Chapter 4

Ye Han woke up feeling refreshed once again, which was a nice change. Although his body is still as fat as usual, when he was fighting the man last night, he found he could move his body really well, which resulted in him easily killing the man. He sat up and entered the chat group and saw he had a private message.

[Yellow Emperor: Take this red packet and make use of whats inside to get stronger.]

Ye Han read the message and was confused since there was no red packet there, when a red packet was suddenly sent to him. His mouth twitched slightly and he nearly forgot that Yellow Emperor is the one who made the System, so he could naturally find out when Ye Han wakes up.

[You have snatched a red packet! You obtained 1x 3 Star Movement Skill, Lightning Steps: Using this Skill will temporarily increase your speed by 45%! It has been stored in your storage. Would you like to retrieve?]

Although he doesn't know what the stars mean, Ye Han is pretty sure that this is a pretty good skill since Yellow Emperor is the one who gave it to him. Clicking retrieve, a yellow book appeared in front of him.

[You retrieved 3 Star Movement Skill, Lighting Steps. Would you like to learn it?]

Ye Han chose to learn it, and the book dispersed into particles that entered his brain, similar to with the medicine notebook. Just like before, he instantly felt the information being stored in his mind, allowing him to know how to use the skill properly.

Ye Han honestly wanted to use it right now but there is not enough space to use it in his room, and he doesn't feel like going outside to use it. He stayed in the chat for a while watching the deities talk about random stuff before he went downstairs to get his breakfast.

He ate it quickly before heading back upstairs to his room, sitting down at his computer to watch some videos since he is pretty bored right now. He watched 3 or 4 videos before the System spoke up to him.

[Host, you should swallow one of your cleansing pills. It would be very useful to you.]

Although Ye Han doesn't know why the System wants him to swallow one of the cleansing pills, he decided to do so. He closed his computer and sat back on his bed, bringing up the storage function.

[Would you like to retrieve 1x Cleansing Pill?]

He chose to retrieve it and a green pill with white spots on it appeared in front of him. Although the pill looks weird as heck, Ye Han still directly swallowed it without worry, as it came from the deity group.

He instantly felt pain all over his body, mainly on his bones, when he swallowed the pill. He grit his teeth to stop himself from making any noise and silently endured the pain assaulting him. He eventually closed his eyes as his vision was getting slightly blurry, but he didn't faint this time.

The process took a while, but the pain eventually disappeared, leaving behind a cooling warmth spread out through his body, which made Ye Han unconsciously sigh in pleasure. He opened his eyes and felt something was off.

His sight was higher than it was before when he sat on his bed, which confuses him, but doesn't let it bother him. Once he stood up from his bed, he instantly realized what was wrong. He was endlessly shocked by the situation he is in.

His originally fat body slimmed down and also grew taller. Although he has a shirt on, he can still see the outline of perfect muscles underneath, which he subconsciously rubbed. He quickly walked over to his mirror and looked at it.

His originally average face became as handsome as his older brothers. His skin that had some blemishes on it is now a pale white with no problems on it at all. No pimples, no blemishes, nothing. He was confused and excited about the situation. He noticed some black liquid on his body, so he snapped out of it and asked the System.

'System, what exactly is going on? Why did I suddenly become like this from just eating a single pill?'

[Host ate a Cleansing Pill, which cleansed all the impurities in your body. A lot of impurities were gathered in Host's body, which was why Host body was so fat. After the impurities were released, Host's body slimmed down to how it is now. Another effect of the pill is that your meridians are now better, which will allow you to gather Qi even faster than before.]

He went to the bathroom and quickly took a shower to clean his body from the impurity disposal that is still on his body. He put some clothes on, and they were much too big for him now. He was wondering what to do when the System helped.

[Does Host want to buy clothes from the shop? Host can buy 4 sets of clothes for 10 points, all that would fit properly.]

Ye Han did not hesitate to agree, as he gained those 10 points from killing the man last night. A few pairs of clothes appeared in front of him on the basket, so he looked through them all and picked out a black shirt and black pants to put on while putting the rest into his storage.

Thankfully his sister isn't home, or else she would probably freak out when he saw the current Ye Han. He shook his head and went back into his room. Suddenly having a slim and taller body was a bit awkward, but Ye Han quickly got used to it.

He figured he should probably cultivate now, so he sits down on his bed and focuses on his body, gathering the surrounding Qi towards him, which all get rapidly absorbed by the whirlpool in his body.

It seems that the cleansing pill did increase his gathering speed of Qi, as he can feel that the gathering is quite faster than before. He continued to gather Qi into his Spirit Pond for 4 hours before the System popped up.

[Congratulations on breaking through to Realm 1 Stage 4, Host! All stats increased by 5!]

Ye Han exhaled a breath and clenched his fist, feeling his battle power increase from 220 to 260. He suddenly remembered about the Body Strengthening Pill and retrieved one from the storage and quickly swallowed it.

A few moments later, he could feel himself get stronger. His strength increased by around 40%, straight up to 360 from 260.

'It seems that the pill increases my battle power by 100 now matter how high my battle power is at currently, which is good.'

Ye Han let out a sigh of relief that the pill still increases the same amount. He felt a bit hungry and saw that it was already 1 pm, so he went downstairs and saw his food on the table, which he quickly ate up, relieving his hunger.

