The Beasts

Omega arrived and headed towards the roars. Cinder went to go gathering as Omega had told him. Omega arrived in a large open area to see that the Lagiacrus had tried fleeing but there was a huge monster in his way. Omega had heard of this monster, but in legends it was smaller. It was called the Deviljho it was many times larger than the Lagiacrus. The Deviljho roared and to Omega´s surprise making the Lagiacrus flinch. The Deviljho leaped at Omega as he rolled to safety. He would not have thought of having to fight a larger and much more dangerous monster than the Lagiacrus. The Deviljho roared and the spikes on his back stood up and black fire hung around his head, his teeth were bright red of blood, they were like daggers. The Deviljho licked the blood on his teeth then let out a deafening roar before launching itself towards Omega who had to dive out of the way. Omega stood up and shot three arrows that plunged into the Deviljhos' hide. Omega put a dose of poison coating into the container on his bow. This meant his arrows would poison the monsters. The Lagiacrus spit a ball of thunder at the Deviljho who countered the attack with a leap crushing the Lagiacrus and then leaping towards Omega who rolled to safety and then shot a poisonous arrow at the Deviljho. The arrow plunged deep into the Deviljhos' leg causing it to lurch and fall over. Omega took the opening to shot three arrows at the Lagiacrus hitting all three of them in his chest. The Lagiacrus lurched as it´s chest turned red with blood. From nowhere the Deviljho leaped and missed Omega by a millimeter but causing a tremor because of its immense weight.

Out of nowhere Cinder jumped up and knocked out the Deviljho then smacked the Lagiacrus so hard that it started to limp, then turned around and fled the island. Omega patted Cinder´s head.

"Good job, Cinder," Then he turned around and shot two arrows deep into the Deviljho´s eye sockets. Omega checked if the Deviljho was dead and then told Cinder that they needed to get home.

Omega and Cinder rowed the boat back to the village. They were proud of the fact that they had defeated the Lagiacrus AND the Deviljho. Omega thought this should solve the problem of the tremors. They arrived at the village and told the Chief what had happened.

"Chief, we repelled the Lagiacrus and it should solve the problem of the tremors."

"Good job! Thanks to you we shouldn't have any more tremors!" The Chief chuckled.

"We also defeated a Deviljho, if that interests you." Omega mentioned.

"Really you did? Wow! I thought I would never hear those words in one sentence!" exclaimed the Chief amazed about what he had heard.

All of a sudden, everything in the village started to shake once again. The tremors were back. But I repealed the Lagiacrus? Omega thought. The whole village was confused and scared.

Something else was making tremors.

The tremors stopped and Omega asked the Chief what could be causing the tremors. "There have been many tales of a larger monster, a subspecies of the Thunder-gator, the Ivory Lagiacrus," replied the Chief, "I need you to go see if you can kill it. If you do or maybe if you capture it, it might stop the tremors. It has last been seen near the Frozen Seas in the south."

Omega couldn't sleep that night as he kept thinking of what a Ivory Lagiacrus could do compared to a Lagiacrus. He trembled with the thought of having to fight it. He still could see the silhouette of the Deviljho leaping in the attempt to crush him. Then the hideous roar of the Lagiacrus, then the louder and a lot lower roar of the Deviljho as black and red flames and smoke wrapped around its head. Even if he thought a lot about the dual monster fight and how horrible it was, deep inside he still hoped for there to be another monster.

The night was long, but even with Omega's attempts to fall asleep his body only trembled more and more with the appearance of the battle the day before.

He woke up to find that the day ahead was going to be harder than he thought. Outside the downpour had started. The rain was like drums as it hit the wooden planks of the town's small square. Omega let out a sigh as he stepped outside of his hut. Omega looked up just in time to leap out of the way a small, lightweight, bird like monster. It looked like a Qurupeco but it had feathers that resembled a fire. It roared and in the distance Omega could hear Ioraptors screeching as they swooped in to join the Crimson Swan. Ioraptors looked like winged lizards with a spit that could paralyse a person for a short while. Omega grabbed his bow and shot three arrows, all hitting the Ioraptors. Then he turned to the Crimson Swan, who had not noticed Omega yet. Omega decided that it would be easy to capture it. He loaded a tranquilizing coating and placed a shock trap under the Crimson`s feet. It lurched and then froze as the shock trap held it immobile. Omega shot three more arrows and it lay there, sleeping as if nothing happened. He looked around surprised by a sound of snoring. Everyone was asleep. He woke the Chief up. And did the same with the other villagers. The Chief explained that the Crimson Swan could sing and make monsters or hunters fall asleep. The strongest men of the village moved the Crimson Swan deep into Shinogo woods in the hope that it would not come back.

Omega decide that the time to go fight the Ivory Lagiacrus was now. He bought some meat from the Shopkeeper and took his new weapon the Banishing Ballista, a crossbow made with bits and pieces of the Deviljho. It fired elemental bolts including flaming bolts, aqua bolts, thunder bolts and many other kinds. He grabbed wyvernfire bolts, cluster bolts and crag bolts. these were explosive bolts. These should be able to make the Thunder-Gator lurch Omega thought as he prepared his weapon. He also had made Cinder a new set of armor made of Crystallum parts. The Crystallum was a slow, huge and deadly creature. It lived in the Frosted Lands in the Rinoji region, A faraway land where Omega had traveled to. The armor made Cinder look like a little toy robot. Omega also made a new weapon for Cinder, a Heavy Bowgun. A heavy bow gun was like Omega`s Banishing Ballista but it limited movements because of its weight but it was very powerful.