
The tapping of pens on tablets, pencils scratching on paper, and the tik toking of the timer.

Students sat in rows of desks. Each and every one of them had their eyes focused on the task at hand. Some took small peeks at the front of the room, where the timer counted every one of their last moments.

The teacher sat at the front, carefully watching the young geniuses with her hawk eyes.






As soon as the timer began to go off, the students stood up, picked up their stuff, handed in their tests, and left the classroom.

In the hallways students of all shapes and sizes gathered together bursting with renewed youth. After weeks of studying and seven days of exams, they were finally free!

School was out, and everyone was rejoicing in the fact that it was now officially summer break, and many of the students were excited to head home with their families.

Outside of the schools indoors, families reunited and embraced each other with smiles on their faces.

When Li Yaorui stepped out of her exam hall, she was met face to face with her one and only boyfriend An Samuel, who was currently out of breath having run over.

Li Yaorui happily threw herself into his arms despite knowing he was tired, but Samuel could careless and gladly hugged her back.

"I needed this," Samuel let out a big breath in the crook of her neck.

"I did too," She giggled, "How do you think you did on the last exam?"

"Probably not as good as you,"

"You're smart too,"

"Not as smart as you,"

"That's true," She let go of their Samuel and grabbed his hand, "Let's go now, our parents are waiting for us,

"Not so fast. I have a surprise for you," Samuel pulled her in the opposite direction.

Samuel led her through the winding halls of the main building and the magnificent library. It was a magical place with many hidden corners that she had yet to find.

It just so happens that the spot that Samuel had led her to was one of them.

The spot was snuggled in one of the far off corners of the library and securely hidden from prying eyes.

"Before you ask, I just wanted somewhere special to give you this," Samuel reached into his coat pocket and pulled a rather large velvet box.

Slowly he pried open the lid to reveal a breathtaking necklace made from materials that she was unable to identify. The gem that hung in the center didn't have any lustre or glow to it, but it's dull blue colour seemed to pull her in.

"This is beyond beautiful, thank you, Samuel,"

"I was going to have it be made into a bracelet, but then I thought that it would look better displayed on your neck," He explained as his fingers reached behind her neck to clasp the two ends together.

All of a sudden, the crystal began to glow and pulse a radiant blue-ish violet colour. Totally captivating her in its beauty.

"Like it?" Samuel snapped her out of her trance.

She looked straight into his glinting eyes and grinning smile, "I love it. Thank you,"

"Now, where is my present?"

Yaorui smiled a bit and gave Samuel a quick kiss on the lips before running off into the distance.

Samuel, on the other hand, was still frozen in place. The outcome was expected since he hadn't been receiving much affection in the past few days.

It did take him a while to regain his composure and notice Yaorui's missing presence. Without a moment's notice, he dashed past the librarian and out of the library.



It had been about twenty minutes since exams had officially ended, and both Mr. and Mrs. Li were getting increasingly worried about their oldest and youngest daughter.

Their middle daughter, Li Anshi was with them along with their sons and their future daughter-in-law, their other daughter-in-law was currently still recovering in the hospital but was expected to be released soon.

They had to admit, they didn't think their youngest son would get a lover with his impulsive behaviour, they were relieved that the girl their son had fallen in love with was able to keep a tight leash on the boy.

And her mother was also a very nice woman despite her appearance.

As of now? Two of their most behaved children have run off to gods know where!

"Hello? Yes, mother? No, two of your grandchildren have run off somewhere! Who? Rui'er, and Xiao Ai!" Mrs. Li held the phone away from her ear as she listened to her military mother rant angrily at having to wait longer for her dear grandchildren.

While Li Kanghui dealt with her mother, Li Fu Ning, the CEO of Li corps and proud father of five, was currently trying to soothe his own parents over the wait.

After about another five minutes of attempted soothing of fiery elders, their youngest daughter finally showed up walking next to her male acquaintance.

But not just any male acquaintance, Li Anshi's, her twin sister's arch-nemesis. Tian. Hai.

"Xiao Ai! You shouldn't be talking to him! He's a bad person, remember! He steals things from other people,"

Li Aishi looked guiltily at the boy beside her and apologized before scurrying over to her family.

"Have you seen Yaorui, Xiao Ai?"

"No, where is she anyway," She said as she observed her surroundings.

"We don't know, that's why mom and dad are on the phone,"

"With our grandparents?"

"Yup," Long Ao nodded.

"I'M HERE!" Yaorui yelled out as she ran over, "Sorry it took so long, Samuel wanted to give me something before we separate for the summer,"

Her mother turned to her, "That's fine as long as you tell us next time, we got an earful from your grandparents just now on the phone,"

"Speaking of impatient grandparents, let's go greet them before they call mom and dad again," Xie Fanlong pushed them to start moving.

"Oh, darling! She called us mom and dad!" Li Kanghui happily announced to her husband.

"It's good to know that the brat finally proposed,"

"You know that I can hear you two, right?" Shen Hui looked at them with an eyebrow curved up.

Everyone laughed off into the distance as they made their way to the waiting limo.


While the rest of the family chatted off in the limo, Li Anshi sat still and quiet, staring at the delicate necklace on her sister's neck. The faint blue-violet glow drew her in like a siren did a man.

She'd seen it somewhere before, but where?

Li Anshi shook her head and called herself crazy.

Then she remembered something, she'd never seen her older sister wear the necklace before, and she was with Sammy Gege just a few minutes ago.

He gave the necklace to her.

She had no right to be jealous over something that could never be hers, but watching her perfect sister become more perfect than she already was really made her wish.

It made her wish for something her sister already had, a boy with a heart of gold.

Specifically, Samuel's heart of gold.

She knew it was wrong, but she couldn't help but hope her fantasy would come true.

It was just a crush, so she was convinced it would go away soon. It was just her misinterpreting her feelings.

But deep inside, she knew better.


The next week Yaorui prepared to leave with her family for their annual vacation along with her two future sister in laws.

Her younger sister, Li Anshi was staying behind by choice due to filming, for now, they were entrusting her to Samuel's family.

They were all heading to the UK, where it wasn't so sunny but was still a great travel destination.

Her skin didn't become pearly white from tanning.

Their first destination was no other than London.

"I'll miss you~," Yaorui whined while she and Samuel had their last hug before she boarded the plane.

"Don't forget to call every day,"

"You not allowed to get anywhere less than eight hours of sleep per night,"

"Yes, ma'am,"

"I love you,"

"I don't want you to go," Now it was Samuel's turn to whine.

"I'll be back in no time,"

"I love you too," he hugged her tighter, "I'm gonna miss you too,"

It felt like they were hugging for centuries before Samuel pulled away all too soon for Yaorui to leave and board the plane.

Just before she was going to step into the plane, she turned and ran down the stairs towards Samuel.

She gifted him one last kiss on the lips before returning to the plane, this time she never ran back to his side.

At the door, she turned to face him one last time before it closed, separating the two lovers.

But maybe the separation wouldn't be as long as planned.