Personal Interruptions

"What? You're not shying out now, are you?" Yaorui's face turned red, her hands came up to hide her red face. "Hehe, my girlfriend is shy~!"

Her face became cherry red when she heard Samuel referring to her as his girlfriend. Mustering up all her courage, she brought her hands down and gave the smiling boy a kiss on the cheek before retreating back behind her hands.

After a few moments of shy silence, Yaorui allowed herself to peek through her fingers. What she saw made her drop her guards instantly, Samuel had a beautiful blissful smile on his face revealing the dimples at the corner of his smile. His eyes were droopy and half-lidded while his body had gone limp with blissfulness.

If this was the effect she had on him when she kissed his cheeks, what would happen if she went for the lips instead? She wondered if he would faint on impact and decided to give the idea a whirl, he was after all safe on a bed.

With a lot more confidence than she had before, she kissed him right on his soft kissable lips.

Samuel responded back almost immediately, his hands moved up to pull her closer, his lips moving in sync with hers. To him, it felt so right and beyond perfect.

Their kiss was filled with love and admiration, not a trace of hidden lust or the dirty kind of passion. It contained nothing but their love for each other and promises they hoped would last forever.

Too soon did their meaningful kiss end. Both were left breathless from the kiss.

While they struggled to regain their breaths, their hand intertwined together, Yaorui moved to lay on the bed next to Samuel, careful of the wires attached to him.

She used his arm as a pillow and played with their hands, comparing sizes and intertwining and undoing their fingers. Yaorui found it somehow amusing how his hands were so much longer than hers, despite her being a pianist.

Samuel watched Yaorui as she played with their hands, he studied her features and different expressions, determined to memorize every little thing.

While he watched her, he noticed that her expression was getting darker and upset, "What's wrong?"

"I was invited to another charity event next week,"

"Reject it," He looked proud at himself for coming up with the idea.

"I can't, I already sent them my acceptance letter,"

"Than I come with you," At least this way he would be able to spend Christmas with her, right?

She scoffed, "In your dreams, you are staying right here until you are fully healed," Remembering his injury, Yaorui pressed the red emergency button next to the bed, signalling the doctors that they were of need.

"I feel perfectly fine,"

"Let's see what the doctors have to say first,"

"If you go, then who will I spend the holidays with?"

"What holiday? We don't celebrate Christmas nor the westerners New Year,"


"If you want to celebrate Christmas with someone, you can celebrate with my sister,"

"But what about my month worth of free kisses?"

"It will resume after I get back," Finally looking up at her handsome boyfriend, she gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

She did not think that through.

Almost immediately, Samuel kissed her back with ten times the strength. His hand snuck behind her neck and forced her closer to him.


Embarrassed and horrified at being caught, Yaorui broke the kiss instantly and hid inside of her partner in crime's embrace. Whereas Samuel sent a deadly glare at the team of doctors, he only had three days before his future queen left him alone to fend for himself, and he planned to spend every second of the day alone with her.

The group of doctors unconsciously swallowed when they felt the room temperature drop several degrees.

"A-ah, we are sorry to intrude Miss Li, and Mr. An, we shall return later at a better time," The team of doctors bowed, despite the chilly atmosphere, there was sweat dripping down their backs.

"No need!" Yaorui shot out of bed, "Please start...examining him," She sent a deadly glare at the bitter boy behind her.

The head doctor nodded and gestured for the other doctors to begin running the tests.

While Samuel was acting like a bitter child, Yaorui paced nervously outside of the room, praying for the results to turn out well.

Sometime later, the large team of doctors exited and made a sign for her to follow them. They led her to a decently sized conference room, the doctors sat in a U-shape, each with a solemn face.

With a pounding heart, she sat down, her face showing no emotion other than utter tranquillity.

"Miss Li, other than the broken ribcage and arm gained from the fall, the patient seems to be okay," Started the head doctor.

"Of course, he will need to stay here a little longer for his ribcage to heal and some observing." Replied a female doctor.

"How long?"

"He should be able to be discharged early February or late January," A different doctor spoke.

"Is there anything else that I should know?"

"Due to his ribcage, we suggest not feeding him anything to hot, spicey, cold or hard to chew and/or swallow to avoid chest congestion."

