Night of the Gala [4]

A string of screams tore through the room, smothering the sound of the music. There were some who were lucky enough to learn how to fight and stay clam while trying to figure out the situation.

Whereas others knew nothing of self-defence and had to rely on either themselves or someone else to protect them.

They heard men yelling out orders to protect the guests or their employers, while others were left stranded on their own.

Yaorui was quickly tugged away by Hu Angli, his grip no different from iron. He dragged her over into a corner in fear of her being injured.

"Where are you taking me?! Hey! Hey! Hu Angli! Answer me!"

"We're going somewhere where you will be safe,"

"I wanna stay and help!"

"Like hell, I'd let you,"

"The children, at least let me help them," She cried out in desperation.

Earlier she had witnessed a boy no older than five, waddling around crying for his mother. She wanted to help him, but Hu Angli's steel grip prevented her from offering any source of assistance.

Two seconds later, the boy was shot.

"Please," She said.

Hu Angli stared at her, "Fine," his eyes expressed the unwillingness he held for that decision, "Be careful, I don't want to lose you again,"

Before she could speculate about his statement, she ran off into the direction of the royal family. Her first priority was the young ones.


Hu Angli watched as Li Yaorui ran off like some valiant Knight.

He couldn't help but blame himself.

If he had informed Yaorui of his suspicions if he wasn't so caught up in the damn moment if he had paid more attention, been more alert. He could have prevented the attack.


These bastards actually had the guts to ruin his moment with his mate!

His eyes flashed with malicious intent.

These a**holes were going to be hell before the clock struck midnight.


While Yaorui ran around to search for the royal family, she did her best to save those she could. She was suddenly thankful for the creation of heels.

She took off her earrings and stabbed them into the attackers' necks. She noted that all the attackers wore red and white bandanas, seeing that there were 'guests' wearing bandanas as well, she tore one off of a nearby enemy, and knocked him out.

Tying the bandana around her forehead, she lept into action. The first thing she needed was weapons, lucky for her, this gala featured glass cups.

It didn't take very long for her to find shards of broken glass lying around. She picked up a piece and took aim at a nearby gunman and flung the glass shard in his direction.


"Nice shot, but I think this will make a better weapon," Zhang Wenshi tossed her two belts. "The first one goes around your waist," Wenshi roundhoused kicked a nearby terrorist, "And the second one goes on your shoulder,"

Yaorui examined the belts. The first one was equipped with two handguns, a dagger, and twin swords. The second one had ammunition strapped to the front and two katanas at the back.

"You carry swords around? How did you even get these past securities?!" She exclaimed will taking aim with the gun and firing at a man aiming for another guest, "The security really sucks here,"

Wenshi shrugged and silently agreed with her remark.

"I'm gonna go find Long Ao, see how he's doing," And with that, her future sister in law left her to fend for herself.

Yaorui climbed onto a nearby table and looked around for any signs of the royal family.

Suddenly, she spotted a gunman aiming at her. Not that she could blame him, she was standing on a freaking table.

She pulled out the twin sabres (sabers in American English) from her belt and did her best to deflect the bullets using the wide blade.

All of a sudden, the bullets stopped coming in her direction, it wasn't very long until she figured out why.

Hu Angli was standing over one of the beheaded bodies of who she assumed was her previous attacker. He smiled and waved in her direction.

Yes, this thing here is just a soccer ball for me to play around with. Don't worry, I'll be fine.

Was what Yaorui imagined was going on in his head. One minute he's a kill freak, the next second he's an innocent child.

She rolled her eyes.

It was then she spotted the royal family huddled under a set of tables together. The Spanish fiance and the Irish duchess were strong as ever. Their expressions hardened and broken glass clenched in their hands.

The younger prince was with them as well, comforting the three crying princesses. Observing the two women, she noticed them looking in a particular direction.

She looked and saw the King and his oldest son being surrounded by their men. Their guards were rapidly falling one by one, there was no question on who needed the most help.

She sheathed her swords and did her best to run over to the duke in her heels.

It took her precisely two minutes to reach the enclosing mob of gunmen and another two to finish most of them off. She removed her two katanas and tossed them to the two royals, blades down.

"I assume you know how to fence?" They nodded in response and pursed their lips together before attacking other people.

By now, all the guests either, escaped, were hiding, fighting, or worst of all dead. Scratch that, the worst was having a slow death.

She gave the room a once over and spotted a team of doctors not far from the stupidly unguarded emergency exit, tending to a few lucky patients.

Seeing her next target destination, she started into a sprint.

But first, the remaining royal family.

She found the royal family stilled huddled underneath the same table they were at last.

"Iris? What are you doing out there!? Here I'll make some room, w-what is this?"

"A sword," She said as if it was the most common thing ever, it was though. "You know how to fence, right?" He nodded, "Then put those lessons to use,"

She passed a gun over to the Irish Duchess, "Do you know how to handle the recoil?" The duchess nodded.

After getting her affirmation, she turned towards the soon to be princess, "Can you carry two kids?"

"I'll try,"

"Great, out of the three, who is the bravest?"

"Bailey," The duchess responded.

Then she turned to the Spanish princess once more, "You take Celestia and Lizzie," The princess nodded and moved to wrap her arms around two of the young princesses.

Yaorui picked up the remaining princess and carefully made her out from under the table.

"I'm gonna need you to cover your ears and eyes, okay?" Bailey nodded and did what was told, tears were still streaming out from her eyes. She looked at the remaining members of the group for assurance.

Seeing that everybody was ready, she nodded, "Let's do this,"


Meanwhile in China

"Quick, I want you to open your present first!" Li Aishi happily exclaimed as she shoved her present into Samuel's arms. "I made it myself,"

Samuel smiled at the little over-enthusiastic bunny in front of him, "If you made it, then I'll definitely cherish it,"

Witnessing Samuel's genuine smile, Li Aishi found herself momentarily dazed just like all the other times he had smiled for her.

Samuel carefully unwrapped the messy wrapping and peeked inside at his gift, "I love it,"

Inside was a handcrafted artificial flower and an embroidered handkerchief


"Mmhmm, now open mine,"

Li Aishi delicately pulled at the beautifully wrapped bow and removed the lid to reveal her present. It was a locket with the word Eternal engraved onto the front.

Inside the heart-shaped locket, it was as plain and bare as the Sahara desert. But she loved it all the least.

A gift that would forever be eternal.