Chapter 3

[Congratulations on breaking through to Realm 1 Stage 3! All stats increased by 5!]

Ye Han was awoken from his cultivation when he heard the System inform him he broke through to the next stage. He clenched his fist again and felt his strength increase to 120 pounds, which excited him.

'At this rate, would't my punches be at over 1000 pounds in the future?'

Just thinking about it excites him! He doesn't know how exactly the strength system for cultivators works, but his strength should be somewhat decent among low level cultivators, at least. He suddenly remembered something and asked the System.

'System, what is combat power? The Body Strengthening Pills said that they would increase my combat power by 100 each pill.'

[Combat Power is the term for strength among cultivators. At your current cultivation, you have a total of 120 combat power.]

'One pound is one combat power, huh.'

Ye Han was slightly confused but accepted that it was how his strength would be explained in the future. He checks the time and realizes it is only 5 pm, so he still has over 2 hours until his dinner comes, so he lay back on his bed and brought up the group chat.

[Cao Lin: Hey, has that new deity appeared yet?]

[Han Fu: Nope. He hasn't spoke yet. I wonder why?]

[Prime Lord: Maybe he is cultivating or something.]

[Cao Lin: Makes sense. Let's just check and see. @Ye Han! You there? Speak up if you are!]

Ye Han was given a slight headache when he was @ by Cao Lin, as he is merely a mortal, and not a deity. He was wondering whether or not he should reply when the System spoke to him.

[Host doesn't need to reply yet! Master will make up some excuse for you to not speak, so just wait for a while.]

Though Ye Han was confused, he still waited. He was a bit curious about who the 'Master' that the System spoke of, so he was looking forward to the person who would explain for him. Not long later, he found out who it was.

[Yellow Emperor: Ye Han is currently busy and not able to talk in the group chat. He might look at it every now and then, but he won't speak for a while. Just wait and he will eventually speak to you all.]

[Medicine Master: Damn! Yellow Emperor actually explained for him? Just who is this Ye Han?]

[Prime Lord: That's what I want to know now!]

[Dragon King: Curious about new members identity! Waiting for him to appear!]

[Goddess Zhixie: Is he a disciple of Yellow Emperor? That might be the reason that he is explaining.]

[Heavenly Shao: Hi Goddess Zhixie!]

[Change'e: Yellow Emperor, who is the new member?]

[Zhu Bajie: Oh, you are here, Change'e!]

[Monkey King: I also want to know who this new member is that Yellow Emperor spoke up for him.]

[Erlang Shen: Damn monkey! Give me back my gourd!]

[Monkey King: Piss off! I won that in a fight!]

[Erlang Shen: Bullshit! You underhanded bastard brought a group of little monkeys with you and ganged up on me!]

[Monkey King: That's your fault for being weak!]

Ye Han was shocked when some deities he knows about actually did appear in the group chat, such as Monkey King, Erlang Shen, Change'e and so on. He was also shocked when Yellow Emperor, the one who added him to the group suddenly, is the 'Master' that the System spoke of.

[Yellow Emperor: Ye Han can be considered my disciple. That is all you need to know.]

[Change'e: He really is a disciple!]

[Monkey King: Damn! Yellow Emperor actually took a disciple in!]

[Erlang Shen: Damn! Yellow Emperor actually took a disciple in!]

[Monkey King: Damn Erlang Shen! Don't copy me!]

[Erlang Shen: Bastard monkey! You are obviously the one copying me!]

[Prime Lord: Yellow Emperor actually took in a disciple?]

[Heavenly Shao: Crazy!]

[Moon Lord: I wonder who this Ye Han really is...]


After Yellow Emperor said that Ye Han was his disciple, the chat exploded with messages, wondering who he is. As for Ye Han, he is wondering when he became the disciple of the Yellow Emperor. He hasn't even messaged him before.

[Master took you in as his disciple when you finished the Survey of Gods. As such, you are his disciple.]

Ye Han didn't need to ask and the System apparently figured what he was wondering about and explained to him. He was surprised that he became the disciple of such a powerful person doing the survey, but thinking on it further, it does make some sense.

After all, why would the Yellow Emperor suddenly add a random mortal like him to the deity group? It wouldn't make sense that he even knew about Ye Han's existence. He simply stopped thinking about it and decided to use the Body Strengthening Pills now.

[3x Body Strengthening Pills: Would you like to retrieve?]

