Fundraiser [4]

"Announcing, Miss Zhang Wenshi and Mister Li Long Ao!"


The air around her froze when the two names were announced. She looked at the entrance, and sure enough, both her brother and the big sister stood there, hand in hand.

Fuming and enraged, Yaorui proceeded towards her brother in a terrifyingly quick pace, not noticing that she had dragged along another person behind her.

In mere seconds, she was face to face with her brother, her anger very much visible. The guests were baffled by her sudden "teleportation," only a few knew that it was just brisk walking that brought her to her brother.

The room watched in silence anticipating, what would happen next.

"Look, Wenshi! Now we don't have to look for my sister! Hello, Meimei[1],"

"What do you think you are doing?"

"Greeting you," Th-this atrocious brother of her's!

"You only woke up today! Why aren't you in bed!"

"Because the doctor said that I could walk around, so I thought. What better place to walk around than my sister, plus this way I can keep all the flies away," Long Ao smiled a childish one, blinding several young ladies.


"Relax Rui-er, he's one of the most renowned lieutenants in the military, he'll be fine," Samuel removed her hold on his hand, and moved forward to give her a back hug. "Plus, he faced worse things than this, hasn't he?" His chin rested on her shoulder.

"Fine, but no funny business," She huffed.

"Don't worry sis, that's what Xiao Shi is here for, isn't that right dear," The face of the girl next to him, immediately darkened.

"How many times do I have to reject you to get you off my back?"


Unknowingly, Zhang Wenshi's heart tugged.

"I'm trusting you, Zhang Wenshi Jiejie," With that, Yaorui turned and left with a human penguin clinging to her waist.

"By the way, sister, I like him, you can keep him!" A warm glow exploded inside of her.

"Never asked,"

Meanwhile, Samuel had moved from her waist and to her side with one arm still wrapped around her waist. He was currently bursting with unexplainable joy. It coursed through his body, making him buzz with energy.

"Young Miss,"

"Mr. Mu, Mr. Kahn, it's nice to see you again." Yaorui smiled and went towards a pair of men and their families.

"Same here," Both men offered a hand.

Just as Yaorui was going to make contact with one of the men for a handshake. She found that Samuel had already beaten her to it.

To recover from the awkward situation, she asked them about their family.

"This is my wife, Lin Xielan, and my son, Mu Yexuan,"

"A pleasure to meet you," To avoid another odd situation, she offered a bowed head instead of a handshake.

"This are my two youngest sons, Kahn Shen and Kahn Oulong, and this little princess here is my daughter Kahn Sunmi," Mr. Kahn gestured to a pair of identical twins about the age of 16, and a little girl about the age of four.

"Well hello, there little one," She kneeled down and spoke to the little girl hiding between her brothers. "Do you want to meet my little brother? He's just about your age,"

The little girl looked at her father with a gleam.

"Go ahead, but your brothers have to come with you," She smiled a joyous one, letting everyone see the cute dimples at the edges of her smile.

Yaorui offered a hand to the little girl in which the little girl happily complied.

"Cheng Cheng," Yaorui called out to the boy playing outside with the other children.

"Yaorui Jiejie!" He ran towards Yaorui on his little legs. She knelt down and allowed the young boy into her arms.

"Cheng Cheng, I want you to meet Sunmi,"

"Hello, I am Gu Licheng,"

Gu Licheng stared intently at the girl in front of him. She had round cheeks and a pair of pouty lips, her nose was a button nose and her eyes round and doe-like. He found her inexplicably cute.

Oh no! Did this mean he was cheating on his wife! But she was too cute!

"Hello," His head went into a deeper turmoil when he heard the beautiful sing-song voice that belonged to the little angel.

'I give up, Yaorui Jie already has someone else which means I can have someone else to,' Making up his mind, Gu Licheng instantly shifted all of his love over to the little girl.

"How old are you?"

"Swee," Her age was the only English word she knew.

A/N: To those who don't understand, it's 3.

Everybody, including her brothers, exploded from the cuteness overload.

"I'm two years older, that means you have to call my Xiao Gege[2]," Gu Licheng happily announced.

