Chapter 2

By the time Ye Han woke up, it was already morning. The pain that caused him to faint has already disappeared, and his body actually felt quite refreshed and stronger compared to before, which delighted and confused him.

[Host, you have officially began cultivating. Host is currently at Realm 1 Stage 1, which is the very beginning. Also, Host should check his Status by thinking 'Status' in your mind.]

Ye Han was excited when he heard that he is officially a cultivator now. He has always wanted to be a cultivator ever since he began reading novels on cultivation. He was grinning to himself when he thought 'Status', bringing up his Status.

[Name: Ye Han

-Race: Human

-Gender: Male

-Age: 18

-Cultivation: Realm 1 Stage 1

-Strength: 10

-Agility: 10

-Dexterity: 10

-Vitality: 10

-Intelligence: 10

-Skills: N/A

-Points: 0]

[Host has all stats at 10 due to entering Realm 1 Stage 1. Originally, Host had stats that were all lower than 5, but 10 is the minimum to enter Realm 1 Stage 1, so Host stats were forcefully raised.]

Before Ye Han could even ask, the System already answered his question. He merely let out a wry grin when he heard that all his stats were below 5, but he didn't mind, because aren't all his stats at 10 now?

'System, how do I increase my stats?'

[Host will gain an increase of stats each time he breaks through a stage.]

Ye Han nodded his head in understanding. He already somewhat figured it was like this, but hearing it is important. He looked at the time and saw it was already 8 am, so he got up and went downstairs. He almost forgot that his parents would be gone for over a week, but when he didn't see them he remembered.

He looked at the table and saw his breakfast wrapped up and he picked it up and put it into the microwave to heat it up before eating it. He figured his sister would be waking up soon, so he instantly went back up to his room and sure enough, his sister woke up a few minutes later.

'Why do I still feel hungry? I ate how much I normally do...'

[Host is still feeling hungry due to Host officially becoming a cultivator. It will increase your appetite a bit.]

Ye Han felt his mouth twitch when he heard why he was still hungry. He let out a sigh and thought being a cultivator also has problems. He sat down on his bed and began to question the System.

'System, how exactly do I cultivate?'

[Host has the ability to passively absorb Qi due to binding with the System. Although the effect is minimum, Host still absorbs some Qi. If Host focuses on absorbing the Qi, it will be absorbed faster. No technique is needed.]

Ye Han was surprised. He didn't expect something this useful to be an addition to his System. He closed his eyes and focused on his body with all his senses and, sure enough, he could feel Qi being absorbed without his doing anything.

Well, at least he thinks it is Qi. He doesn't think that his body would be absorbing any other energy. He shakes his head and follows what the System said and focuses on his body. He instantly felt as if a whirlpool was activated in his body that rapidly absorbed Qi from the surroundings.

He was shocked by this sudden situation. He could instantly feel that his body was getting stronger the longer he absorbed the Qi, but he didn't know what exactly was going on so he stopped and decided to ask the System.

'System, what just happened?'

[Host, that is normal. The place that Qi gets stored in is called the Spirit Ocean. As for you, since you just started absorbing Qi, it starts at Spirit Pond. Once enough Qi is gathered, your Spirit Pond will evolve into a Spirit River, which will eventually evolve into a Spirit Lake, which evolves into a Spirit Ocean. That whirlpool absorbs Qi into Host's Spirit Pond, nourishing it.]

'Why did I feel my body strengthen when I absorbed Qi then? Didn't you say that I only get stronger when I breakthrough?'

[Host is correct. Host will only increase his stats when Host breaks through. As for the reason why Host felt himself get stronger, it is simply due to Host nearly breaking through just then. Although Host doesn't have a technique, just the absorption ability of the System is comparable to a Heaven grade technique. As such, Host can quickly absorb Qi, resulting in quick breakthroughs. Of course, it won't be so easy the stronger Host gets.]

Ye Han was quite shocked when he heard that this absorption ability he randomly gained is actually equivalent to a Heaven grade technique. The Heaven grade technique, is after all, the highest grade technique!

'Well, whatever. Since the System said I am nearly breaking through, I might as well continue to absorb Qi so I can get stronger.'