He yawned and went back upstairs to his room, completely oblivious that Ye Lin just saw him and was shocked by his change. She originally thought that their oldest brother suddenly came, but she knew she was wrong as soon as she saw him eating the food on the table.

'Is this really my fat brother? Is this some kind of a joke? Why is he suddenly like this!'

She couldn't figure out what was going on, so she chose to ignore it and wait until their parents get home to find out what happened. She simply snorted and went to the couch to watch tv.

As for Ye Han, he was currently in the deity chat, which is because the System told him to go on the chat for some reason without explaining. Although confused, Ye Han still opened the chat and started reading it.

[NeZha has joined the group! Please welcome him!]

[Jiang Ziya has joined the group! Please welcome him!]

[Goddess Wu has joined the group! Please welcome her!]

Ye Han was shocked that NeZha and Jiang Ziya suddenly joined the group, and he figures that others in the group were as well, as the chat was silent for a few minutes before it exploded with messages.

[Monkey King: The hell! Wasn't NeZha already in the group?]

[Erlang Shen: He apparently left the group a while ago, stupid monkey! How do you not notice this stuff!]

[Change'e: Welcome to the group, you three!]

[Zhu Bajie: Welcome!]

[Goddess Zhixie: Welcome back, little NeZha!]

[Prime Lord: Welcome to the group!]

[Heavenly Shao: Welcome!]

[Medicine Master: Welcome to the chat group!]

[Dragon King: NeZha you bastard!]

[Change'e: What did NeZha do?]

[Dragon King: This little bastard just killed another dragon!]

[Monkey King: Hahahaha! That's his favorite hobby!]

[Mystic Lord: Another dragon killed... NeZha is really against dragons, huh.]

[Han Fu: Better gather all your dragons, Dragon King. Who knows if NeZha might suddenly go kill some more.]

[NeZha: I won't! I killed a strong dragon this time and it was fun! I won't kill another one for a while!]

[Lord Tongtian: Just... Don't kill that many, okay? Dragon King might get seriously angry at you and fight you to the death, which won't be good.]

[Zhu Mao: Uh, I think the dragon NeZha killed was Black Dragon...]

[NeZha: Yup! He was super strong! I almost lost, hehe!]

Ye Han felt like a headache was going to come when he was reading the chat. NeZha really is a little dragon slayer, huh... Killed a dragon right before joining the deity group. He ended up laughing slightly when he was reading the messages.

[Yellow Emperor: Everyone! It is time to send out a wave of red packets!]

[Zhu Mao: Red packet time!]

[Heavenly Shao: Let's see if I am lucky enough...]

[Monkey King: Erlang Shen, you idiot! Let's see if you can snatch your gourd back or not, bahahaha!]

[Erlang Shen: Monkey bastard, don't you dare!]

[Yellow Emperor has sent out a red packet!]

[Change'e has sent out a red packet!]

[Heavenly Shao has sent out a red packet!]

[Zhu Bajie has sent out a red packet!]

[Monkey King has sent out a red packet!]

[Erlang Shen has sent out a red packet!]

[Prime Lord has sent out a red packet!]

[Lord Tongtian has sent out a red packet!]

[Goddess Wu has sent out a red packet!]

[Jiang Ziya has sent out a red packet!]

[NeZha has sent out a red packet!]

[Cao Lin has sent out a red packet!]

[Han Fu has sent out a red packet!]


Ye Han quickly sat up and began rapidly tapping at the chat to snatch red packets. There were too many people in the group chat, but he still managed to snatch 3 red packets this time, which isn't bad.

[You have snatched a red packet! You obtained 1x Jade Gourd: The gourd of Erlang Shen. It can store lots of Qi inside. Stolen by Monkey King and then sent into the chat group. It has been stored in your storage. Would you like to retrieve?]

[You have snatched a red packet! You obtained 1x Moon Bracelet: A bracelet created by Change'e. It has the ability to protect one from a single fatal wound. It has been stored in your storage. Would you like to retrieve?]

[You have snatched a red packet! You obtained 1x Mystical Pen: A pen used by the Mystic Lord. You can use the pen to write a technique or draw a picture with Qi added to it. It has been stored in your storage. Would you like to retrieve?]

Ye Han was surprised when he saw what he got. Just that Moon Bracelet from Change'e is a very good thing for him, and that Jade Gourd can also give him a lot of Qi to cultivate with faster. As for the Mystical Pen, although he has no use for it now, that might not be the same in the future.

He retrieved the Moon Bracelet from the storage and put it onto his left wrist. He doesn't know when someone might try to kill him again, so having an extra life like this is very good. The bracelet ended up shrinking down to fit on his wrist perfectly, which made it so it won't fall off or be removed suddenly.

He went downstairs and ate dinner before heading back to his room and sat down on his bed. He decided to use the Jade Gourd to further increase his cultivation. He retrieves the Jade Gourd from his storage and a rich amount of Qi flooded out from it once he unsealed it.

Ye Han wasted no time and began absorbing all the Qi into his body, which was absorbed by the whirlpool and sent into his Spirit Pond at a fast pace. The sheer amount of Qi stored inside the gourd caused Ye Han endless excitement as he kept absorbing it all.