
"Hu Angli is the reason your family is in a coma,"


"That's not possible!" Jiexu yelled and slammed the table, causing people to turn their heads. He apologized and made up a story about Gu Licheng being a better boyfriend than him.

"Do you have any proof?" Yaorui whispered.

"Here, I have the footage on my phone. I only managed to get it last night,"

The four of them squished together curious to see what kind of 'proof,' Samuel had.

The footage showcased Hu Angli heading towards the bathroom after leaving Yaorui at Gebao's hospital room. A few moments later, he exited the bathroom with what looks like a...bomb?

Hu Angli took a sharp left towards Yaorui's hall and entered her room like it was nothing, only seconds later, her family came down the hall like a herd of bulls plowing their way down the hall.

About a minute had passed, and Hu Angli had finally exited the room with a smile etched onto his face. To unsuspecting people, they would think that he had a wonderful time visiting a patient. However, if an expert in psychology like Yaorui saw his smile, they could very much see that the boy was not as innocent as he seemed. It was pure luck for him that there wasn't a single soul in the hall with that education.

Hu Angli made his way to the bathroom again and did the exact same thing he did earlier, waited a few seconds then left. The only difference this time was that he exited empty-handed.

By the time the video had ended, the food had been brought out.

"We'll discuss this after," She emphasized the 'after,' and signalled for her two friends to return to their seats.

Just seconds after she switched seats with Samuel, the food arrived.

"What do you want to eat, Sunmi? I'll feed you,"

Hearing their 'master's,' words, both Jiexu and Samuel proceeded to pick out their beloved's favourite foods, while eating anything their partner did not approve of.

Of course, while the two girls were being fed by the two high-grade boyfriends, they were busy fawning over the small couple.

"Xiao Gege, ahhh~," Sunmi picked up her spoon and scooped a bit of food from Licheng's bowl. She mimicked the actions that Licheng had used to serve her and held the spoon up his lips with her hand beneath.

Gu Licheng was startled yet very much amused at the cute lolita beside him. Licheng happily complied with his Xiao Mimi's commands.

After making sure that her Xiao Gege had finished chewing, Sunmi leaned over and gave him a peck on the lips.

The two disciples currently watching their master in action were taken aback by his sovereignty. It took them months to win the heart of their beloved, but this love god had done it in a mere hour! They applauded their master in their hearts.

"Rui-er~," Samuel whined, successfully snapping her away from the small couple seated next to her's. "Why don't you pay attention to me~? Do you not like me anymore~?"

"Aww~, I still like you! Here I'll feed you to, how does that sound?" Yaorui started to pick food from the given dishes and fed the sulking boyfriend.

When Samuel saw what Yaorui had carefully picked to feed him, he was simply delighted, but when he saw that she had picked his favourite out of all the dishes, he was practically bursting!

His future queen really did love him!

While Samuel was being fed by Yaorui, Jiexu had continued to feed his foodie. He would not, despite the bribes that were thrown at him, let him be fed by his beloved. Who knows what would happen! For all he knew, she could accidentally harm herself in the process. There was no way that he would let this nightmare happen under his watch! The only way to appease the anger of the glutton next to him. Was by kissing her after every bite she took.

While the guests were dining, the MC took the chance to explain project green.

A projector that hung from the ceiling projected a hologram of one of the cities. The city was currently one of three that had a detailed layout planned. The hologram rotated to allow everyone to see all sides of the city. The presenter held a tablet that controlled the hologram, allowing him to zoom in on some parts of the city.

At 9:00 pm sharp, the plates were collected, and the MC had moved back onto the stage to start the auction.

"Before I introduce the first item, I would like to remind everyone, that the top donator will be granted one wish from the Li Family Young Miss, Li Yaorui, so long as it is appropriate,"

Murmurs erupted among the audience as people visited the idea of a request from the Li Family.

"The first item is this ancient scroll that contains the writing of the famed calligrapher himself, Wang Xizhi!" The MC paused to allow the audience to consider the priceless item, "The bid will begin at $100 000 ( one hundred thousand dollars),"

"Two million!"

"Two million! Do I hear three million?"

"Three-point five million!"

"Three-point five million! How about seven million! Seven million anybody?"

"Ten million!"

"Ten million! Anybody else willing to bid? Going once, going twice, all funds will go to the project!"

"Twenty million!"

"Sold to the President of Li Corps!"

Whispers erupted from the guests, spending more than two billion dollars in one night was simply...astonishing!

Not only that, but now if they wanted to win, they would have to pitch at least twenty million, more dollars! Just how rich was the Li Family Clan?!

