Night One at Eclipse [1]

"We did it!" Both Yaorui and Hu Angli had finally made it to the entrance of their second gate unnoticed by the reporters.

"I kinda pity them," Angli said.

"What for? Those people are crazy,"

"Well, I think that they're just really dedicated to their jobs,"

"More like fanatical," She rolled her eyes at his kind statement.

Seeing that she had everything she had when she first boarded the plane, Yaorui plugged in her phone to the charging port and relaxed into the waiting chairs.

Their flight was not until another 45 minutes, and she was absolutely exhausted. Although it was daytime in the USA. It was sleepytime in China.

Oh, how she hated timezones.

She slid down the back of her chair and rested her head on top of the backrest.

Her jetlag was at a whole other level.

Unlike Yaorui, Hu Angli was bursting with energy. He felt like he could run ten kilometres (yards) without stopping!

Deciding to make himself useful, he ran off to buy Yaorui some pastries and an energy drink to replenish her battery.

"A delicious piece of cake for a gluttonous girl,"

Yaorui opened her eyes to see a gratifying sight in front of her. She smelled the heavenly scent of freshly baked cake and greedily reached out to retrieve the lifesaving treat in front of her.

"Mmmm," She moaned from the deliciousness of the soft creamy pastry.

In the next ten seconds, Yaorui had finished the satisfying cake and was greedy for more. She looked at Hu Angli pleadingly, her eyes big and round and her lips in an irresistible pout.

Hu Angli checked the time and decided that forty minutes was enough for him to buy another a cake and come back.

And so, Hu Angli left Yaorui once again to fulfill her wish.

Five minutes later returned with a bigger plate of the very same cake he had gotten her before plus a creme brulee. He assumed that if she was able to finish a slice of cake in ten seconds that she was more hungry than he thought.

One minute later, his assumptions were proven correct by the gluttonous girl sitting next to him.

"Thank you," he looked at her perplexed, "For the food, it was good,"

"You're welcome,"

. . . . . .

"Attention passengers, the plane is now landing, please sit up and put on your seatbelts. Thank you,"

Just like that, six hours had passed, and Yaorui had finally arrived in New York City, The Big Apple.

Famous for their Empire State building and The Great Statue of Liberty.

When the plane had officially landed, she stood up and stretched out her limbs.

Now that her energy was back from the long nap, she was ready to get back to work. Maybe exercise for a bit, practice a bit of martial arts while she was at it.

Since Hu Angli's luck was not good enough to be her neighbour on the second flight, Yaorui left the plane alone.

She walked over to the carousel, where she met up with her team of bodyguards and temporary secretary/assistant. When the suitcases have finally begun been loaded on the carousel. She pointed to the ones that belonged to her then made her way to her ride. Each of her four bodyguards pulled lavender luggage behind them.

Finding her ride was easy, anyone could spot a six-meter limo with the Li family insignia. She left her bags with the guards and got into the limo.

She planned to hop into the shower right after she got into her room.

The hotel she was staying at was not one of their own, she wanted a hotel elsewhere so that she could try the different menus. Although it was still December, she wanted to have the spring menu ready soon.

Eclipse was famous for it's weird and out of this world dishes. Their food has gained many five stars reviews from top-notch food criticizers.

Upon arrival at the hotel, she was met with a team of workers and the head manager. Her driver opened the door, and she stepped out.

She exuded the confidence and arrogance of a rich heir, and she had every right to be arrogant and confident.

Many heads turned to look at the imposing Asian girl. Some people smirked and silently mocked the girl while others were curious about her identity.

Yaorui wasn't surprised that barely anyone knew her, all that mattered was that the hotel knew her. She was not all that famous in the western world, apart from the fact that she appeared in the business magazines every now and then, she preferred to keep a low profile. But it never hurt to show off once in a while.

Gazes were coming from every angle, she'd be lying if she said her ego didn't go up.

The spectators watched as she skipped the line and was immediately served at the front desk by a lucky employee.

"Hey! Why does a child get to skip the line? She should wait in line like everybody else!" The other people who have been waiting in line nodded in agreement.

"He's right, we've been waiting in line for an hour. That girl didn't even have to wait for a second to be served." Several other people started to voice out their opinions as well.

"Who even is she? I've never seen her in my life, what gives her the right to be arrogant,"

"Yeah, she's probably some nobody,"

"Maybe she's a gold digger with no brains!"

Just as the manager was going to speak out, Yaorui held up an arm.

"Seeing that you brainless idiots aren't aware of her identity, let me inform you," A man in his middle ages emerged from the crowd of socialites and businessmen. "This young lady here is the Li Family Princess, a genius by birth, and current President of Li Corps."

"Tck, who are you?"

"For all, we know she could've hired you to speak out for you,"

"I am Duke Jonathan the third, of the royal family," The man declared.

"Quick, someone search him up!"

"He's legit guys, look," People crowded around the woman who spoke up to get a look at her phone.

"She's right,"

Soon enough, everybody was convinced of the man's identity, though they still were skeptical of the girl's identity. After all, who'd believe that a child, like her, could run a company as large as Li Corps?

It wasn't long until someone had managed to find images of her and her family on the internet.

After the whole ordeal, she made her way to the viscount, intending to offer her thanks for defending her.

"Your grace?" She was thankful for taking the European history classes when she was younger. At least she wouldn't offend the viscount by calling him an improper title.

"Young lady, very nice of you to say hi,"

"Hello, I would like to thank you for standing up for me," She gave a polite curtsy.

"It is no problem, the world nowadays needs a little kindness,"

"In return for your favour, I would like to offer my contact, in case you ever needed a favour in return," Yaorui gestured for Yu Nishu, her assistant, to hand over her personal business card to his assistant.

"Before you leave," he stopped her, "Would you mind meeting my daughter,"

She looked at him, obviously confused.

"As a friend, it's rare to come across someone without any hidden agendas, you seem like a good person for my daughter to befriend,"

She smiled, "It would be an honour,"