
Whyyyyy!? Why did she do that!? That was soooo embarrassing! How is she supposed to face Samuel next time? What if I just ruined our friendship? What if he never talks to me again? What if he already has someone else he likes?

Yaorui's head was filled with tons of "What if's,"

She was horrified by the thoughts of him leaving her. Her PA watched her as she crazed about what she had just done. The male PA was quite scared of the President's mood swings, and this one especially terrified him.

"Yaorui!" She turned around instinctively, towards the voice. "I'll see you at 10:00 am on Saturday!"

A magnificent smile spread across Yaorui's face.


Samuel's POV

"Let's go on a date this weekend,"

The same words repeated itself thousands of times in his chaotic mind. He was finding it very taxing to separate reality from fantasy. He wasn't going to lie, he has dreamt of this moment multiple times. The only difference was that he wasn't a coward when asking her out. But not only did he chicken out, but it was her that had asked him out!

Despite this embarrassment, he extremely elated.

A solid minute passed before he was able to come to his senses, and by then, Yaorui should already be waiting for the elevators.


He was already out of breath for running at a fast pace, at least that was what he thought. When he saw his future queen turn to look at him, he knew that she would be the only thing that could make him out of breath.

""I'll see you at 10:00 am on Saturday!" He yelled with every bit of his love.

A beautiful smile blossomed on her face.

The enchanting smile had successfully enticed him, he found himself looking like fool stupidly in love. If only he hadn't left his phone in the office, he would have been able to capture the ethereal smile and keep it forever and ever. But then again, the camera could never do any justice for the being in front of him.


Lu Sheng Rong & Mu Jian Nu

"What a coincidence!" Lu Sheng Rong smiled letting a small giggle to escape her lips, "You must be Sunmi's brothers, and cousin, come in, they're in the living room,"

Sheng Rong turned and left for the kitchen, leaving the three boys on their own.

"What does she mean coincidence?" Kahn Shen questioned.

"I saw yesterday at the park when I went for a walk, she's also my classmate,"

"So she's the girl you've been staring at on your phone?" This time it was Kahn Oulong who spoke.

"Not here,"

"Is she the reason you decided to jump off the car while we were in the middle of traffic?"

"Yes, now shut up!" He shouted in a whisper.

Sudden sounds of raining pots and pans interrupted their thought process.

Alarmed and immensely concerned, Jian Nu spared no effort when bolting towards the direction of the sounds.

"Lu Sheng Rong?"

"Right here, I'm fine by the way,"

"Are you sure? And what are you doing in the kitchen?"

"Making breakfast because my brother is too much of a wimp to do so,"

"I'll make breakfast instead,"

"You know how to cook?"

"Yeah, my mom taught me,"

"I'll help then,"

"I'll be fine, you can watch if you want though," Jian Nu was not going to give up the chance to showcase his culinary skills.

Apparently knowing how to cook, serves as an attractive attribute to girls'. Lucky him, his mom is an infamous chef he'd been cooking since the age of three!

He waited for Sheng Rong to sit down before he commenced his show.

He planned to make a traditional western breakfast with some oriental hints.

He prepared the rice and started to make a bacon and onion congee. He retrieved a pan from the pile that was lifted on the floor and gave it a quick rinse before pouring the vegetable oil inside.

While he waited for the pan to heat up, he walked over to the fridge and was happy to find it full and lush with all types of meat and greens. He grabbed several healthy-looking onions and placed them to the side.

He placed the bacon into the now hot pan and watched it cook when it was time he flipped the bacon and let it be for about two minutes. While he waited for the bacon to finish cooking, he started to dice the onions. Once the bacon was finished, he blotted it and set it to the side and begun to make the congee.

Meanwhile, Sheng Rong was watching in amazement at Mu Jian Nu's cooking skills. His knife skills were even better than her brother's! And her brother was a world-class assassin in the underworld.

His movements were quick and precise.

The bunny print apron he wore was gifted to her by Gebao a couple days ago, literally made him look like a cute bunny. It degraded his serious face and made him seem cute and squishy.

An hour passed, and breakfast was served.

"Nu Nu's cooking is the best!" Exclaimed the little angel seated at the head of the table. "Xiao Gege, ahhhh~!"