"Next up, we have this solid golden dragon, the starting price is $450,000!"




"1 million!"

"Whoa! One million dollars! Going once, going twice, going three times! Sold, to the CEO of Infinite A!"

There was a total of fifteen items, all of them surpassing one million dollars. The price ranged from a million to hundreds of millions. Many of the guests were keen to show off their assets.

By the end of the auction, both Yaorui and Samuel had cleaned off the dishes. Gu Licheng and Sunmi were busy being the perfect couple, they didn't even bat an eye at all the priceless items being auctioned. Sunmi was currently sitting on her lover's lap, happy to be snuggled by the other.

While husbands or lovers tried to appease their envious wives or lovers. The MC had already moved onto the 50/50 draw.

"The first prize for the draw is a thousand-year-old wine. The numbers are, 5,6,2,5,4 and 7!"

"Over here!" A small and flowery voice quietly spoke.

The one who spoke was a small girl about the age of three who held up her hand. All the guests cooed at the adorable child, while others fawned over the doting boy whose's lap she was seated on.

Gu Licheng gently placed Sunmi to the side, he helped her stand up after getting up and led her to the stage, hand in hand. At the stairs, Sunmi was unwilling to release her Xiao Gege's hand and waited for him to follow her up the stairs.

"Go ahead, I'll for you here, okay?" Licheng coaxed her.


"Why not?"

"Cause then Xiao Gege will leave me."

"No, I won't,"

"Then, do you want me to leave you?"

"No, I will find you, if you do,"

"Then why are you making me leave you?"

Gu Licheng was stunned by her question and paused to think a bit.

"I will come with you," He smiled and followed his Xiao Mimi up the stairs, ready to brace her if she ever fell.

"Hello," The MC squatted down to Sunmi's height and put on the most friendly face he could muster. "Who are you?"

"She's mine,"

"And who are you? Are you her boyfriend?"

"Yes," A smile blossomed onto Gu Licheng's face, proud to call Sunmi his.

"He is Xiao Gege, and I am Xiao Mimi, but only he can call me that," A collective "aww," spread in the dining room. They were simply too cute!

"And only my Xiao Mimi can call me Xiao Gege," Despite the serious expression being presented on his face, the audience was still spellbound by the charming couple.

"Then what are we supposed to call you?" The MC questioned.

"That depends,"

"Depends on what?"

Gu Licheng turned to Sunmi and got down to one knee.

"Will you promise to marry me when we get older, Kahn Sunmi?"

"Like my mommy and daddy?" The recipient of the question asked.

"Yup, we'll be together forever and ever!"

"Then..." She leaned down and pecked the little boy's lips, "...Yes!"

The two embraced, once again, pulling at the heartstrings of all the guests.

"The answer to your question Mister MC is Mr. Gu and future Mrs. Gu,"

"Well then, let me give you this early wedding gift." The MC snatched the thousand-year-old wine bottle from a server's hand and held it out to the couple.

"Xiao Gege~, too heavy," She whined when she felt the weight of the glass bottle.

Gu Licheng grabbed the bottle and safely escorted Sunmi down the stairs, careful not to harm their first wedding gift.

"Elder Gu," The MC called for Gu Licheng's grandfather, "What are your thoughts on your grandson's engagement?"

"That little man is definitely my grandson! Not even three hours and they're engaged! Unlike this man right next to me! Took him six years to propose to my daughter, SIX YEARS!"

"And how about you, Madam Gu?"

"I'll need a wedding planner asap," Was all the great Madam Gu said, before returning to her phone to look for a wedding venue.

"And, Mr. Gu?"

"Aren't they too young?"

"Nonsense!" Elder Gu gave his son a solid smack on the head.

"Mr. Kahn, you are the father of the bride. What are your thoughts on the engagement?"

"If I had known that my little princess would have ended up engaged at the end of tonight, I would've let her stay home to watch dramas with her mother." He sighed and ran a hand down his face.

"Young masters of the Kahn family, you are famed for being protective of your sister, what are your thoughts?"

"We are going to ri-,"

"We have our ways of getting rid of suitors,"

"President Li, you seem quite close to the young couple, why don't you share your insights?"

"If only half the boys on this planet were as smooth as my little Cheng Cheng,"

Many of the other women and girls' nodded their heads in agreement. It would be amazing, if the other gender had even an ounce of the talent the young man had.


Half an hour later

"Before the night ends, it is time to announce the winner of the special wish that will be granted by the Li family,"

The Majority of the guests knew they did not have a chance at the draw but still stayed to feed their curiosity.

"The winner of tonight's wish is..."