Rivals [2]

"I want for you to stop seeing Samuel,"

Yaorui's eyes were calm and calculative. The lights had yet to be turned on since she had planned on a relaxing nap, so now their only source of light was the fireplace.

But nOoOoOoooo. This guy just haad to sneak in and ruin her naptime. She just wanted a simple nap, but apparently, the gods were all like, "No naptime for you, now defeat this annoying intruder,"

"First, you ruin my naptime, and now, you want me to stop seeing my boyfriend. What do you want me to do? Dig my eyes out?"

"No, I want you to stop seeing him,"

"You're basically asking me to dig my eyes out,"

"No, I'm asking you to stop seeing Samuel,"

"Exactly! You want me to dig my eyes out,"

During their dispute, Yaorui had not once relaxed her shooting position.

"No! I mean you have to leave him,"

"I literally left him a couple minutes ago,"

"No! For good, leave him and never see him again!"

"So you want me to find him, make sure he sees me leave him, then dig my eyes out?" She wasn't gonna lie, she was purposely taking his words too seriously, or not seriously enough. Whatever the answer, the intruder was entertaining when frustrated.

"Break up with him,"

"I can't really do that,"

"Why not?"

"Because he hasn't officially asked me to be his girlfriend,"

"But I thought,"

"You thought what?"

"That you were dating,"

"We are, we just went on a date, dummy,"

"No! I meant I thought you two were in a relationship,"

"Technically we are,"

"I meant the relationship between lovers,"

"Like mom and dad?"


"But they're in a coma should I put myself an Samuel in a coma then?"


"Then cut to the crap, who the hell are you?"

"A friend,"

"I only have one male friend, and that's Samuel," She unlocked the gun and prepared to pull the trigger."

"Put it down,"

"Step out into the light,"

The lights from the fire continued to flicker, silently mocking the man hidden in the shadows.

"Very well,"

One step, two steps...



"I'm done!" Two voices exclaimed after finishing their meal. "Can we see the pictures now?"

"Don't be stupid, she's not done yet," Another voice scolded the two boys.

"Don't be too harsh on them Mu Jian Nu," The man across from Sheng Rong pouted, "They are, after all, our elders,"

The smirk on the twins' face quickly faded, having been stolen by the boy across from them.

"Yah! Aren't you supposed to be on our side!?" Kahn Shen uttered out.

"But he knows how to cook,"

"We do too!" proclaimed Oulong.

"Then one of you can make lunch, and the other can make dinner, then we can decide who's better,"



"Why, no?"

"Even their parents can't bear to eat their food, how are you going too?"

"That's true, Mu Jian Nu is the winner!"

He smirked victoriously at the pouting twins.

"Alright I'm done, Shen, Oulong, dish duty,"

"Why can't Jian Nu do it?"

"Because he cooked,"

They pouted and began their task of cleaning.

While the twins busied themselves, Sheng Rong made her way back to her room to retrieve the box of photo albums. By the time she made it back to the living room, the twins had just figured out how to use the tap. She shook her head and sighed.

Rich people.

She walked over to where Cheng Cheng was already seated with the little angel and placed the dusty box down.

"What's that?" Sunmi's silvery voice inquired.

"It's a box filled with pictures,"

"Can I see,"

"Yup, just pick one,"

Gu Licheng jumped down from the couch and proceeded to make his way to the dusty box.

"What colour do you want, Sunmi meimei?"

"Pink!" He bent down and grabbed about five photo albums.

"Here you go,"

While the two children looked through the old photos together, Sheng Rong made herself useful and begun to clean off the dust on the albums.

She couldn't remember the last time she looked through them, nor the last time they added a new photo. She predicted it to be around the time of her parents' death.

"Xiao meimei? Are they gone? I'm hungry,"

"Gege! Cheng Cheng and Sunmi brought friends!"

"Wait, they're still here!" She nodded her head vigorously.

"We left some food on the counter by the way,"

"Sai Sai, come meet my Sunmi meimei," Gu Licheng looked excitedly at Lu Zhi Sai.

"O-okay," The terrified Lu Zhi Sai shuffled towards the demon children.