"Xiao Gege?" She tested it out on her tongue, "Xiao Gege!"

Her twin brothers nearly vomited blood when they heard their precious little sister. She was only three! They felt that the two children were going to fast-ah! Why must their sister grow up!

"Remember, you can only call me Xiao Gege, nobody else."

"En, Xiao Gege,"

"Sunmi meimei, do you want to have dinner with me?"

What was this!? This little brat was asking their baby sister on a DATE!?

"En, Xiao Gege,"


"Yaorui Jiejie?"

"Yes, Cheng Cheng?"

"Can you get us a table right next to you?"

"Anything for my Cheng Cheng,"

"Yay!" He started clapping, confusing the simple-minded Sunmi, who also started to clap.

"We have to go in now though,"

"Okay," Gu Licheng grabbed Sunmi's hand and guided her towards the traditional Chinese building.

The two burly twins gave up on their mission to court the Li Family Young miss but instead focused on their naive little sister, who was already going on her first date. If they continued at this pace, she would lose her first kiss by the end of the night!

Meanwhile, Samuel was watching his future queen watching the small couple with a strange glint in his eyes. Leaning down, he pressed his lips to Yaorui's and pulled her closer to him.

"Hehe, what was the for?"

"That's for agreeing to be mine," he pressed her lips to her's again.

"That's for being the most beautiful person ever,"

"And this is for looking at other boys," He leaned down one last time and gave her a long lingering kiss.

By the time the couple was done, both of them had big idiotic smiles on their faces that could blind the sun.

"Let's go inside,"


After Yaorui had requested for another table to be set next to theirs, as promised to Gu Licheng. The pair continued to mingle around the crowd greeting a few government and military officials as well as business partners and friends.

"Announcing, Song Guabo and Hu Mingou," They had spent about ten minutes greeting other guests when their names were announced.

"Announcing, Ran Jiexu and Song Gebao,"

Next thing the guests knew, Yaorui had teleported to the entrance again with her lover.

"Yao Yao!"

"Bao Bao!"

The two girls embraced, while the two boys greeted each other.

"I have a surprise for you," Yaorui said.

"What is it?"

"Wait for it,"

"Gebao Jiejie!" Gu Licheng appeared out of nowhere with a small little girl next to him hand in hand.

"Meng Bao!" Gebao knelt down and embraced the little child. "Who is this cute little girl?"

"She's mine,"

"What do you mean?"

"She is my official girlfriend now! Her name is Sunmi meimei, but only I can call her that! You have to call her Meng bao and me Cheng Cheng from now on," The little girl named Sunmi, blushed a light pink, still not used to Gu Licheng's proud declarations.

She whined a bit and hid behind her Xiao Gege's back, feeling shy and flustered.

"H-hello," she greeted the smiling giants in front of her Xiao Gege.

"Hehe, my Xiao Mimi is shy again," The little lolita glared at the young boy.

"You're so cute, muah!" Licheng turned and gave his Xiao Mimi a peck on her pouty lips.

The three girls (including Mingou) fangirled over the cuteness of the adorable couple.

"It seems that we need lessons from this formidable boy," Jiexu said.

The other men nodded as they assessed the situation with dark faces.

Not even an hour had passed, and the two children had their first kiss!

They were seriously considering asking the five-year-old boy to be their master.

"Attention guests! Please return to your seats, dinner will be served in five minutes,"

The group of six made their way towards the left side of the room, and as promised, Gu Licheng and Kahn Sumni's seats moved, right next to Samuel's and Yaorui's seats.

Song Guabo's and Hu Mingou's seats were in the second row next to Gebao and Jiexu's seats behind Yaorui and Samuel.

"Let's switch seats," Samuel spoke up next to Yaorui.


"Because the person on the other side of you is Hu Angli,"

"That's great! I haven't seen him in a while, you don't have to be jealous. We're just friends,"

"That isn't the main problem," Yaorui's face darkened.

"Then what is?"

"I didn't tell you this before because I didn't want something bad to happen to you-,"

"Just tell me, Samuel," She was starting to get anxious.

"Hu Angli is the reason your family is in a coma,"