The Jhen

He arrived at the palace and went to tell Naomi he was ready and she told him she would be ready very soon. She called her servants and they put her armor bit by bit. He recognized the armor as Pink Rathian armor. She then took her blade, she called it a god blade, she told Omega that it was made from the legendary beast, the Dire Miralis, a hunter killing beast.

Naomi told Omega that they were leaving by boat to the ancient desert. Omega was confused by what she said since they were in the middle of the desert but just said okay and waited for them to leave.

"Wait, you actually have a port? in the middle of the desert?" Omega asked confused.

"Yes, for sand boats," Naomi responded, "And we are going to need one to even catch up with the Jhen Morhan."

When they arrived at the boat, Omega wondered how the fight would go, but he couldn't back out because the people of the Poro village needed him to save them.

"How many hunters have tried to kill it before?" Omega asked curiously.

"About 30 or 40, why do you ask?" Naomi responded.

"That isn't really reassuring," Omega said.

The boat left the port and drifted through the sand faster than a boat on the ocean. They were headed to fight the Jhen Morhan. I have to kill it, for Naomi and her people. Omega thought as they raced towards the last place the Jhen Morhan had been spotted.

"There it is!" The captain shouted as they got closer to the beast.

"Wow, it is huge," Omega said in awe.

"That beast has killed more men than you think, so be careful," Naomi told him coldly.

As they approached, the beast roared when it noticed them. Omega loaded his first bolts, crag shots.

"Let's see if it can lurch!" Omega shouted as he fired a crag bolt from his bowgun, it struck the beast and blew up causing the Jhen Morhan to shake its massive body that moved through the sand, nearly as fast as the sand boat.

"Be careful with that," Naomi warned, "It can throw the rock from its back."

As she said that, it reeled back and catapulted the loose rocks from its back sending them towards the boat, most of them landed in the sand but one of them hit one of the hunter boats that was near that area. The boat, stopped moving in the grand desert. Omega fired a pierce shot on at the giant beast's arm that was on the surface. As it hit the beast started to sink into the sand slowly and then disappeared out of sight.

"Where did it go?" Omega shouted.

"It's going to jump over the boat you'll see," Naomi shouted back.

As she finished her sentence, the beast emerged from the sand and going against logic it, propelled itself over the ship landing back into the sand, it then rose up and swam closer to the ship. Naomi jumped on it arm and told Omega to follow so he did, he leaped from the boat to the huge beast. He moved awkwardly on the beast's back as Naomi placed bombs on it back. Omega noticed cracks in the line of rocks on the monster's back.

"Naomi attack the crack in it back, they should break."

They hammered away at the crack in its back until there was a large gash in it back. The Jhen Morhan lurched sending them flying off of its back. they landed in the sand but were caught by the net at the back of the ship. They climbed up onto the boat. and went back up to the deck. The beast had turned all of its attention to the boat and it was going to slam its weight on the boat. Naomi hit the Hunter's Gong stunning the Jhen Morhan before it hit the ship. It retreated back into the sand. It emerged in front of the ship leaping out of the sand. Naomi hit the dragonator, two spikes emerged from the front of the boat hitting the Jhen Morhan in the face, breaking both its horns. It reeled and sunk in the sand. It emerged under the boat shattering it in half, Omega and Naomi were sent flying and landed heavily in the sand. Naomi was lying immobile on the ground as Omega got up.

"Naomi! Are you okay?" Omega shouted as he ran towards Naomi.

Naomi said nothing, she just raised her arm and grabbed Omega's shoulder, she gripped onto it but Omega felt her strength fade slowly as her grip loosened and she fell back in the sand.

"Naomi! Naomi…" He shouted as she faded away.

Omega took off her helmet and placed it in his bag. He got up and placed her on his shoulder. He started to walk in the opposite direction they had been going, in hope of reaching the city. Night fell quickly after he started to walk, as he walked he heard a loud roar behind him. As he turned around he saw the Jhen Morhan, raise from the sand and face him slowly dragging its giant body towards him. Omega placed Naomi on the ground hidden from the Jhen Morhan and pulled out his bowgun. His hands trembled as he loaded the bolts into his bowgun as he remembered the fate of the last loved one he fought to defend, I can't let those memories haunt me. Omega loaded the shots into his bowgun and he stood his ground as he fired a volley of shots at the Jhen Morhan's injured horns, breaking them even more and this caused the Jhen Morhan to lurch and fall over. Omega loaded cluster rounds into his bowgun and fired them at the downed Jhen Morhan, they separated and exploded the Jhen Morhan's horns even more. As it got up Omega laid down a barrage of piercing rounds hitting every single one of them in the Jhen Morhan's left leg. It lurched and fell to the ground, dead. Did I kill it? Omega started walking to the giant carcass but realized he had totally forgotten about Naomi. He ran back to where he had left her. She had taken off her armor and laid there with just her clothes. Omega took her weapon and attached her armor to his back then picked her up and placed her on her shoulder. From what he knew they were safe. He walked for a long time and then in the distance he saw the hunter's ship that had been hit the day before. He quickened his pace to get there.

"We are nearly there Naomi," Omega murmured as if she could hear him even if she was unconscious. He arrived near the ship and saw that the captain had died hit by the boulder but the ship had minor damages. He put Naomi in the haul of the ship to rest on the wooden floor. He put her armor and her weapon next to her and went to the desk of the ship to fix the damages. He saw that one of the platforms supposed to stabilize the ship had broken and the ship was missing the dragonator and the platform at the top. He removed the stabilizer of the ship since he knew how to maneuver a ship on the sea with no stabilizer. He raised the sails and then they were off.


Omega heard someone calling his name and realized that it must have been Naomi. He rushed down to check on her to see that she had opened her eyes and was looking around. When she saw him she raised her hand and tried to get up and when Omega saw that she tried to get up he rushed to help her. She could barely walk. He brought her to the deck of the ship and let her sit there as he navigated the ship.

As night was falling, Omega saw light in the distance, If that is the city we are saved, Omega followed the light and as he got closer he saw the city walls. As he arrived close to the city ports he slowed down the ship and Naomi pointed at the hunting gong and Omega rang it as they approached the city.