sister are already sitting at the table, waiting for him.

Neither of his older siblings live with them in the same house, and they rarely visit home, only coming 4 times a year, on their parents birthdays, Ye Lin's birthday, and new years. Ye Lin snorted when she saw him come down and he chose to ignore it, sitting down on his seat.

Ye Han eats in silence while Ye Lin and their parents talk about random things. He wanted to speak as well, but he knew he shouldn't. Although his parents don't dislike him, allowing him to drop out of school and stay at home all day, he knows they don't care about him either.

They will provide him a monthly allowance and provide him a place to stay, as well as food, but that is it. He is pretty sure that even if he gets sent to the hospital, they won't care much and only tell him to be more careful.

Although he knows this, he doesn't hate his family. Rather, he is still grateful to them. After all, they are still providing him with a place to stay and food, not to mention his monthly allowance. If not for this, he would have to find a place to work, which would be hard with his body, to earn his own money to rent a place to stay.

"Ye Han, me and your father will be leaving to do a business deal, and we will be gone for a bit over a week. I will have someone bring you your meals everyday, so don't bother your younger sister."

"Ah... Okay."

He wanted to say more, but seeing the look on his mothers face, he shuts his mouth and just agrees. His mother nods her head and restarts the conversation with his younger sister. He silently finished his food and puts his plate into the sink before heading back upstairs.

He enters his room and locks the door, sitting down on his bed. Although he doesn't hate his family, he still gets a bit depressed when they act like he doesn't matter at all. After all, which person wouldn't want to be acknowledged by their parents?

He lays down and turns on his phone, scrolling through a few sites he likes to read novels on. After he quite school, he liked to play games and read novels that are mainly about cultivation. He just finds them to be very exciting. He scrolls on one of his normal sites for a while before an ad pops up on his screen.

[Please complete this survey! A new novel will be created soon, and we would like the readers to provide ideas!]

Ye Han was surprised first, and excited secondly. He quickly clicked on the 'Next' button on the ad and a few questions pop up. He realizes it really is asking for his ideas, so he starts looking at the questions excitedly.

[#1: The protagonist is suddenly introduced to a brand new part of the world. He was given a single power to assist him in his journey. Choose one of the following:

1: A powerful System with a Shop and Status.

2: Blessing of a High God, giving him immense potential and power.

3: Information about every technique and the ways to properly use them.

4: A powerful group of subordinates that will listen to all his orders to assist him.

5: A race change to a random powerful race.(His strength might be chaotic and uncontrollable.)]

Ye Han looks over all 5 options and is actually put in a bit of a dilemma. All 5 of them are really good, even the last one where the protagonists powers would be unstable. He thinks about all the pros and cons and eventually decides on one.

[You have chosen the first option: A powerful System with a Shop and Status!]

The reason he chose this one over the others is quite simple. Although the Status would not be all that useful, having the Shop to buy things that could let the protagonist buy anything he would need. He nods and checks the second question.

[#2: The protagonist will be put in dangerous situations constantly, which could kill him. His personality is good and he would never kill his enemies, which would result in them coming back for revenge eventually. Should it be changed?

1: His personality should be changed so he can kill his enemies.

2: His personality should stay the same, sparing all his enemies.]

Ye Han doesn't hesitate this time and instantly chooses to change the personality. One not killing his enemies in a dangerous world would be beyond stupid. If he spares all his enemies, he will eventually be killed by one of them taking revenge.

[You chose the first option: His personality should be changed so he can kill his enemies!]

Ye Han suddenly had a short headache, but it disappeared quickly, so he shook it off as him being too tired. He looks at the next question and realizes it is the last one, so he is a bit curious about what it would be.

[#3: The protagonist needs a mark! Choose one of the following marks to be his!

1: A white dragon tattoo on his right hand.

2: A black demon tattoo on his left arm.

3: A pair of angel wings tattoo on his back.

4: A phoenix tattoo on his forehead.

5: A wolf head tattoo on his left chest.]

A bit surprised, Ye Han reads over the five tattoo options. All of them would be good, but he finds the white dragon tattoo to be better. It makes it feel more fantasy like. Although the phoenix tattoo does the same, Ye Han likes dragons more than phoenix's so he chose the first one.

