
"EEEEEEHHH?!" Remembering his snoozing sister Zhang Zhi Sai quieted down. "What are you doing here, you brat?! Was the beating yesterday not enough for you, huh!?"

"Your sister had personally asked me to do so,"

"And I'm the oldest here, so I make the decisions,"

"Don't you like my food? Wouldn't it be nice to have it every day?"

"If you are so desperate to be near my sister, then just move in next door," Zhang Zhi Sai sarcastically remarked and carefully, slammed the door in the other's face.

Why didn't he think of that?

Mu Jian Nu pulled walked next door and rang the bell.

"Hi, I would like to buy out this place, how does ten million RMB sound?"


An Samuel

He groaned and fluttered his eyes. The stars were still out, and the sky still dark. His (unbroken) arm was numb and unusually heavy, slowly, Samuel turned his head and was met with a very much welcomed sight.

He watched a strand of hair fall over face, blocking his perfect view. Frowning, he moved the strand ever so carefully and went back to admiring his view.

He found inexplicably cute how she pouted in her sleep, looking down, he noticed a small pool of drool on the bedsheet. Turns out the perfect princess of the Li family isn't so perfect, after all.

Delicately, he traced the of face, her eyes, nose, rosy cheeks and finally the pouty lips. Leaning in, he planted a soft kiss on her rosy lips, then another and another until Yaorui inevitably woke up from the kisses.

"Mmm, good morning," She yawned and snuggled closer, earning a small chuckle from him.

"Good morning to you too sleepyhead, did you enjoy your morning alarm?" His smile spread wider when he felt her nod against his arm. "Then how about I be your alarm every day?" She nodded again.

He grinned and wrapped her up in his arms.

"Thank you," he said.

"For what?"

"For being with me,"

"Then thank you too,"

"When I get better,"

"Let's go on the date you asked me out on,"

"That was so embarrassing," He laughed. "I like this, I like us, alone, together,"

"I like us too,"


Lunch Hour

Zhang Wenshi and her brother had agreed to meet up for lunch at a Korean noodle shop. She was currently waiting for the late little brat while chatting with Long Ao over text.

Wenshi was very much aware of the second young master's feelings towards her and was smart enough to know that they were genuine and real.

'Have you eaten yet?'

'I'm meeting up with the boys for some lunch,"

'Where are you eating?'

'Why do you wanna know?'

'Do you...perhaps like me?'

'Nevermind then,'

'No no I'll tell you,'

'We heading to Noodles Korea, or something like that, it's just outside of school,'

'What about you?'

'Lunch with my brother,'


'Korea Noodles,'

Before she could hit send, her slowpoke brother showed up at the door.

They were twins, her being the oldest. They were identical if one dressed up as the other and had a close relationship that most people called 'twin telepathy,'

Her brother was the same height as her and had more muscle than her. Zhang Mao Rong was a sore loser, most of the time, she would beat him in battles ranging from hand to hand combat to weapons and distance, she had all the athletic genes.

Don't get her wrong! Her brother is good too, she's just better.

Although he lacked in the athletic field, he was extraordinarily talented when it came to strategizing and academics. The only reason his strategies never worked on her was that she knew her weaknesses and vulnerabilities also the twin telepathy thing kinda helped.

"Sorry I'm late, I stayed up working ahead in the textbook so that I can free up some time,"

"Why do you even care about the textbook? You have a freaking photographic brain!" She slumped down in her chair, feeling wronged and pitiful.

"If it makes you feel better, I have the five dollars I owe you,"

"How about you pay for the meal instead?"

"Fine with me," He shrugged, "What do you want? I'll order,"

"Beef glass noodles,"

"Coming right up,"

While she waited for her brother, Zhang Wenshi took a look around the room, the restaurant was cafe sized and had wood panelling and floors. The furniture consisted of red, blue, black, and white, all the colours on the Korean flag. The lighting was provided by the large windows in the front and the hanging lights attached to the ceiling.

At the back center of the room was a dining area in the style of a bar, it was also where the cashier was.

Their table was in the back corner by the kitchen door, the polished table was black, and the booth seat where she sat was padded with red leather cushions.

Her brother's chair was metal and spray painted red. There was a hanging ceiling light right above the two-seater table.

"It's so freaking cold outside,"

"No sh*t, my toes feel like ice cubes,"

"I told you,"

Zhang Wenshi's head snapped.

'WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?' She inwardly screamed.

She tore her eyes away, let down her hair, and swiftly 'teleported' into her brother's seat.