He clicked retrieve and three white pills fell into his bed in front of him. He picked one up and simply swallowed it. He didn't think something bad would happen, as it came from the Deity chat after all.

As soon as he swallowed the pill, he instantly felt a warmth spread throughout his body, and he could feel that his strength nearly doubled when he clenched his fist. He figured it was around 220 pounds, well, he should say battle power now. He wanted to swallow the second pill when the System stopped him.

[Host, you can only swallow one Body Strengthening Pill per day, or else your body won't be able to handle the sudden increase in battle power like that. Wait until tomorrow afternoon before swallowing the next pill.]

Ye Han hurriedly lowered his raised hand that was holding onto a second pill and felt glad that he has this System, or else he would probably screw himself over. He picked up both pills and put them back into the storage.

He checked the time and saw that it was already 7:40, so he went downstairs and saw his dinner on the table. Ye Lin was also there, but she ignored his existence completely. Ye Han wryly smiled but chose to ignore it and ate his food in silence before heading back up stairs, while his sister stayed downstairs and watched tv.

He sat back on his bed and played on his phone for a while. He was about to get up and go on his computer when the System suddenly yelled at him.

[Host, dodge!]

Ye Han didn't ask what and directly rolled to the side, narrowly dodging something. He jumps off the bed and turns to look at what exactly happened, only to see someone in black clothes holding a dagger. He could see surprise in the black clothed mans eyes, but he didn't have time to question what was happening when the man rushed at him again.

The room was small, so the man reached him in no time. The dagger in his hand stabbed straight at Ye Han's heart, and Ye Han could feel the danger. He tilted his body to the side, narrowly dodging the dagger blow, but the man followed up with a punch to Ye Han's chest.

Ye Han blocked with his hand and he could feel the strength of the man was actually slightly lower than his, which somewhat relieved him. He clenched his fist and retaliated with a punch using all his power, aiming straight at the mans chest.

The man panicked at the sudden change in situation and stumbled back briefly, but he couldn't dodge Ye Han's fist, which smashed into his chest directly. His chest completely caved in and he flew back onto Ye Han's bed.

[You killed an enemy! You gained 10 points!]

Ye Han didn't expect he could actually kill the man with a single punch, so he was quite confused. He didn't feel anything was wrong about killing the person due to his mentality change, but even so, the person tried to kill him first. As he was wondering what to do about this situation, the System spoke up to him.

[Host, search his body. He should have some useful stuff on him that you can use.]

Ye Han was already calmed down and began searching the mans body. He found another dagger, a few hundred dollars, 2 red pills and 3 bottles of liquid. He was curious and made use of the System to find out what they were.

[2x Blood Replenishing Pills: Replenishes lost blood when injured.]

[3x Body Dissolving Liquid: Pour onto a corpse and make the body dissolve into ashes.]

Ye Han found the Body Dissolving Liquid to be very useful at the moment, so he quickly brought the man off his bed and onto his ground before pouring the liquid all over his body from one bottle. The mans body quickly began to melt and eventually there was only a small pile of ashes on the ground, which he swept up and put into his garbage.

Thankfully he smashed the mans chest in, so there was actually no blood on the ground or his bed, which saves his a lot of trouble. As for his sister, she didn't bother come checking even if she heard something, so he is relieved she didn't see anything.

'System, why would someone suddenly try to kill me like this?'

[He most likely felt Host's Qi, and decided to kill Host for some reason. He was probably some sort of murderer who liked to kill weak cultivators and people.]

Ye Han felt disgusted when he heard what the System said. Although he doesn't care about killing people, this guy probably killed a bunch of people for no reason at all. He was wondering what he should do now when he got a private message from the group chat.

[Yellow Emperor: Ye Han. You were most likely just attacked, right? It seems like you managed to kill your enemy. Anyways, I will be your master from now on. I am sure you don't mind that. Well, go to sleep or cultivate now, you are way too weak.]

Ye Han didn't think he should reply, so he just read the message from his so called master and also felt he was too weak right now. Just some randomly weak murderer and it was already dangerous. Thinking like this, he wanted to go cultivate, but he felt too tired to do so.

He yawned and decided to just sleep for now and cultivate tomorrow, as he needs to sleep. Even deities need to sleep, not to mention a mortal like him. He sighs and lays down on his bed, completely not minding a dead guy was just on it, and fell asleep quickly.