Night of the Gala [3]

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am your host for tonight, William King. In case you haven't already, the donation booth is in right here beside the stage, please donate to the kids in Africa. My next announcement is that I ask you to please take your seat, the food will be arriving right," The MC pointed to the row of food trolleys emerging from the kitchen door, "Please enjoy,"

Li Yaorui found her table right in front of the stage where the others her age sat. Her brother and Wenshi were seated at the table over, and Hu Angli was seated the table behind her's.

At her table sat a group of gossipy young socialites, two flirty young boys and another young socialite.

The quiet young socialite wore no make-up and had only average looks compared to some others. Her hair was chestnut brown, her jaw square-ish and her arms and legs were just sticks.

"Hey, who are you?" Yaorui turned to look at the one of three of the gossipy socialite.

"I am Iris Li, as it said on my name card, if you knew how to read, you would have known," The socialite's face went red.

"Well, I've never heard of you! Your probably some nobody!" She retorted.

"I wouldn't expect you to know me, after all, you don't seem like the type of person to care about business magazines, your probably too dumb to even comprehend the words in there,"

"At least I have IQ higher than yours!"

"Oh yeah? What is it?"

"102," Yaorui burst out laughing.

"That's not even average IQ for a Class F student,"

"Then what's your IQ?"

"267 now,"

"You're lying!"

"Dearie, I speak 17 languages, have 17 Degrees, 6 Masters, 3 Bachelors, and 8 Terminals," She then proceeded to communicate with them in the 17 languages she knew and confuse them using terms that an average person would not know.

"You made that all up!" Said gossiper number two.

"Did I?"


"Now, now Xiao Rui, don't scare them," Hu Angli's arms wrapped around her shoulders as he sent a mocking glare at the group previously attempting to insult his soulmate, "You shouldn't communicate with below-average people, they might cause you to lose brain cells,"

"I want a cookie," Was all she had to say at Angli.

"Here is your cookie," He handed her her cookie and turned her chair around.

"What are you doing?"

"Putting on the bandaids," He said, taking off her shoes.

Yaorui shrugged and watched as Hu Angli's face scrunched up at the amount of harm her heels had done to her foot.

"You are never wearing heels like these again,"

"But I have too anyway,"

"No, you don't,"

"Yes, I do,"

"I'm confiscating all your heels,"

"That robbery,"

"Well you robbed my heart, this is like payback,"

"I don't believe you, the only heart I robbed was my boyfriend's, remember? The one you shot because he was getting too close to me?"

"He was!"

"Hmph, your lucky I somewhat forgive you,"

"Your lucky that I didn't lock you up in my house yet,"

While they were having their light banter, the gossipy socialites looked at them in shock.

How could they talk about shotting someone so casually!?

And weren't they lovers!?

"You're insufferable!"

"You're beautiful!"

"Thank you,"

"You're welcome, all done,"

"Thank you again, now go eat, the food already arrived at your table,"



Just a few seconds later, their trolley pulled up to their table, and the food was served.

After dinner, people moved to the center of the room to dance and socialize with other bigshots.

Among the bigshots included famous celebrities, businessmen and women, fashion icons, aristocrats, chefs, and of course, royalty.

"If I'm correct, you are Miss Li Yaorui?"

Yaorui turned towards the familiar feminine voice, "Oh. My. Gods! You're, you're Fifi! I love your food, and I love you!" She praised the baker to no extent. "Can I have your autograph, how about a photo! Please!"

The pastry chef laughed in response. The world described her as a cod beauty. But the person in front of her now was nothing but a child in her eyes. She nodded.

Seeing her idol nodding at her request, she was quick to whip out a photo she always carried around of the chef and a pen.

Yaorui watched with sparkling eyes as her idol gracefully grabbed the pen and paper and signed the poster.

Next, they posed for the camera together, she did not forget to ask the cameraman for a copy of the photos.

"If you don't mind me asking Miss Li, I would like to open a cafe in one of your shopping centers,"

"Of course you can! We can open one in every single one of our shopping centers!"

"Well, then, I'll be stopping by in China on February 3rd,"

"I'll ask my assistant to make an appointment that day, I'll also have to apply for a leave from school that day," She frowned.

"You're still studying?"

"One can never have too much knowledge,"

"That is true, I should get going now, my husband is calling me over,"

"Enjoy your evening Mrs. Fournier,"

"You too, darling,"

Seeing that the famous chef had left, Yaorui turned around to back to her table only to bump into a pillar.

Now replace that pillar with Hu Angli, and you have the person she bumped into.

"You seem happy?"

"How could I not be!? I just met Fifi Fournier!"

"The baker you've been obsessing over?"

"That's her!"

Looking at Yaorui's contented expression, Hu Angli was having a hard time deciding whether to be happy or upset.

On one side, Yaorui got to meet her idol, on the other side, he was upset that a mere baker had robbed him of all the love and affection that was meant for him.

For now, he decided to be happy for his sunshine and deal with his jealousy later.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted a flash of red. When he looked in the direction of the red flash, all he saw was a woman dressed in red.

It was probably just the woman in red.

He comforted his thoughts and returned his attention to the angel in front of him.

"How about a dance?"


They made they're way to the edge of the dance floor and joined the rest of the guest in dancing the Viennese Waltz.

Slowly, the pair made it to the center of the dancing and were currently the leading couple.

While they danced, Hu Angli had noticed multiple flashes of red but had decided to ignore them and passed them off as red dresses or suits. Instead, he focused more on not stepping on Yaorui's foot. Although he had exceptional footwork, he always found dancing to be the one enemy that he could never seem to beat.

In the past two minutes, he had already made dozens of mistakes, be it going the wrong way and being unable to identify his right from his left.

He really regretted skipping those dance lessons ah~! But it was not his fault! What eight-year-old boy would willingly wear tights!

An ear-piercing shriek broke through the air, followed by a gunshot.