Fundraiser [3]

"Oh! But look who's behind the couple! The car has the Li family insignia! Do you think its the infamous princess?"

"No doubt!"

"This is unbelievable!"

"It's Li-,"


Everybody held their breaths as they waited for the passenger to step out of the car.

An audible gasp was heard when they saw who stepped out of the black Mercedes Benz. Standing right in front of their eyes was a dashing young man about the age of fourteen. He was dressed in a Chinese styled suit that was dyed beautiful forest green. His face was perfectly portioned and symmetrical, his jet black hair, slicked back, giving the audience a perfect view of his face. Despite his youth, the boy was already about 5'5 and carried an ample amount of muscle.

The young boy shifted slightly to his left and stretched out a hand for the next passenger while offering a soft bow.

A melodic giggle was heard as a dainty fair hand reached out, the hand moved forward to rest on the boy's anticipating hand, this was followed by two smooth legs. A girl that the whole world, recognized as the Li family Princess and walked out. She wore a traditional Chinese cheongsam dress that matched the young boy next to her making them look like ethereal beings. Her hair was allowed to flow freely down her back, and her bangs were pulled back behind her ear. The girl's beauty did not waver when standing next to the boy, in fact, both the girl's and the boy's beauty were doubled.

The 'couple,' moved towards the awaiting red carpet. Samuel's arm wrapped around Yaorui's waist. He had clasped their hands together and held them out front for the world to see.

Samuel was in cloud nine as he walked down the red carpet with his future queen in his arms.

Yaorui, on the other hand, was both delighted and disappointed. She was delighted to be held by Samuel but disappointed because she knew that it was all fake. They were just friends, weren't they?

Meanwhile, the reporters had finally snapped out of their daze and rushed to crowd around the latest arrivals.

"Miss Li! Can you tell us what your relationship status is?"

"How do you feel about the fact that your family is in a coma?"

"What is your relationship with this young man?"

"Do your parents approve of your relationship?"

"Are you really the current president of your family company?"

"Young man, can you tell us your identity?"

"Yes, how did you two meet?"

"Don't you think that you're too young for a relationship?"

Question after question was thrown at the pair, Yaorui's hand had visibly tightened in Samuel's hand. She had been in situations like this before, but they weren't as crazy and disorganized. Sensing her distress, Samuel quickly guided her inside the hotel towards the back garden where the event would be held.

As the pair were led towards the back by an escort, Samuel continued to comfort and support Yaorui, who still seemed a bit shaken.

The poor escort cried in his heart as he listened to the two love-stricken teens. The worst part was that they were still unaware of each other's feelings. This poor escort did not know whether to cry or to laugh!

The single escort nearly cried out in relief when they reached their destination, he excused himself and left without a second thought.

Confused at the escort's odd behaviour, Yaorui and Samuel continued down the stone path. Small lanterns lined along the edges of the pathway, providing a yellow glow that enhanced the natural beauty of the garden. At the end of the path was a stone archway that you would find in a Chinese garden.

When they walked through the small stone entrance, Yaorui was stunned silly by the sheer beauty in front of her. And she thought that Samuel's brother's workplace was beautiful.

The stone pathway was now crossing over a man-made lake that stretched from one side to another. Small children were feeding the koi fishes in the lake bamboo stalks were placed in the corners, while lanterns were littered all over the place, making the grass glow a soft, warm yellow. There was a small pavilion where two couples stood watching their children laugh and play together.

In front of the pair, was a remarkable Chinese palace with stairs leading up to it. Inside, the tables were lined up to face the center of the room. A short platform was placed at the back of the room where a woman played an instrument called a Guzheng.

On the left side sat the guests that either arrived alone or with a plus one. On the right sat those that brought more than one friend or their families. In the front two rows, important officials sat with the exceptions of a few famous families.

"Announcing the arrival of Mister An Samuel and Miss Li Yaorui," The herald[1] announced.

Instantly the room quieted. Every single pair of eyes focused on the 'couple' as they stride towards their table. The table was low, and cushions were used as seats, underneath the table was a hole that allowed the guests to sit comfortably in their seats.

"Yaorui Jiejie!" A small bubbly little boy ran towards them on his stubby legs.

"Meng Bao~," She spread her arms and allowed the little boy into her arms. "Ah-Jie missed you~!"

"I missed Yaorui Jiejie, too, kiss!" Unable to resist the toddler's wishes, Yaorui happily kissed the boy on both cheeks.

The boy giggled delightedly.

Meanwhile, a certain somebody was oozing with jealousy.