"Hey! Why did you take my seat?" Her brother's voice startled her already nervous nerves.

"You know that guy I told you about?"


"Well, he's here,"

"What's his name again?"

"Li Long Ao,"


Li Yaorui

She had gone home earlier to pack for her trip and grab a few things since she would be staying in the hospital for the remaining two days with Samuel.

Earlier she had bought lunch based off of the list of 'do's and don't's' from the doctors.

Now entering the hospital ward where Samuel stayed, she was pleasantly surprised to find her famous superstar sister, Li Anshi, outside the door leading to her beloved.

Her sister was still rather frail and had an IV drip next to her wheelchair, apparently, the poison had affected her more than others.

"Bei Bei~ What are you doing here? I was going to go to meet you,"

"I got bored to decided to visit Senior An,"

"That's great, we can eat lunch together," She walked behind her sister's wheelchair and pushed her in.

While she helped her sister settle down in the room, the bodyguards and nurses helped set up lunch.

"Hello, Junior Anshi, come here, Rui'er," Samuel greeted the younger sister while gesturing to his future queen that he wanted another free kiss.

Yaorui leaned down and relented to his order. She sat down across from her sister and begun to pile Samuel's bowl with food while he did the same with her's.

After a while, Samuel remembered his plan to gain all of the Li family members' approval and began to care for Li Anshi as well.

"Eat up, you are still very weak, you too Rui'er, you need to fatten up more," He frowned at Yaorui's thin figure.

"Says the injured person," She rolled her eyes and started to stuff his mouth. When his cheeks were the size of chipmunks, she stopped and begun stuffing her sister's cheeks.

"Ah-Jie~," Anshi whined, "I'm supposed to be model. If you keep feeding me like this, I'll get fat,"

"Says the most gluttonous sister,"

"Senior An, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Anshi looked dangerously at her older sister.

"3, 2, 1, ATTACK!" Both of them picked up their chopsticks and began to stuff Yaorui's already plump cheeks.

After stuffing her cheeks fulls, the devious pair burst into fits of laughter.

Yaorui was glaring at the angrily at them while furiously chewing on the food stuffed inside her mouth.

They spent the rest of the afternoon chatting and laughing together.


~If you hadn't su~

"Hey, Gebao. What's up?" Yaorui picked up her phone.

"I was wondering if we could meet up to discuss, you know?"

"I'm free tonight, we can meet up at your place,"

"Actually, I spoke with Sheng Rong earlier, Mu Jian Nu is there with her, so I figured we could meet up there instead?"

"That's fine, I'll be there by 6:00pm," She said, taking a glimpse at her watch.

"See you soon,"


Yaorui began to gather her things and notified her driver of the change of plans.

"What are you doing?" Her sister asked.

"Something urgent came up with the girls, so I'm gonna head over."

"Be back for tonight," Samuel reminded her.

"I'll make sure to come back and cuddle you to sleep,"


"Mwah, take care of my sister,"

And with that, she left.


Sheng Rong

Sheng Rong was currently scrolling through Weibo in the living room on a bean bag. The living room was redesigned, the couch was now in a circle shape, the new TV was much bigger than before, and there was a table.

They may have gone overboard when furniture shopping, but can you blame her? The warehouse was filled with cool things, even Mu Jian Nu, who had apparently moved in this morning was shopping like a spoiled rich girl.

Plus, this was nothing compared to Gebao's place.

"Meimei! Your friend and her boyfriend are here!" her brother called from the foyer. Seconds later, the winter winds entered along with two snow sprinkled guests.

"Living room!" She called out.

A few moments later, Gebao and Ran Jiexu walked into the living room with a suitcase in tow.

The suitcase was, with no doubt, filled with all sorts of gadgets and electronics.

"Sheng Rong~!" Gebao jumped on top of her.

"What did you bring this time?"

"Just a couple things, can you help me set up?"

"Sure, Mu Jian Nu is in the kitchen, by the way, Ran Jiexu,"

"I'm gonna go say hi," Jiexu gave Gebao a kiss on the forehead and left towards the kitchen.

"Can you guys tone down the mushiness around me? I'm getting a cavity from just seeing that,"

Gebao giggled and begun to pull out the items from her suitcase.

"Says the one living with her boyfriend,"

"Not my boyfriend, personal chef,"

*Ding Dong*

Sheng Rong stood up and went to get the door. Knowing that it was her other best friend, she swung the door open and immediately regretted the decision.

A blast of winter hit her. She was freezing from head to toe!

It was simply too cold for her.

"Hi, can I come in?"