Ye Han quickly focused on his body again and Qi began to rapidly be absorbed by the whirlpool in his body again. He absorbed Qi for a few minutes before he suddenly felt something in his body change, and he also was notified by the System.

[Congratulations on breaking through to Realm 1 Stage 2, Host! All your stats increased by 5!]

Ye Han opened his eyes when he heard the System and he felt his 'Spirit Pond' as the System told him increase slightly in size. He was surprised when he noticed this, but then calmed down when he remembered that the System told him that it will increase with each breakthrough until it eventually evolves further.

He clenched his fist tightly and was extremely excited! The reason for his excitement was simple. Although he hasn't tested it, he can feel that his punch would be over 100 pounds! He was obviously going to be shocked and excited when he punches would probably do less than 20 pounds yesterday.

He was still excited when his phone suddenly rang, so he looked at it and saw that his father sent him a message, so he quickly picked his phone up and read the message.

[Father: There will be a meal on the table for you every day at 7:30 am, 12:30 pm and 7:30 pm until me and your mother get home.]

He remembered his breakfast and it was true that it was different than usual, so he quickly replied [Understood] and turned his phone off again. He was about to get on his computer when his phone suddenly got another message and he got back up to look at it.

[You have been invited to the Deity Chat by the Yellow Emperor. Accept/Decline.]

'The hell is this? Why would I randomly be added to some group chat?'

He was about to decline it when his System suddenly popped up and stopped him from doing so.

[Join the chat! That is a group chat with every Deity that exists in it! If Host can join it, Host would be able to increase his cultivation quickly! Not to mention Host might get some techniques!]


Ye Han was dazed when he heard what the System told him. He didn't expect that this was some group of actual Deities. His mouth was wide open in shock until he shook his head and quickly accepted to join the group.

[You have joined the Deity Chat group! Please set a nickname!]

Another thing popped up and asked him to create a name for him to use in the chat, but he didn't really know what do put. Eventually, he just gave up and decided to use his real name instead of some nickname.

[Username: Ye Han. Confirm?]

He clicked confirm and the screen changed from the creation one to the actual chat. As soon as he joined it, the group got spammed my messages. His phone was ringing constantly that he had to turn the sound off.

[Ye Han has joined the group! Please welcome him!]

[Mystic Lord: A new member! It's been 210 years since the last member!]

[Cao Lin: Who is this Ye Han? I have never heard of a deity with this name?]

[Dragon King: Who knows? It says that Yellow Emperor added him, so he is probably someone Yellow Emperor knows.]

[Han Fu: Is that so? Maybe he is a new deity?]

[Cao Lin: That's probably true! Welcome, new deity!]

[Mystic Lord: Welcome!]

[Dragon King: Welcome.]

[Han Fu: Welcome!]

[Medicine Master: Welcome...]

[Prime Lord: Welcome to the group!]

[Heavenly King: Welcome!]

[Lord Tongtian: Welcome!]

[Zhu Mao: Welcome!]

[Black Dragon: Welcome.]

[Heavenly Shao: Welcome.]

There were so many messages that he couldn't actually read them all in time before they were replaced by another message. Ye Han was given a headache but read through the welcomes of a few hundred deities.

He doesn't know about any of them, so he guessed that those deities that he knows about from history aren't in here, or just don't care about greeting him, not that he can complain.

[Host, did you want to bind the chat to the System? That way, Host won't need his phone to join.]

Ye Han was secretly glad that he can bind the chat to the System. After all, it would be inconvenient to have to open his phone each time he was to go onto it. He agreed and the chat instantly appeared on his System. He could see a little messenger app like thing in the corner of his vision, and by clicking on it he brought up the chat.

[Yellow Emperor: Send out a wave of red packets for the new member!]

[Heavenly King: Woo! Red packets!]

[Prime Lord: Let's begin! It's been a while since the last red packet spamming!]

[Yellow Emperor has sent out a red packet!]

[Heavenly King has sent out a red packet!]

[Prime Lord has sent out a red packet!]

[Cao Lin has sent out a red packet!]

[Han Fu has sent out a red packet!]

