She Forgot, She knew

"The winner of tonight's wish is..."


"...CEO and President of Blood Rose, Liu Longlie! With the second most donation of 2 billion! Congratulations, Mrs. Liu. Now, if I may ask, what is your wish?"

Liu Longlie, married to the mafia boss Hu Dajing and a formidable businesswoman. If you searched up businesswoman, the first face that would pop up would be her's. You could search up the word 'rose' and her face, will be the first thing you see.

Liu Longlie, the famed CEO and President of a company that she had built at the age of eighteen with nothing but a high school diploma, became one of the most powerful women in the world before marriage.

Liu Longlie married at the age of 24 and birthed her first child in the same year continued to grow her fashion company to top the world's charts.

Liu Longlie, a mixed Asian of both Japanese and Chinese heritage, she was tall and had sharp features that perfectly matched her blunt and straight forward personality. Her hair curled to perfection in a short bob and her nails just long enough to give her an elegant vibe.

"I wish for a business collaboration,"

Even her voice was professional sounding.

"And with what division of the company, Madam?"

"Sales, I believe that is your forte?"

"So it seems,"

"Well then, I look forward to our collaboration,"

"Cheers," Yaorui raised her glass of sparkling juice.



The next day their collaboration had topped the business news. The top two corporations of China collaborating turns out to be something big.

Meanwhile, in the latest entertainment and gossip news are the viral videos of the couple that only spent three hours dating before getting engaged. There were some haters on the childish couple, but they were quickly pummeled out by the fans.

"AHHHH! They are soooo cute~!"

"Oh great god of love, please give us men some heavenly advice on the art of wooing women!"

"This heavenly being just raised the bar by thousands for us men,"

"It's like it's right out of a Webnovel! The romance is so sweet but still tortures us single people,"

"We need a ship name! Quick, someone tell us their names!"

Many pictures were posted of the children's loving acts at the fundraiser, including videos of the proposal.



"Hello, I am Gu Licheng, and I am Xiao Mimi's future husband,"

"Hello, I am Sunmi's mother, you may call me mother-in-law,"


A sharp pain was felt on both of the twin's waist.

"I would like permission to spoil your daughter today,"

"Sunmi needs an-,"

"An umbrella whenever outside, she's allergic to nuts, loves ice cream, hates greasy food and is terrified of bugs, and yes you may come, I have a feeling that my mother will be bored without a shopping buddy,"

"What a perfect son in law! Much better than these boys, let's go!"


While the world cooed over the newly engaged couple, Li Yaorui was busy preparing for a lunch meeting with the CEO of Blood Rose. She was aware that they were going to send a representative since the CEO would be abroad attending a fashion show in Italy.

As far as she knew, the representative was male and would be a familiar face. It was safe for her to assume that it may be someone famous in either the business, law or fashion field.

If only she knew.

At eleven-thirty sharp, she arrived at the designated meeting spot. They were scheduled to meet at a restaurant downtown in one of the busiest parts, it was also the most public.

Yaorui was led to a window seat by a waitress. She proceeded to remove her snow sprinkled jacket hanging it on the back of the chair.

Today marked the first snow, which marked the beginning of the cold season.

Across from her seat, a men's jacket rested on the chair, the melted snow still shone in the sunlight.

The restaurant was simple and elegant. Succulents were used as centrepieces, providing a nice touch with the black and white interior.

"Sorry I'm late," A familiar deep voice spoke.

"Hu Angli?" There was a visible frown on her face, which was quickly hidden by a smile. "How are you?"

He would be lying if Angli said he wasn't disappointed when he saw the fleeting frown.

"I should be asking you that, you know with your family and everything,"

"Where were you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Where were you when my family was attacked? Why weren't you there for me when I needed you?"

"I-I was put on house arrest,"

"Then why didn't you contact me! Did you even try to contact me?" Her voice was laced with pain and hopelessness.

"I'm sorry,"

"Sorry doesn't fix anything,"

Hu Angli shot up out of his seat.