"Where's your father, Cheng Cheng?"

"He's with mommy and grampa,"

"Let's go greet them, hmm?"

"Only if I get to sit with Yaorui Jiejie tonight!"

"Anything for my little Meng Bao," She happily relented and nuzzled her nose into his cheek.

"Ahem," Gu Licheng notices the unfamiliar big brother beside his Yaorui Jiejie.

"Who are you?" he asked in his adorable voice.

"That is Sammy Gege," Yaorui answered.

"And who might you be?" It was Samuel's turn to ask.

"I'm Yaorui Jiejie's favourite person!" The little child announced boastfully.

"And I'm her boyfriend,"

"What?!" Both Yaorui and the little bun in her arms exclaimed.

"I don't believe you! You have to prove it!"

Samuel shrugged and answered with a simple "Fine," what happened next completely shook the Yaorui's world.


"Me, what?"

"You kissed Yaorui Jiejie!"

"And? This is normal between us,"

'WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS IS NORMAL! THAT WAS MY FIRST KISS!' Yaorui screamed inside her head, not believing what she was hearing.

Any spectators watching this scene would have most definetly howl with laughter, but, since they were at an extremely formal event, the most they could do was chuckle.

Samuel had an unmistakably pleased expression on his face while he endured the glare that was being given to him by the now fuming child. Meanwhile, Yaorui had an astonished and surprisingly comical expression on her face, she was still trying to sort out what had just happened.

'Does this mean we're dating? Or was that for show? Brother will definitely kill him!'

"Ahem, if I could please have everyone's attention? That would be most welcomed."

The MC had managed to snap Yaorui out of her daze, much to the disappointment of a certain boyfriend.

"Thank you. First of all, I would like to thank everyone for taking their time to come, especially to the generous people who have donated to the Forest City project. Second of all, I have a very important announcement, the current President and one of the top 10 students at the school of geniuses, Li Yaorui, has decided to fulfill a request to the highest donor tonight, as long as it is appropriate," The MC directed everybody's gaze to the trio.

Many businessmen were already thinking of a way for them to somehow squeeze their children into the Li Family, particularly the ones with sons.

Of course, now that Samuel had official rights to chase off suitors, he immediately pinpointed the suspicious matchmakers in the dining hall.

"The current highest donor is non-other than Li Yaorui herself, with a donation of 2 billion dollars USD! I must add that we are ever thankful for your donation Miss Li,"

Yaorui nodded and the MC in acknowledgement.

"Dinner will arrive soon. Thank you."

As soon as the MC ended his short speech mummers were spread throughout the crowd.

"2 billion? My budget is only three million!"

"This is a dangerous gamble,"

"Maybe, we can get a loan? If we win, then we will definitely have more than we have now!"

"What if we put all of the money together? How much do guys have to offer? We need about 2 billion,"

"Even if everyone in this room put all their money together, we wouldn't have enough to compete with the Li Family wealth!"

While some people were devising ways of gaining more than 2 billion dollars in USD, the newly established couple begun their rounds.

They first approached Gu Licheng's family, his grandfather was the minister of education in China, and was highly respected by others. His mother was a world-class professor that was sought out by some of the most powerful people in the world. Then there was his father, who we already know is a teacher at the prestigious school for geniuses.

"Uncle Gu!"


"What a lovely surprise, it's been a while since I've seen you Yaorui,"

"You too, Uncle Gu, Grandfather Gu, Auntie Gu! You two haven't aged a bit since I have seen you."

"What are you talking about, you brat! You haven't even visited me once since you returned from your vacation! If anything, this old man got older!"

"I'm sorry, grandfather Gu, I'll be sure to visit every week from now on," Yaorui smiled and assured the moody grandfather.

"How about you come for dinner tomorrow, I'll cook it!" Auntie Gu excitedly suggested.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, by the way, let me introduce An Samuel, he's my boyfriend."

"Oh! Why this is-,"

"-terrible! My granddaughter will not have a lover until she reaches the age of twenty!"

"You don't have to worry grandfather Gu, he treats me extremely well,"

"Licheng, come here and let mother hold you, we shouldn't stop two lovebirds from being two lovebirds," Licheng obediently listened to his mother and allowed himself to be transferred into his mother's arms. Nothing was better than his mother's hugs.

"We'll go greet the others, please excuse us," Yaorui held Samuel's hand and led them towards a few of the shareholders of Li Corps.

"Mr. M-,"

"Announcing Miss Zhang Wenshi and Mister Li Long Ao!"