
School for the G. I. F. T. E. D. [1] Hospital Campus

*beep* *beep* *beep*

Li Yaorui listened to the heart monitor as she rested her head next to Samuel.

Just a few hours ago, he was laughing and beaming at her as they ate together. He was whispering sweet things telling her things that she held dear.

And now?

He laid still on a hospital bed with nothing but a heart monitor assuring her that she was not alone, at least...not yet.

For now, she was too tired to cry, to scream and plead. For now, she was numb, empty and tired, so so tired.

He loved her, and she did nothing, now, she loves him too, and she still could do nothing.

Drained and listless, she succumbed to the god of sleep.


"LUNCH IS READY!" In a flash, the twins had up and left towards the dining area.

"You need help?" Zhang Mao Rong looked down at his sparring partner, she lazily smiled and nodded her head in answer.

Seeing her answer, he squatted down and allowed Sheng Rong to climb onto his back like a Koala.

When they entered the dining area, Kahn Yexing pulled out a chair next to him, allowing zhang Mao Rong to dump Sheng Rong onto the chair while he took the chair next to her brother.

"Where did you get the bracelet?" Lu Sheng Rong looked at the asker and back at her bracelet then at Mu Jian Nu.

"Mu Jian Nu gave it to me,"

Kahn Yexing nodded and proceeded to his next question, "How about the bear I gave you? Do you still have that? I remember you carrying it everywhere when we were younger,"

"En, it's on my nightstand,"

"You didn't tell me you dated my baby sister," Everybody looked at Zhang Zhi Sai.

Kahn Yexing gulped, he clearly remembered several of the younger version of Zhang Zhi Sai's threats. The only reason he escaped unscathed back then, was because his precious little sister would be mad at him, but now, Sheng Rong could no longer be his shield.

Not to mention the multiple times he swore at him even during their friendship, not knowing the person he was swearing was right beside him.

He looked to his brothers for him only for them to shrug it off, so much for brothers. Next, he looked on his dear little sister, but he should've known that his sister wasn't paying attention to the table talk.

Kahn Yexing looked at his third choice, Zhang Mao Rong, only to be met with a shake of the head.

With no other choice, he proceeded with Plan D, "Mu Jian Nu dated your sister too!"

"So, you admit to dating my sister?"

Sweat began to drip down his forehead as he swallowed yet another gulp.


"Both of you, ring, nOw,"

"Finish eating first Gege,"


Both boys sighed in relief. They still had time to escape.


Next Day

G. I. F. T. E. D Hospital Campus

Slowly, the door creaked open, the culprit looked behind him and made a signal.

As silently as possible, he led three other people into the room.

All of a sudden, the sleeping figure shot up, punched the emergency button and got into a ready stance.

"Sister-in-law, put your fists away,"

"An Wade? An Akari? What are you two doing here?"

"Did you forget? You're dating my brother," An Wade sighed and looked pointedly at his sister in law.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek! Mom, dad! This is the person I wanted you to meet! She's the idol that I mentioned, Li Yaorui, the person who saved me from the two perverts!"

Yaorui looked at the older couple and quickly performed a ninety-degree bow, embarrassed and upset at her foolishness.

"I apologize for not greeting Mister and Mrs. An earlier,"

"No need to apologize, now let me have a good look at my future daughter in law's face," The lay's honey voice gently coaxed Yaorui to come closer.

"MISS LI! WHAT IS THE EMERGENCY!" Immediately a team of the best doctors burst through the door.

"Samuel moved, it's what woke me up in the first place,"

"You heard her! The patient moved, quickly proceed with a check-up!" The doctor screamed at himself and the other doctors present.

While the other doctors busied themselves, Yaorui escorted the An family out.

"We're sorry we didn't come yesterday," An Akari started, "We had to pick up our parents from the airport since they had to fly in from America, and our parents refused to rest after their flight, so we had to stay behind with them,"

"That's completely fine, after all, our health is most important,"

"How are you holding up, darling?" Samuel's mother asked.