Yaorui waited a few seconds for any other doctors to speak up, after a few moments of silence, she stood up.

"If that is it then I shall take my leave," She bowed and turned towards the door.

Before she could exit she remembered the trip to the charity fund in America, "I will be leaving for an event in three days, please take care of him while I'm gone, thank you," And with that, she left.


Li Long Ao

"Well done, Senior Li! You are will almost be able to run again, now that you can jog, do you want to take a break?" The sound of clapping and excited praises went through one ear and out the other.

"Where is Wenshi?"

"Senior Li, let's not worry about her, how about I give you a massage?" The girl moved towards the glistening boy- no, man and attempted to get a touch of the powerful young master.

Fang Wuping, a third-year at G.I.F.T.E.D. studying Chinese medicine and physical therapy. She came the lowest of the low class, her life before being found a genius was...hard. Her mother a gambler, her brother bedridden, and her father ill from the strain and burden of it all.

Her father worked day and night, paying for her schooling, the debts, and her brother's medicine. Along with all of that, loan sharks hired thugs to collect debts.

By the age of ten, her brother passed, leaving her father devastated and stuck in the bottomless hole of debt. It wasn't long after that her mother left for some rich man.

The good thing about that is that her mother took all the debt with her, and soon enough, the man's company became bankrupt, pushing her mother onto the brink of insanity.

All of that happened before she turned seven when she turned seven her intelligence and knowledge was beginning to show which was how she was discovered and brought to G.I.F.T.E.D.

They offered her father a job at the school so that they could stay close and now? He was head of the recruiter department, searching all of China for potential geniuses and bringing them in as students.

At the age of fourteen, she met the second young master of the Li family Li Long Ao and automatically fell in love with the rebellious boy.

She spent three years watching him and hoping for him to notice her, then all of a sudden some new girl showed up and ruined everything.

Fang Wuping was planning a confession to Li Long Ao on the first day of school, but instead, she comes across the girl sitting at his table smiling and chatting with Li Long Ao and the other boys.

What was so special about that girl? She was smart and beautiful too! The other girl came out of nowhere, taking everything and anything that was hers.

What did the girl have that she didn't?

"That's alright, I'll just go change and wait for her outside," Li Long Ao grabbed his towel and left with his water bottle in hand.

He did not know what or how, but that girl always seemed to give him chills, even her voice set him off.

He shivered.

After a short shower and a short amount of time to look presentable, Li Long Ao emerged from the change rooms. He wore a white button-down with the first two buttons undone, navy pants, and an undone tie. His gym bag hung off of his shoulder while his navy blazer rested on his forearm. His hair was left damp, forming a bowl cut hairstyle.

"Senior Li!" Ugh, "Why don't you ride the train with me?" He swears this girl is literally everywhere.

When he was about to turn around, he spotted his saviour dressed in the school uniform. Pretending not to have heard the annoying girl, he continued walking to the door, smiling at his hero.

"Wenshi~!" He called out for the beautiful angel standing by the door.

"Hello, Long Ao," She handed him his black winter jacket.

"You should've brought my navy one,"


"So that we can match,"

"We're not a couple Long Ao,"

"But-," He said, pushing on the doors leading outside.

"Not so fast, your hair is still wet, let me dry it a bit more," She led him to a nearby bench and sat him down.

"Here," Li Long Ao sighed and handed Wenshi his drying towel.

Without farther ado, Zhang Wenshi carefully began to dry his damp hair while Long Ao entertained them with stories of his adventures and his horrible singing.

All of this happened right in front of Fang Wuping's eyes, sending her boiling with envy and hate.

"We'll see how far you get,"


Lu Sheng Rong

*Ding Dong*

"Aish! I'm coming!" Followed by the voice were several sounds of falling items.

'Who could be here at six am in the morning?'

Faint sounds of footsteps,

then the locks in the door moving were heard from the outside.

"What do you want?" A male voice spoke.

"I'm here as a personal chef, I was told to move in, to make it more convenient for me to cook food."

"How much is your pay?"

"Ten kisses per day,"

Lu Zhi Sai turned to the bowl sitting on the cabinets and retrieved ten Hershey kisses.

"Here you go, now go, shoo,"

"Sir, I meant ten mouth to mouth kisses from the lady of the household,"