"Sunmi meimei this is Sai Sai,"

"Hewoo~!" She offered the big man her best smile.

"She's soo cute!" One word from the little angel and Lu Zhi Sai, a trained assassin, was head over heels for her. All it took was one word for him to become a devoted slave to the little lolita.

"Call me Sai Sai Gege,"

"Sa Sa Gege," Everybody was practically gushing at the child's words.

Everybody was so busy with the cuteness overload that they had failed to notice Mu Jian Nu sneaking about.

A warm breath was felt on Sheng Rong's neck, sending chills down her spine.


"Mu Jian Nu! What are you doing?" She whispered.

"I want a hug,"


"I'll take that as a yes,"

He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. Mu Jian Nu sat behind her on the floor with his legs resting on either side of her legs.

She found herself surrounded by his scent, he smelled of pine mixed in with the after rain smell. Sheng Rong unconsciously leaned back onto him, her muscles relaxing and her guards put down.

"Which one contains your boyfriends?" Mu Jian Nu referred to the dozens of photo albums in the box.

"Hmm, this one I think," She out a purple album, that was covered in hearts.

When she opened the photo album, the first picture was one of her kissing her first boyfriend's cheek. They were about the same age as Cheng Cheng and Sunmi in the photo. At that time, they had already known each other for a while.

The second photo was them on a (play)date together at the amusement park that day. They had just gotten off the water ride, and her Kahn Yexing was hugging her from behind.

In the third one, they were both sound asleep in his bed. Kahn Yexing was spooning her from behind and she was clutching a stuffed bear that was gifted to her by him.

"Do you still have the stuffed bear?"

"The bear? Yeah, it lives on my nightstand now,"

Mu Jian Nu was currently collecting information on a possible love rival while making notes on the likes and dislikes of Sheng Rong.

"Sheng Rong?"

"What's up?" She looked at her older brother.

"I invited a couple of my friends over to hang out for the day,"

"Okay, you should go to eat your breakfast now,"

"Right," he got up and left for the kitchen where he was met with the horrific sight of all kinds of broken things.

Even the metal spoons were broken! How do you break a metal spoon from washing dishes!? He sighed and shooed the destructive twins away, looks like he had to do the dishes himself.

Meanwhile, Sheng Rong and Mu Jian Nu had already finished going through the first album and had begun to look through the second one. The first one was filled with pictures of her Yexing, whereas the second one only contained pictures of her and the other guy.

The first picture was one of her on her first day of school. She and Yexing were forced to go to separate schools since she had gotten into the school for geniuses, whereas Yexing had to go to a prestigious school for regular rich kids.

The boy she cheated on with was in the background taking a picture as well, that was the day they met each other.

The second picture was them at the 100m dash competition. They had both come out first at the male and female races and both had big smiles on their faces while their medals hung around their necks.

This was the picture that caught Mu Jian Nu's attention the most. The boy in the picture gave him a strange sense of familiarity.

Their third picture was on a class trip to the forbidden palace, they were holding hands and laughing happily together.

It was the fourth photo that had confirmed his suspicions.

In the fourth photo, the boy and Sheng Rong were standing side by side with one of their arms out. On both, their wrists were matching crimson bracelet with four white roses.

"That bracelet, do you still have it?"

"It's on my wrist, see," She pulled back her jumper to show the same crimson bracelet resting on her wrists. "I had to get it adjusted every once in a while once it became too tight, why?"

He stood up, releasing Sheng Rong from his hold and went over to his jacket. He pulled out his house keys and seated himself back behind Sheng Rong.

"This," She stuttered.

In front of Sheng Rong was a set of house keys with an identical crimson bracelet hanging off it.

"I'm Mu Jian Nu, your boyfriend, but you called me Nu Nu,"

"What do you mean, boyfriend?!"

"We never officially broke up,"

"Well, now we officially break up,"

"And now I'm gonna court you until you become my girlfriend again," He smirked back at his "girlfriend,"

*Ding, dong*

"We'll get that!" Shrieked the twins.

"Big bro Yexing! What are you doing here?"