Hellooo America [2]

"First Class now boarding,"

"That's me," Li Yaorui stood up and turned towards her friends. "I'm gonna miss you, girls~!"

She pulled Sheng Rong and Gebao a big bear hug.

"We're gonna miss you too~!" Gebao said.

"Bring back gifts, okay, " Sheng Rong teased her. "We'll update you if any of your family members wake up again,"

"Thank you guys, I don't know what I'd without you two," She smiled, tears brimming her eyes.

"Stop crying, you'll only be gone for a week, plus, if you cry, I'll cry to ~," Gebao wiped her eyes.

"Alright, well, we don't want you to miss your flight," Sheng Rong pushed her in the direction of the boarding line. "We love you, bye!"

"I'll miss you guys!"

"Don't forget the presents!"

"Bye!" With Gebao ending off the farewells, Yaorui made her way aboard the plane.



"First class now boarding,"

"That's me, see ya later,"

"See ya,"


3 seconds later

*Sounds of weeping boys*


"Hello, is there anything you may need before we take off Miss Li?"

"Oh no, it's fine, thank you,"

Li Yaorui watched the flight attendant move from passenger to passenger as she settled herself in her own first-class cabin. Her seat was placed in the center row next to another seat. There was a divider between the two seats that allowed some privacy between the two passengers.

It wasn't long until she heard the sounds of shuffling next door.

It looks like she was going to have a roommate.

At least the middle seats were more spacious than the window seats.

Sighing, she synced her earbuds (not apple airbuds,) with her phone and prepared to take a long nap.


Yaorui shot up out of her seat, ready to scream at her neighbour for disrupting her nap.

"Hu Angli?"

"Hey, sorry about waking you from your nap, but I have something I think you should know,"

She sat down, wary of whether or not to listen to him. "Carry on,"

"I did some digging and-,"

"Please direct your attention to the front for the safety demonstration,"

"As I was saying,"

"Smoking is not permitted anywhere onboard, and destroying, disabling and covering smoke detectors is against federal law,"

"Gods FU-" Yaorui covered Hu Angli's loudmouth with her hands and glared at him.

"Would you shut up!" She whispered aggressively.

He sat down grudgingly, sending glares at the speakers and flight attendants.

. . . .

It wasn't until after take-off, did Yaorui finally let him continue his point.

"I found out that your family's hospital records had been altered and that they were supposed to wake up one day after being poisoned,"


"Let me finish, I think that someone is bribing or threatening a doctor or someone at school to poison your family and keep them in a coma. You are not going to like who my first suspect is,"

"It's An Samuel, isn't it?"

"How did you know?"

"He's your first suspect for everything that goes wrong in my life," He shrugged and nodded.

"You're not wrong,"

"Let's go to the dining cabin first,"

(A/N: This is a luxury plane with two floors, the first floor is for business class and economy. The second floor holds first-class passengers, first-class bathrooms and a first-class dining room/cabin. This stuff exists)

In the dining cabin, first-class passengers were already walking around or seated. They were dressed as if they were at some gala, wearing sequin dresses, lots of makeup and furry scarfs.

Li Yaorui and Hu Angli felt extremely out of place. They both thought that all the fancily dressed people there were crazy and too stubborn.

What's wrong with wearing slacks every now and then.

None the less, they stride into the room with their heads held high, not caring about looking underdressed in the room full of crazy rich Asians.

(A/N: See what I did there?)

They walked towards the buffet table and begun to load each other's plates with food.

Neither of them worried about gaining weight since they lose weight quickly after a workout session or two.

After they finished piling each other's plates, they found a seat at the back of the room in a private corner.

"I'll be right back," Hu Angli stood up and left her alone with two plates filled with mouthwatering delicacies.

Just so you know, she was not a glutton. She was just a sucker for sweet foods.

Looking at the syrup covered waffles, soft golden pancakes, perfectly toasted bread and Royal Chocolate mousse cake sitting across from her plate of healthy greens and vegetables. Her mouth watered.

Soon enough, the only plate left on the table was a plate of healthy greens.

"Hey, I'm back- you ate my desserts!" Hu Angli pointed an accusing finger at her.

"No, I didn't, I filled the plate, so naturally the desserts were mine,"

"You're stubborn,"

"You're persistent," he shrugged unoffended by her words, "Give me a second, my boyfriend's calling,"

"Boyfriend?" Hu Angli repeated quietly enough that only he could hear.

He looked in her direction, he felt hurt and betrayed, but then again they were never together in the first place.

"Samuel? Hi~!"

'Samuel?' He should have known, that cheeky bastard.

Hu Angli ate silently and slowly, it wasn't long until he stopped eating entirely. Looks like he'll need up his game, but first, the evidence, he couldn't just straight tell Yaorui that Samuel and him were from rival mafia families, now could he?

Yaorui spent about a half-hour on the phone with Samuel, she told him about Hu Angli but didn't mention all the things that he was accused of. She informed him that they were aboard the same plane and had spoken a bit.

"Be careful, I don't want my girlfriend to be snatched away the week we started dating, don't forget he nearly killed me because he was jealous,"

She paused. It was true, Hu Angli did try to kill her boyfriend out of spite and jealousy.

"I won't, I have to go now,"

"Alright, call me when you land,"

"Will do, I love you," After that, she hung up abruptly. "Sorry about the wait, time flies,"

Hu Angli looked up to see a red Yaorui sitting across from him, "That's fine,"

She let out a breath of relief. Her goal was simple, find out why Hu Angli had attempted murder on Samuel and stop him from doing anything more. The fastest way to do that was to gain his trust.

They spent an extra fifteen minutes chatting while Yaorui waited for Hu Angli to finish his meal.

Soon after, they returned to their respective cabins to finish any leftover work.

Soon enough, it was time for dinner, they left together to the dining cabin which was much fuller than the morning, they found took the same seats they had last time and ordered their desired meals from the menu.

When they returned from the not so scrumptious dinner, they found that their cabins have already been converted to beds to allow them to sleep before they arrived. They were supposed to arrive at the Los Angeles airport then take a connecting flight to New York.

While Hu Angli made himself comfortable, Yaorui prepared for a long night of work. She decided that she'll sleep on the connecting flight. So while Hu Angli slept, she typed away at her laptop, going over notes and documents regarding the company and charity event.

Before she knew it, flight attendants were coming around and waking up the passengers, informing them of the plane landing.

Closing the screen door and blocking the view of any peeping toms', Li Yaorui took out a change of clothes fit for a young heiress and a businesswoman and got dressed. She knew that there were bound to be reporters at the gate and decided that if she was going to show up on camera, she was going to look like a queen, a very short one at that.

Her dress wasn't too revealing, it only exposed her arms and her legs below the knee, she changed into a pair of suede heels that weren't too short nor too tall.

The dress was a fitted navy blue, that flowed at the ends, it provided a nice effect if she was ever to twirl.

"Attention passengers, the plane will now be landing, please have a seat and buckle up,"

And so she did.

. . . . .

A group of frantic reporters stood by gate 19, noisily whispering to each other like a bunch of children at a school field trip. The waiting passengers were not very pleased with all the commotion and cursed their luck for having to deal with such a group. It was worse than the long bathroom line-ups during a football game.

"Look, the passengers are arriving!" A reporter cried out.

They swarmed towards the entrance of sliding doors with their microphones, recorders and cameras turned on.


Two suspicious figures snuck past the group.