"I'm fine, I should be asking you that question instead, Samuel is, after all, your son,"

"Aiyo, you were so small last time I saw you. Last I remembered, you had cheeks the size of buns," The middle-aged woman offered a kind and sorrowful smile.

"Yes, that's right, I remembered that little rascal throwing a tantrum every single day until we convinced him otherwise," Mr. An spoke up in a baritone voice.

"What did you tell him?"

"We told him about the abroad program at G.I.F.T.E.D, it was the only reason he got into GIFTED in the first place,"

"And thank the heavens for that, he ruined almost all of my dresses," An Akari responded.

"But honestly, dear, how are you?"

"I have cried enough for one night,"

"How are your siblings? I heard that your brother and sister woke up,"

"They're doing fine, my brother has been up and about while my sister is currently learning how to walk,"

The conversation settled into a gentle silence, each of them reflecting on what was and what could be.

" Miss Li, Mister and Mrs. An, the patient should awake in the next 1-2 hours,"

"Thank you, we'll be heading in now,"

"Actually, I have to handle something at the company," With that, An Wade turned and left.

"That boy, they grow up so fast," Mrs. An looked sorrowfully at her eldest son.

And with that, the couple turned and entered the hospital room.


The first thing she heard stepping into the hospital room was beeping of the heart monitor, the steady rhythm of Samuel's heartbeat calmed her nerves.

She walked over to the empty seat next to the bed and took his hand, it was warm now, but it did not contain the usual warmth she was used to.

"How? How did this happen?" She heard Akari's voice behind her.

"I-it was my fault," She started sobbing, "All my fault," She cried harder, "H-he was shot, b-because we were, we were seeing each other," By now both Mr. and Mrs. An had started listening. "H-he wanted us to stop, stop seeing each other, h-he wanted me to cut of a-all ties with Samuel," she choked out, "H-he sacrificed himself for me,"

"Who was it? Do you know?"

Her face darkened when she recalled the identity of the culprit. Her cries ceased, her face clouded with hate, and a murderous aura spilled out from her.

"The Hu family," Every single word was laced with utter hatred and hostility.


Meanwhile Hu Family

"Did you do it?"


"Is he dead?"

"Probably not,"

"How about the other one?"

"You'll see tomorrow,"

"Be careful, the Ando family is the strongest opponent our clan has faced in generations,"

"I'll keep that in mind father,"



G.I.F.T.E.D Hospital

After reassuring Yaorui a bit, the An family left, leaving her alone with Samuel. They had wanted to be there for his awakening, but the matters with the Hu Family weighed on them, and they left to dig up more info on the attack.

The An family had left about an hour ago, and Samuel had yet to stir. Li Yaorui was ready to slam the emergency button the minute the two-hour wait surpassed it's set time.

"Relax Yaorui," She told herself, "There are still ten minutes remaining," She breathed in and out, calming her anxious nerves. Yaorui looked sorrowfully at the person laying on the bed, she held his hand with one hand while the other played with his hair and traced his face.

"Wake up soon, Sammy Gege~ah, I miss you~," Her hand moved back down and rested on his chest, "Did you know that I like you? I really, really like you. If you wake up right now, I will..." Her words trailed.

"I will kiss you whenever you want for the next...two weeks!" She happily declared. "I have also decided that all of us," She said, meaning her, her siblings, friends and him, "...will all return to school after the break," She smiled.

If they went to school together, they could show everyone that they were a couple and walk around the school hand in hand. They could have study dates and eat all their meals together while doing things that other couples did.

"Aiyo, why aren't you up yet? Is two weeks worth of kisses not enough?" She looked at the still boy next to her, "Fine, one month, I promise," Yaorui pouted and snuggled closer to Samuel.

A small smile spread on the patient's face.

"You promised, one month of free kisses, I want one right now,"