Walk to Poro

They walked until they reached the first town on the way to the Poro village. Omega turned when he heard a villager shout "It's Naomi, she has brought our savior!". Many villagers look out of their houses, then they ran out of their houses with water, food and other things like ores that Omega had never seen.

"People of the Poro region, I have brought the legendary hunter, Omega, to help us with the Jhen Morhan," Naomi proclaimed.

One of the villagers shout "Let's have a feast for Omega, our savior!"

As the villagers were busy cooking and setting up the feast, Omega asked Naomi.

"Do they all know about me?" He asked.

"Yes, why? this is one of the villages which was hit the hardest by the Jhen Morhan, so they were all waiting for you," She responded, "Let them hope."

The feast began, everyone wanted to talk to Omega, they were all thanking him for coming and they wanted to hear his stories.

"Okay," Omega said as he cleared his throat, "So do you want to hear about my battle against the Deviljho, about my battle with the Lagiacrus, about the battle with the Ivory Lagiacrus or the one with Naomi against the Rathalos and Rathian?"

"What is a Deviljho?" One of the villagers asked.

"What is a Lagiacrus and a Ivory Lagiacrus?" Another asked.

Omega turned to Naomi and asked her if she knew and she looked at him confused.

"So a Deviljho is a Brute wyvern. Uh.. it's a big two legged beast that uses it tail as a weapon and is tremendously heavy," He said.

"Like a Duramboros?" A villager asked.

"Yes, exactly without the mountain and more Rathalos like covered in spikes," He responded, "And the Lagiacrus is a leviathan."

Everyone looked at him in shock. He looked around and everyone was frozen even Naomi.

"What's wrong?" Omega Asked.

"A Lev-Leviathan you say? Are you serious?" Naomi asked.

"Yeah, I have fought many, what is so strange?" Omega asked.

"You have fought many? Okay, you are for sure the person to kill the Jhen Morhan, the Leviathan of the Ancient Dessert," She proclaimed.

"Wait it's a Leviathan? I always knew of the Jhens as Elder Dragons, not Leviathans maybe that is way your crossbow bolts are so ineffective, that poison in those bolts doesn't affect it!" Omega howled in laughter.

"Then what shall we use to defend ourselves?" The village's elder asked.

"Here take this," Omega gave the alchemist a small bottle, "This is Dragonbane, it is made of cactus flowers, giant fins and altaroth stomach, I think you can find them here."

"Thank you, I will get to making more of this poison."

"So what story do you want to hear?" Omega asked.

"Tell them about the Ivory Lagiacrus," Naomi responded.

"So I was sent from my village the Shinogo Village to the tundra at the foot of the Shinogo Mountains. I was with my felyne, Cinder, and we were rowing towards the camp that I had set up a month earlier. As I arrived and pulled my boat to shore, I heard roars from a distance, I quickly pulled my boat to shore and rushed towards the noise," Omega said.

"What happened next?" A villager asked.

"Well, I arrived at the area where they were fighting and saw a flying beast fighting the Ivory Lagiacrus, me and Cinder were hidden in the snow as they fought. I quickly sketched the monster in my hunters book and wrote it characteristics. It looked like a big wolf with huge front teeth and a forked tail."

"Like a Sand Barioth," A villager asked as he showed Omega a drawing of a Sand Barioth.

"Yes, so it is probably a Barioth as well," Omega said agreeing with the villager, "So, where was I, ah yes, so we were in the snow, I looked back up and the Barioth dived down and sliced the Ivory Lagiacrus's neck causing it the lurch and let out a dying roar as it died. Then out of nowhere a huge tremor came from the ground. A huge beast that came from the ground and looked at the Barioth, which was still eating the Ivory Lagiacrus, The beast was Immobile looking like a chunk of ice in the tundra. It had a chin like a shovel and when the Barioth took off it roared knocking the Barioth out of the air and then went back under," Omega explained, " It then rose up like a Nibelsnarf and ate the Barioth and went back under."

"So with that story over, Let the feast begin," Naomi shouted.

The feast had begun and Omega had no idea what the food was, there was pink meat, king's frills and a sort of tough meat that most of the people ate. He asked Naomi what it was and she said it was Rathalos and Rathian marrow.

The next day they left full on supplies that had been given to them by the villagers. As they walked the trail, Naomi pointed out many of the creatures that they saw. The came across a herd of Rhenoplos and also saw a Barroth, well they could only see the top of its head in the mud. They walked until they arrived at the gates of the Poro City. The doors opened and revealed a well developed city. As they walked into the city, the townspeople turned and bowed when they saw Naomi.

"Why are they bowing?" Omega whispered.

"Because I am the heir to the throne, royal family, you know," She responded.

They arrived at the entrance to a luxurious palace, which unlike the rest of the city had plants and small flows of water on either side of the passage leading the the stairs to the palace. It was one of the most dominant structures in the city.

"Greetings my daughter," Naomi's Father said, "I suppose this is the legendary hunter, Greetings hunter, I am Graen, the king of the city."

"This is an honor to be here, I am Omega," Omega responded.

"No, I thank you for coming, there is a room for you in the palace," Graen told him "Here, Kayamba will show you around."


Omega walked out with Kayamba and Omega asked Kayamba to bring him to the blacksmith. When they arrived at the blacksmith, there was a line and he stood in line like everyone else, but Kayamba pointed Omega out and the people waiting moved out of the way and Omega hesitated and then walked to the front of the line.

The Blacksmith showed him armors that he had never heard of like Sand Barioth armor, Nibelsnarf armor, Barroth armor and Rhenoplos armor. Omega took the Sand Barioth armor, which to his surprise was very light and flexible. He also bought a new weapon, a Type 44 Heavy Bowgun. The Blacksmith told him it was a Nibelsnarf heavy bowgun and that it could fire piercing shots but he recommended a different weapon if he was going to fight the Jhen Morhan but Omega took the weapon without hesitation. He left soon after and went back to the palace to tell Naomi that he was ready to leave on the hunt.