[You have chose the first option: A white dragon tattoo on his right hand!]

[Thank you for completing the survey! Have a fun time!]

Ye Han was curious about what that last message meant when he suddenly felt pain on his right hand, causing him to frown and look down. He saw something happening to the top of his right hand, which brought him the pain.

Although the pain isn't enough to make him let out a shout of pain, it gradually got more and more painful, eventually causing him to close his eyes and a deep grunt of pain was released from his mouth. The whole process lasted about 8 minutes before it finally stopped.

Ye Han was breathing heavily with sweat rolling down his forehead. He has no clue what was going on, but now that the pain finally ended, he opened his eyes and looked down at his right hand again, which gave him a shock.

At the top of his right hand, a tattoo suddenly appeared. A tattoo of a white dragon. He was shocked. Wasn't this exactly like what I chose for the survey? Ye Han quickly rubbed his hand hard enough to give it a rash, but the tattoo didn't disappear at all.

He was shocked and truly confused at the situation. Why did this suddenly appear on his hand? He wants to know but nobody will tell him. He continued to rub his hand when a cold voice sounded in his ear.

[Greetings, Host.]

"Who is there?!"

Ye Han was given a start by the sudden voice and looked around his room, but he didn't see anybody. He even looked outside his window, but nobody was around. He knows it wasn't his family that spoke to him, so he is shocked.

[Host should stop looking around. I am your new Status.]

"Status? What the heck?"

[Host completed the Survey of Gods. Host chose to obtain a Status - I.E me. As for the mark on your hand, that is also something Host chose. As for your mentality, you can easily kill someone now and you wouldn't even care about it.]

What? Ye Han was shocked, not entirely believing the cold voice. He wanted to deny it, but the tattoo on his hand and the random voice in his mind, doesn't this all point towards it being true? Ye Han felt like he was dreaming, but he still felt pain from his hand, so he knows he isn't.

[Host should calm down. If you are like this, it will be hard for me to explain the situation.]

Ye Han breathed in and out repeatedly to calm himself down, which he managed to do after a few minutes. He completely calmed himself down, waiting for the explanation from his new 'System'.

[Good, you are calm now. I will explain now. I am a System created by the Gods of the Gods Universe. My purpose is to serve those who chose the System option on the Survey of Gods. You are one of such people. I have a Status which you can observe your progress, and I also have a Shop you can purchase everything needed from.]

"Okay, so just like that survey I just did. Got it. What else should I know?"

[I should probably explain the 'plot' to you. There are countless hidden clans and families all around the world. They are made up off Cultivators. You probably already guessed this from the survey, but there are countless Cultivators grouped in with ordinary people all around the world. Now, you are also apart of this group. With me, you will be able to cultivate as well.]

Although Ye Han expected it, still hearing that there are actual cultivators in the world excites him. Although it is obviously going to be extremely dangerous, he can't help but look forward to thi situation of his.

[Now let me explain the Cultivation parts. There are a total of nine Realms, named Realm 1 to Realm 9. Realm 1 is the lowest, and Realm 9 is the highest. Each Realm has a total of 9 Stages to them, Stage 1 being the lowest, Stage 9 being the highest. There are many cultivation skills and techniques around the world, which are also graded. The grades are Mortal, Yellow, Black, Earth and Heaven. Mortal is the lowest, Heaven is the highest.]

"Okay, I remembered."

[Alright then. That is all I will explain for now. Your current situation isn't quite ideal, so I will give you a pill which would allow you to cultivate. Swallow it.]

A blue pill suddenly appears in front of Ye Han, so subconsciously catches it. He looks at it for a while, before he eventually puts it in his mouth and swallows it. As soon as he swallowed it, he felt a burning pain in his stomach, nearly causing him to scream in pain.

He grits his teeth and holds his screams in, only letting out quiet grunts on pain. He could still bear with this much pain, but when he suddenly felt like needles were being stabbed into every inch of his body, he opened his mouth to shout out in pain, but no sound came out.

The pain was so intense that he couldn't even scream out. He was only able to stay conscious for barely 20 seconds before he falls backwards onto his head, his eyes turning white, and then fainting completely from the pain assaulting him.