Gu Licheng obediently opened his mouth and allowed his Sunmi meimei to feed him. Even if she were going to feed him poison, he would happily eat it.

The twins, who had found out just recently that their dear cousin liked the girl sitting in between, had put together a master plan to tease him.

"Lu Sheng Rong, right?"

"Yes, and you are..."

"I'm Oulong, you can tell by my dimples," Oulong smiled, revealing his dimples.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend Sheng Rong?" The other twin Kahn Shen asked.

"Yes, when I was about five,"

"Really!? Who?"

"A guy I met preschool, his name was Kahn...Yexing? Something like that, why?"

By now, Mu Jian Nu's hand tightened around the utensils, of course, this did not escape the crafty twins.

"We know him!"


"Yeah, he's our older brother,"

"Wait, he said something about you cheating,"

"Oh yeah, I cheated on him with his cousin, I forgot his name though,"

"Do you have a picture?"

"Yeah, I'll show you guys later,"

After that, the conversation was centred around the adorable children and their mushy acts.

Mu Jian Nu had stir-fried the rice with some ham and peas, he placed sunny-side-up eggs on top and added some stir fry vegetables to finish it off. The congee he cooked had a perfect amount of thickness and flavour to it, making it taste heavenly.

"Hey, Mu Jian Nu," He looked up from his meal, acknowledging the girl across from him. "How about you move in with me to become my personal chef?"

"Sure," If it meant living with her, of course, he would. Hell! If she asked him to be her maid, he would do it! "When do I move in?"


Yaorui had just finished her meeting with the shareholders, and let her tell you, they are beyond funny. Half the shareholders were couples and were constantly bickering, the majority of the meeting was filled with their constant bicker.

It was like the moment the couples enter the room, they became arch enemies. They even sat on opposite sides of the room! Women were on one and men were on the other, of course, there was one gay couple, so there was a single male, in a row of women.

She found it very refreshing to see the couples fighting, it reminded her that relationships would never be perfect unless you meet her parents.

She was in a great mood and was looking forward to the lunch meal (date) with Samuel soon.

"Hey, you ready to go?" She heard his voice the moment she stepped off the elevator.

"Let's go," Yaorui grabbed his arm and dragged him off.

She was honestly more excited about the food than she was the actual meal they would be having together. The place they were going to belong to a famous baker and chef named Fifi Fournier.

She had gotten a chance to taste her pastries before, and they were simply heavenly. The place they were heading to was a bakery that was just two blocks away much to her convenience.

"I can't tell whether you're happy about the pastries or me," Samuel sighed, as he let her drag him ten times her normal pace to the bakery.

"The pastries of course,"

"Take that back," He very much regretted the decision of letting her pick where they have lunch.

"Make me,"


Samuel stopped in his tracks and whipped Yaorui around so that they were face to face.

"W-what are you doing?!"

"Pastries or me?"

"Pastries, now let's go," She attempted to drag him once again. They were just two stores away from the bakery!

"Wrong answer," he whipped her around again and planted a hard kiss onto her lips. "Pastries or me?"

"Pastries," Another kiss.

They kept going like that until Yaorui finally relented. She wasn't going to lie though, she liked the jealous version of him (and the kisses), but was he really getting jealous about food?

If all men were like this, how would her sisters ever get married!? They literally worshipped food!

When they entered the bakery, they were welcomed by a woman who led them towards their table that was situated the windows. They placed their winter wear at the table and went off to order some food.

The bakery was decorated elegantly in gold and white. There was a Christmas tree in the corner and being a European restaurant, it was common to find one.

Christmas was not a well-celebrated holiday in China. Some people celebrated it, but the number of people is very low compared to the western world. But it was common to find Christmas decorations in popular areas and western places.

When Yaorui and Samuel were finished, they went their separate directions. Samuel was asked by Yaorui to visit her younger sister and deliver some pastries for her, whereas Yaorui had a meeting to attend that needed her presence.

When she arrived back at her office, she threw herself at the waiting couch. She flipped onto her back and squealed like a hamster. Yaorui was beyond happy at the progress she had made with Samuel and couldn't wait for the relationship to be announced to the world.

"You can't see him anymore,"

Alerted by the sudden voice, she shot up and retrieved a gun from underneath the couch cushion.

"Who are you, and what do you want?!"