The Ivory Demon

Omega left to go fight the Ivory Lagiacrus. He took a set of Rasiwr Eira armor because the Rasiwr Eira pelt was thick and warm for it lived in the frozen tundras in the east. He brought bombs and traps to make the fight easier. He rowed and rowed through the freezing waters of the south. Cinder was like a little child when it came to new things, bugs and places. He was running around the boat in the attempt to catch a little gold-winged butterfly that was flying around the boat. The fish around the boat were dull, and dark colored for the sun rarely shined in this region. Cinder kept running around and then there was a roar then a very wolf like roar echoed through the mountains.

Omega kept rowing, as cinder loaded his crossbow with crag bolts. What were those roars? Omega pondered as he kept rowing towards them. He had never fought or seen a Ivory Lagiacrus and he painted pictures in his mind as he rowed. Some of the paintings of his mind resembled a Lagiacrus but some were more like a winged wyvern more than a leviathan. The roar came again but the howling of the wind covered the chance of there being a second roar.

When he arrived, Cinder and him pulled the boat on the frozen shore and ran towards the echoing roars. Minutes later, Omega laid in a pile of snow with his crossbow aiming the Ivory Lagiacrus's head as it looked around for something or someone. Did it hear me? Is there another beast? The thoughts were shot into orbit in his mind as if he were a planet with thousands of moons.

A winged beast dived out of the ice, it resembled a frozen, winged wolf and had fangs like swords and a tail like a club. Omega then noticed that there were cut marks on the Ivory Lagiacrus`s hide and neck. The two beast growled at each other. The winged beast flew around the Ivory Lagiacrus's head. It dived in and attacked, clawing at the Thunder-gator's head and neck. The Thunder-gator roared and fired a wave of lightning at the flying beast then dived into the ice. The flying beast landed and growled at the hole in the ice. It turned in circles looking for the Ivory Lagiacrus. The Thunder-gator then leaped out of the ice and went flying towards the flying beast but only to be meet by its clubbed tail knocking out of the air and staggering the flying beast. Omega took his hunter's journal and started to write down the beast's characteristics and drew a quick sketch and then looked back at the battle. The flying beast was hovering looking at the multiple holes that had been created by the Ivory Lagiacrus as it dove into the ice.

A long time went by before another crack appeared in the ice but this time there was no Thunder-gator but instead there was a just a huge beast that seemed to be made completely of ice, it had a chin that looked like a giant shovel and it had short stubby legs. The beast then roared knocking the flying beast out of the air before diving back into the ice, causing a tremor and making cracks in the ice. It then rose again from under the ice and swallowed the crippled flying beast, that was lying on the ground. What was that?! Did it just… no it can't be, that thing just ate the flying beast! Omega was astonished and decided to leave because there was no trace of the Ivory Lagiacrus, but Cinder thought otherwise and wanted to investigate and started to run towards the battle grounds, so Omega decided to follow along. Cinder leaned over and looked into the holes. Cinder looked disappointed to find just large ice tunnels. Omega walked around and then he tripped over something that looked like a rock. he turned around and realized that it was a large silver scale. Probably one of the giant ice beasts... I better take it. Omega picked it up and put it in his bag. He then called Cinder and they were off back to the village.

Back at the village, the Chief asked "What happened? Did you kill it?" Omega told him what had happened and showed him the scale.

"Wait, so you're telling me that there was a winged beast that was fighting the Ivory Lagiacrus and then a giant beast erupted from the ice and knocked the winged beast out of the sky before diving back in the ice to then leap out to swallow the winged beast?" Omega nodded. "Well it looks like you have more work than expected. You should go home and get some rest." Omega nodded and went to his house. He took off his armor and at gave Cinder a bit of dried meat. He then went to the shopkeeper to see what she was selling. When he arrived, he immediately saw that she had more things to sell.

"I see there is more things today," Omega said.

"Yeah, I just received a shipment today from Moga village, in the mountains to the west of the island." She replied, "It's about 10 days away."