Training His Kinsect

They trained the whole night and before the villagers woke, Omega had complete control over the actions he could tell the Kinsect to do. Benji left before dawn, but Omega stayed. He wandered through the normally filled streets of the city. He walked until he reached the broken walls, the ruble was still lying there in piles. He stopped and looked at the piles, he had remembered how his Kinsect was the leader of the swarm. He stood for a couple of seconds immobile, focused, before a huge buzzing could be heard moving closer and closer. I can control the swarm, I hope they listen as well as my Kinsect does. The followed the orders that Omega had told the Swarm Leader. They started to move and but the wall back together. The buzzing had woken up some of the villagers, who hurried to get the chief. Soon the village were all watching but Omega was too focused to notice as the swarm finished putting the wall together. It held up and look as if it was new. The Swarm left in a giant cloud of buzzing Kinsects. As Omega, came back to the real world and stopped focusing so much, he heard the village clapping behind him. He turned around and saw that everyone was there just watching. He nervously bowed. He saw Benji in the front line clapping as well. The Chief was there too and Naomi. Was it really that important for them to see the wall rebuilt like that, I don't even know how much time I spent here.

"Omega, I see you have mastered the art of the Kinsect, not many before you have had a Swarm Leader and controlled it with such ease."

Omega turned to see the chief approaching.

"Thank you, it's nothing really. Don't tha-" Omega was cut off by the chief.

"Of course we have to thank you, you rebuilt the wall with with such speed," The chief continued, " Let's have a feast to recognize Omega, the hunter that will take on the Dalamadur along with his wife, Naomi!"

The villagers were all busy, some were preparing the square for the feast, some were gather everything for the feast, some of the hunters left to go hunt and some went back to their everyday work.

"Good job," Omega turned to see no one near him.

"Come with me to the ruins of the old city," the voice said again.

"Sure, whatever," Omega said to himself. He headed to his room to grab his stuff.

When he arrived, Naomi was sitting on the bed playing with the young Kinsect. He went to grab his bag.

"What are you doing?"

He turned and saw Naomi looking at him. "I am going to the Old City, why?"

"Really?" Naomi asked.

"Yea, I am, what is wrong with that?"

"You are never here with me."

"I'll be here tonight and I have no plans for tomorrow so I can spend all day with you."

"Okay, but you promise?"

"Promise, and when have I ever broken a promise, huh?"

Omega turned and headed out the door. "Be careful," Naomi called when he left.

Omega left the city.

"So, you decided to come?"

"Yea, and who are you, what do you want?"

"Too many questions, I'll explain when we meet."

"Sure," Omega said as he continued to walk.