Night of the Gala [5]

While Yaorui shot down enemies, Sean did his best to deflect bullets and severely injure anyone coming their way. He had hoped that it would turn out like those cool action scenes in the movies.

Gods was he wrong.

Thirty seconds in and he had to already switch with Iris because of all the mistakes he was making.

Not that he wasn't grateful for that.

He was just ashamed that a girl could handle a sword better than him. He had won the junior fencing world championship multiple times, yet this girl was already three times better than him!

Don't get him wrong! He wasn't trying to be sexist, but this was really a big blow to his pride!

He watched amazed as Iris deflected several bullets using the smooth face of the katana. If his mother hadn't broken him out of his daze, he would have surely died on the spot watching Iris's mesmerizing movements.

He was even more amazed when he realized that she was still carrying Bailey, who was still unscratched.

And just like that, Prince Sean became the dedicated fan of Iris Li


Li Yaorui's POV (Iris Li)

With her help, it only took about five minutes to reach the other side of the room.

She looked down at Bailey and was satisfied after giving the princess a once over. There wasn't even a drop of blood on the child.

"You can open your eyes now Bailey,"

"Prewee big sister!"

(Pretty big sister)

Bailey's voice seemed to attract the attention of the team of doctors. One hurriedly rushed over and analyzed the newly arrived group of royals. Seeing that no one was visibly hurt other than a few scratches and scrapes, the doctor finally addressed them.

"I'll disinfect the cuts first, then if you please you may leave through the emergency exit,"

The family nodded and allowed them to be led away by the doctor.

Yaorui checked to make sure that she had all her weapons back before she went back into the war zone. Before she left, she wheeled some of the black makeshift curtain walls over to the team of doctors. She securely hid them behind the curtains and surveyed the room for her next target destination.

While reviewing the room, she noticed that there seemed to be more enemy soldiers (Idk what to call them) than when the whole fiasco began. The new ones were dressed in bulletproof armour and had much more ammo than their previous comrades.

Yaorui frowned at this new fact and quickly jumped into action.

Ten meters away was a pair of brother-sister siblings huddled together. One of them seemed to have a broken arm, and the other had a deep crimson splotch on her dress.

She hoped that the blood did not belong to the girl, but her pale face and blue lips said otherwise.

She cut off the hands of an attacker and swirled around to perform a spinning kick at another disarming him at the same time. When she reached the sibling duo, she first checked the girl and was glad that the bullet hadn't gone too deep.

She ripped a part of her own dress at securely tied it around the girl's abdomen to stop the bleeding. She did her best to get the older girl to stand and was grateful to the little brother for assisting her.

The boy did seem to have injured his arm, but it wasn't broken. His other arm seemed perfectly fine and was currently supporting his sister.

Yaorui did her best to bring the pair over to the team of doctors as fast as she could, but the weight of the unconscious girl was holding her back.

"Doctor!" She called out to the group fo doctors upon entering the small area encased by black curtains, "This girl has been shot, and the boy's arm is fractured,"

"I'll take the girl out to the ambulance," She was surprised when she heard Prince Sean's voice. She thought that he had left with the others.

"What are you still doing here?"

"I have some medical experience, so I thought I'd make myself more useful," He smiled sheepishly at her while taking the girl into his arms.

"Thank you," And with those words, she vanished through the black curtains.

While once again making her way over to the opposite side of the room, she tripped over several bodies.

Damn this!

She bent down to feel pulses, those with a pulse were immediately brought over to the little corner, and those with none were dragged over to the side, away from the windows.

The windows were one-way bulletproof glass, bullets couldn't go in, but they could go out. Therefore the glass wall had already been shattered by the raining bullets.

Luckily, by now, the soldiers were running out of bullets. Dropping the percentage of being shot from 87% to 28%.

While running back and forth, she discovered that not only did the enemy know how to wield guns, they also knew how to fight!

These men were really starting to get on her nerves.

She gritted her teeth and continued with what she was doing.

Surveying the nearly empty floor, she wiped her hands on a nearby table clothe and nodded satisfied at her work.

The majority of the injured or alive guests were already safely transported to the doctors by the corner, and Hu Angli, Zhang Wenshi, Li Long Ao, and a few others were finishing off the rest of the gunmen.

The Royal Duke and Oldest Prince had long left to reunite with their family, leaving Prince Sean alone with the doctors and the patients. Apparently, they had encouraged him to return with them but he had firmly turned down their nagging.

By now, things had calmed a bit, but the adrenaline inside of her was still slightly simmering.

By this time, Yaorui was really beginning to doubt the authorities in the area. It has been so long, yet no one had arrived yet!

Looking around, there were only about a hundred enemy soldiers who were left standing, and their numbers were quickly dwindling

Deciding that it was probably a good time to get back into action, she sped on ahead and prepared herself for the upcoming fight.

She leapt into action right alongside another grown man that was extremely skilled in martial arts.

She recognized the man to be Fu Ye, a famous martial artist that was highly sought after by the rich and famous interested in learning the art of self-defence or for their children to learn.

Not to mention, he was her master before he left to return to Taiwan, where his wife lived with their now three children.

It wasn't until Hu Angli had managed to kill the last enemy soldier that the authorities arrived.

She swore that they were watching them and waiting for them to finish off everybody before entering.

There were only about 12 people left standing in the room, including her and excluding the doctors. And she was beyond sure that they all had blood on their hands tonight.

According to the doctors, emergency vehicles arrived about half an hour earlier, and that the police were really just late.

. . . . .

Hu Angli scrutinized Yaorui. She had countless scrapes and cuts on her body. Bruises were scarce, but you could see them here and there on her, her dress was a bloody mess literally. Her dress was soaked in crimson red and was tattered from constantly ripping it.

Her feet were dirty and there were numerous cuts on them. She had lost her heels some point in time much to his dismay.

*clang* *clang* *clang*

Her swords dropped to the ground, followed right by Yaorui's plummeting figure.

He was quick to react, catching her and pulling her to safety before she the ground.

He felt his arms being soaked, he thought it was someone else's blood.

At least that was what he wanted to think.