Claiming the Leader

Omega woke at the break of dawn as Naomi still slept. He quickly wrote a note saying that he would be training with Benji. He walked through the empty streets of Moga city, he had been feeling nervous for some reason feeling that something wasn't right, he tried ignoring it but he keep remembering when his village was destroyed. He arrived at the dojo and Benji was once again training. They had talked about getting Omega a Kinsect Glaive. Benji hit the target, and as he got up he noticed Omega.

"You ready?"

"Yea, let's go," They left the dojo and headed to the blacksmith's shop.

"I asked the blacksmith to forge the Gogmazios' Glaive," Benji said as he unlocked the shop's door. They headed inside and Benji quickly found the Glaive, he turned and handed it to Omega. "We will head west from the village into the sacred forest, there are plenty of Kinsect nests." They headed out of the blacksmith's shop, Omega had left his bowgun in his room so he had just the Glaive as a weapon, a weapon completely new to him since his father had taught him how to use ranged hunting weapons and not close combat weapons.

The sun started dawn as they arrived to the sacred forest. The forest's tree leaves gleamed in the sunlight but no light passed the thick leaves of the trees overhead. They walked until they reached a Felyne village.

"These are the only buildings in the forest, since this is a sacred forest," Benji said.

"Why is this place so important?" Omega asked.

"The Dalamadur has never attacked this place and has simply left it alone so people started to worship this place and that is how it got its name."

They soon left the village and headed deeper into the forest and they soon arrived in a part of the forest overrun by Kinsects. The buzzing made it impossible for Omega and Benji to hear each other. Benji walked normally with his Kinsect still holding on to his arm. Omega on the other hand had Kinsects flying around him. Some of them landed flew near him and hovered near his glaive but most of them just darted away. Benji sat down and leaned against a tree and he looked at the insects hovering around Omega. The horde of Kinsects quickly flew away as a large buzzing was heard moving quickly towards them. The forest trees quickly became covered in smaller kinsect with flying in the middle, a large horned kinsect that moved to end up hovering in front of Omega. Benji looked on in awe from where he was sitting, the horned Kinsect flew around Omega and then landed on his arm and settled there. The swarm that had been covering the trees quickly left after that.

"Are you okay?" Benji asked as he hurried to his feet.

"Yea why?" Omega asked.

"That Kinsect, right there, is the leader of the swarm and it chose you so you now control the entire pack," Benji explained, "It is the largest Kinsect here, supposedly, and back at the village the only one who had owned a leader of the swarm was the third king of the village, that was several hundred years ago."

"So this is something very rare?" Omega asked.

"Yea, not even just rare, it's near impossible," Benji said, "I didn't see, but did it hover around the glaive?"

"No, it just hovered in front of me."

They headed back to the village and when they arrive a they saw part of the village's wall in pieces, the villagers were already busy repairing it. Naomi was standing talking to the village chief. She was wearing her Black Steel Armor and she had her Royal gauntlets, there were the ones with claws all around the wrist facing towards her hand and they were covering in a crimson red taint. Benji and Omega rushed to see the chief. When the chief saw them he turned and walked towards them.

"Chief, what happened?" Benji asked.

"The Dalamadur attacked," The chief responded, "Where were you?"

"We were in the sacred forest, like I told you," Benji replied.

"Yes, I forgot, did you find the Kinsect for Omega?"

"Yes, a leader of the swarm."

"Oka-What?" The chief said sounding startled, "Are you sure of that?"

"Yes, chief, I need to train him to harness that power but it is sure."

While they were talking, Omega went to talk to Naomi.

"Are you okay?" Omega asked as he walked towards her.

"I am fine, it hit only the walls."

"How did it look?"

"Like nothing you've ever seen, it is probably longer than the Jhen Morhan and it looks like a Lagiacrus with just two legs."

"Did you bounce when you hit it?"

"No but it took more than a blow or two to get through the scales," she said showing the blood stain on her gauntlets, "Oh, and what is that?"

"This is my Kinsect, it is the leader of the swarm in the sacred forest and this time I left a note," He said as he laughed, "Oh, I got you a present," He said as he gave her a smaller Kinsect that quickly hovered onto her arm.

"What is this?" She asked as she touched the kinsect.

"That's a young Kinsect," Omega explained, "Benji gave it to me so that it wouldn't have to chose you so it'll just stay with you."

"Thanks," Naomi said uneasily.

The night fell quickly and the villagers all returned to their homes. Benji and Omega were the only ones awake. Benji had told him to wait so that he could do his training without being disturbed by the villagers and they could do it without disturbing the village. "Okay, let's start," Benji said, "You see those targets? Send you Kinsect to them and make it come back, your glaive has a rattle in it that attracts Kinsects but I don't think it will react and it will just come back, so let's start."