[Dragon King has sent out a red packet!]

[Mystic Lord has sent out a red packet!]


The chat got spammed with red packets suddenly which nearly caused Ye Han's mind to blank. He suddenly remembered that the System told him that he could possibly get techniques and ways to quickly increase his cultivation from the chat group, so he quickly clicked on the red packets that were spamming the chat.

[You snatched a red packet! You obtained 3x Body Strengthening Pills: Strengthen your body and increase your battle power by 100. Only usable by those in the Mortal Realms. They have been stored in your storage! Would you like to retrieve it?]

[You snatched a red packet! You obtained 2x Evil Warding Talisman: Throw this at an Evil Spirit to burn it's soul and send it to hell. They have been stored in your storage! Would you like to retrieve it?]

[You have snatched a red packet! You obtained 1x Medical Notebook: All the knowledge in the 3000 years of the Medicine Masters life. It has been stored in your storage! Would you like to retrieve it?]

[You have snatched a red packet! You obtained 3x Cleansing Pills: Swallow this pill to remove any poison under 4 stars! They have been stored in your storage! Would you like to retrieve them?]

Ye Han was honestly confused now. He understands that he just got 4 red packets which gave him stuff that he didn't know exists, but they were apparently sent to some storage that he doesn't have. Confused, he turns to the System.

'System, what is this storage thing?'

[The Deity Chat group has a Storage function built in that can store any of the red packets sent to the group. Anything stored inside can be retrieved or stored whenever Host wants. Host can pretty much just use it as your own Storage to store things inside.]

'Ah? So awesome?'

[Naturally! This group is a group with only Deities! Deities are stronger than you can even imagine! Although they are weaker than the one who created me, they aren't that far off in strength!]

Ye Han was shocked once again! He didn't expect that the group of deities would be so strong! For someone to create the System, they have to be extremely strong, but now he is told that this group of deities is nearly as strong as that person?

He shook his head and looked at the group chat again. The members were all just talking about stuff he doesn't understand, so he ignores it and looks around for a while before he finds the storage function. It looks exactly like an app that shows a treasure chest, so he clicked it and his storage came up and told him what he had stored inside.

[3x Body Strengthening Pills: Would you like to retrieve?]

[2x Evil Warding Talisman: Would you like to retrieve?]

[1x Medical Notebook: Would you like to retrieve?]

[3x Cleansing Pills: Would you like to retrieve?]

[Host should retrieve the Medical Notebook for now and learn everything inside it, as the use of Medical Knowledge is really useful in the cultivation world.]

'What do you mean learn it? I know nothing about medicine! Where would someone be able to suddenly learn it instantly by looking at a notebook?'

[Host is incorrect. With the System, Host can instantly absorb all the information in the book and it will be stored in Host's brain, thus learning everything inside it. The same works for any technique Host would obtain.]

Ye Han was once again shocked! He truly did not expect that he would suddenly be able to learn anything as long as he obtained it. He smiled slightly and retrieved the Medical Notebook from the storage.

[You retrieved the Medical Notebook. Would you like to learn it?]

He clicked on the accept option and the book suddenly turned into white lights that entered his head and into his brain. He had a slight headache for a few moments before it disappeared. He felt nothing different and was about to ask the System what went wrong when he suddenly felt something in his mind stir and he realized that he actually learned everything about medicine from that notebook!

He knew absolutely nothing about medicine before this, but now he suddenly has all the knowledge about medicine in his head, which shocked him once again. He felt that even if someone who was dying of a deadly illness, as long as he looked at them, information about the way to solve it would pop up in his head.

Realizing this surprised him and also brought him great joy. He knows that this would most likely be his most useful red packet for a long time, as who knows if he would eventually get poisoned or get sick? Having this would help him know what was wrong with him.

He looked at the time and it was already 1, which means his lunch should be downstairs. He heads down and sure enough there is food on the table. He heats it up and eats it quickly before going back to his room.

He still has another 6 or so hours until his next meal comes, so he figured he should cultivate more for now. He sits down on his bed and repeats what he did before, and the whirlpool in his body began to quickly absorb the Qi in the surroundings.