"What are you doing?!" Hu Angli pulled her up and into his embrace. His arms wrapped around her like it was the most natural thing ever.

"I'm so, so sorry," Tears started to drip from his eyes and onto her neck.

not knowing what to do next, Yaorui snaked her arms around him, gently rubbing and patting his back as he cried.

A few moments later, he pulled away and sat back down.

"It's nice to see you again,"

"It is, it really is,"

Now that they were able to see each other face to face again. They realized how much both of them had changed in the past three months. Yaorui had grown taller, her eyes had light bags, and she looked as if she were carrying the weight of the world. She looked mature, the playful glint was gone, replaced by something else entirely different.

This disheartened Angli. He should've been there, he should have helped her, he could've at least maintained the spark in her eyes.

Hu Angli had too grown taller if that was possible. His eye bags were much more visible, and he seemed skinnier. He looked exhausted and discouraged, his cheeks had hollowed out a bit and the smiling eyes she was accustomed too, were now filled with sorrow. A look of longing mixed with guilt and grief.

But knowing what had happened to her family and who was behind it, it changed everything.


Lu Sheng Rong was taking a stroll in the park while she waited for her brother.

She had received a text the same morning, alerting her of her brother's visit. Her brother never had much time to visit her, but whenever he did, he always made sure that they had a great time.

The last time he visited her was on his birthday, she remembered spending the whole day with just them. During the day, they were out and around, and during the night, they snuggled up in the living room watching movies.

She watched the snowfall onto the pavement as she hummed a melody.

"Guess who?" A pair of freezing cold hands blocked her vision.

"Gege!" She spun around and embraced her brother.

"Uh, Sheng Rong?"

"Yes," She lifted her head and pointed her chin on the other man's chest, cutely pouting at the same time, which quickly became a frown. "You're not my Gege,"

"No, I'm not,"

"Then, who are you?" Sheng Rong let go of the strange boy.

"Y-you, you don't remember me?"

She shook her head.

"No, sorry,"

A sharp pang was felt in his chest. All this time, he'd been missing her, yet she did not even remember his identity.

"I'm Mu Jian Nu, Jian for strong and resolute and Nu for strive," Mu Jian Nu stuck out a hand and smiled.

"Lu Sheng Rong, Sheng for life and Rong for glorious. If I may ask, how do you know me?"

"We go to the same school,"


An awkward silence filled the air around them.

"Xiao Meimei~!"


This time Sheng Rong checked the person before bolting into his arms for a hug.

"I missed you, little sister,"

"I know, I miss you too,"

"I have good news,"

"What is it?" She snuggled deeper into her brother's chest.

"I'm on leave until the Chinese new year holiday!"

Overjoyed, she squeezed her brother and squealed, forcing her brother to jump along with her.

They spent the rest of the day together, having fun and indulging in each other's presence, happy to be together again. They went to a small cafe for lunch and caught up on the things that needed catching up, they shopped for the holidays.

Lu Sheng Rong helped her brother unpack his things in their shared condo. After unpacking, they settled down to watch a few dramas. They threw popcorn at the screen and cried together as they eternally judged the characters.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Who's the guy you were with this morning?"

"Oh, apparently he's a classmate at school, Mu Jian Nu, why?"

"Just wanted to know who my sister is seeing," he shrugged.

"We're not seeing each other, we just bumped into each other," She frowned.

"Whatever you say,"

"I'm serious!"



Back to Yaorui and Angli

"Before you go, I have something to tell you," Hu Angli called out for Yaorui.

They had just finished discussing the terms and conditions for the upcoming collaboration together and were currently standing outside the doors of the restaurant.

"What is it?"


"What was that?"

"I'm-," A loud ringtone cut him off.

"Sorry, I have to take this,"


"Something urgent came up, I'll text you later!" Yaorui rushed towards the black Mercedes Benz and left.

Hu Angli gazed followed the car until it disappeared from sight, and even then, he continued to look in the same direction.

She knew.