
Fang Wuping stride into the pristine hospital as if it was her most favourite place on Earth. A big happy smile on her face and a bounce in her step. She waved hello and smiled at everyone she saw.

Many of her receivers gave back big bright smiles in return.

She was a favourite in the hospital. Her reputation as the lucky angel from the children's ward made her famous amongst the patients and staff. Her colleagues all treated her as if she were a precious doll that could easily shatter at the slightest touch.

Every day she would receive gifts from her admirers, and she would gladly display them in her office.

Her expertise in physiotherapy, physical therapy, and children led her to become the most sought after children's doctor.

Her most favourite admirer was a little boy from the burnt ward. He was at the tender age of 7 and had been harmed in a house fire. Reportedly, both parents had died after one ran in to save the other.

It was a tragic story really, they were later found in each other's arms underneath a part of the fallen roof.

Sun Jing was the name of the boy. After the fire, he had lost apart of his memory and could no longer remember anyone from his family.

Luckily, the hospital had managed to find a suitable couple to take him in for adoption.

Fang Wuping had met the JingJing's soon to be parents before and concluded that they would take excellent care of her favourite child. They were a young couple, both of which were infertile but adored children to a great extent.

They both had stable careers and had recently purchased a highrise condo that was proven to be completely inflammable (which was a big plus for Sun Jing since he had now developed a fear of fires.

For now, Sun Jing will be recovering in the hospital until his parents are absolutely ready for him to move in.

"Sweetie!" A chirpy voice called out before Fang Wuping felt herself stumble from the impact of a ball of excitement.

"Good morning, my little prince," She hoisted him up into her arms and gave Sun Jing a bop on the nose. "Did you eat your breakfast yet?"

He nodded aggressively. "Yup! Whatever you wish, I shall grant."

"Why aren't you a little genie,"

"I'm only a genie for you, my queen,"

Fang Wuping laughed at the boy's antics, he was a smooth talker alright.


After lunch, Fang Wuping asked around to see if the second young master Li was in the hospital.

"Yea, he's by the ICU watching over his girlfriend,"

"Isn't she a surgeon student?"

"That's what I thought too!"

"I guess her injuries must be bad if you guys couldn't recognize her,"

"They are, there were bandages everywhere on her,"

"We ran out of her blood type, so we had to draw some directly from willing patients,"

"Really! That seems risky,"

"It was, we didn't know if we could get the blood in time,"

Hearing all the talk about Li Long Ao's supposable girlfriend, who is most likely Zhang Wenshi, Fang Wuping went pale.

"Wait! She's alive!"

The other nurses looked at her as if she was crazy.

"I heard she had lost a lot of blood and was injured severely in several places, I didn't think she survived after everything she went through,"

"That's true,"

"It was a miracle she survived,"

"I heard that she had been found thirty minutes after the incident, with so many injuries she surely would've died right?"


"Wonder what she did in her past life to be this lucky,"

While the other nurses continued gossiping about the recent trauma patient, Fang Wuping took this as her chance to sneak out and leave without anyone noticing.

She refused to believe their words and ignored her suspicions. But just in case Fang Wuping decided to go to the ICU ward and give herself a look at the new patient.

Unless she saw her rival alive and breathing, she would not believe a word that came out of their mouths.

On her way to the ICU, she walked past the storage room where the drugs and medicines were kept. It was securely locked by a metal door, but lucky for her, she happened to be one of the nurses with access to it. Perks of working in the children's ward.

She tried not to look suspicious by not scanning her surroundings and just unlocked it as if it were natural.

She grabbed several drugs that would clash if used together as well as other medicines to make it seem like she had other patients to care for.

Fang Wuping left the storage room with one tray full of medication and a smug look on her face.

As she neared the ICU ward, she changed her demeanour to something professional but still nervous.

The first thing she saw when she arrived was two menacing bodyguards wearing sunglasses indoors. (weirdos)

Confidently, she scans the keycard that she had snatched from passing by a nurse.

She could see the two burly men give her the side-eye as she entered the ICU.

Luckily the hospital did not require any other recognition than the keycard.

Zhang Wenshi's room was the second one down the hall.

Carefully, Fang Wuping opened the door and snuck in ever so carefully.

She scanned the room for any sign of life before she made her way to the IV drips and slowly connected the medications to the IV drips.

Fang Wuping smiled to herself. She will finally get rid of her arch-enemy, and Li Long Ao will be her's.

Then she remembered her JingJing.

What if she was caught?

What would JingJing think of her then?

Would he be allowed to visit her?

Would he hate her?

She didn't want JingJing to hate her.

Her hands reached out to un-attach the drip from the medications, but at the last moment, she hesitated. Her hands were paused, just centimetres from the drip.

And at that exact moment, a nurse came in.

The nurse spotted the different bottles of drugs and the tubes connecting them to the IV drips.

Slowly but surely, the nurse opened her mouth and screamed loud as a tornado.

All this while Fang Wuping stood frozen, her hands still in the same place by the IV drip.

Not 5 seconds later, a swarm of bodyguards rushed into the room and surrounded her with taser-batons in hand.

"Hands up," Fang Wuping put her hands up obediently.

Two guards grabbed on to her and gripped her hands together. She followed along with their pace without much of a fight.

Soon enough, she was on knees in front of Long Ao, a man she no longer patronized.

"I admit that I tried to kill her," She confessed before anyone could say anything.

"I only have one to ask before you punish me," She looked square into Li Long Ao's eyes.

He motioned for her to continue, "Depends," his voice was gruff and deep.

"There's a boy by the name of Sun Jing in the children ward, I ask that you offer him protection for life, please," She kowtowed at his feet, not minding her dignity. "My father can protect himself, but the child is only 7 and too naive for his age, his parents were murdered, he's in grave danger,"


"Thank you,"

With a wave of his hand, Fang Wuping was carried away.

After that day, Fang Wuping was never seen again, and her father thrown into a depressive state.

Eventually, he would meet a nice woman that he would marry and grow old with.

As for Sun Jing? That would be a story for another time.


Exam Week

Day 7


Sounds of scratching chairs, stretching students (imagine a lot sighing or something while stretching) and chatter immediately exploded around the school. After a whole week of nerve-wracking exams, they were finally all relieved from the stress and pressure exams brought to their shoulders.

Everyone was feeling much lighter and way freer compared to the past six days.

As students swarmed out of the gates and reunited with their waiting families.

But for a specific family clan, two of their three daughters were missing.