Diana's Past

"They're back!" A guard called from his post, "Bring the message to the Chief!"

The message spread like wildfire throughout the village. Everyone was waiting anxiously for their return. A messenger had been sent to greet them. They were welcomed by the village, even better than when Omega had first arrived in the village as their savior, but now him and Benji were really the saviors. The duo soon entered the Chief's home.

"So is it dead?" The chief asked.

"Yes," Benji said.

"Absolutely amazing!" The Chief called, "Let there be a feast tonight!".

Omega and Benji left and found Naomi waiting for them at the entrance of the Chief's home.

"Miss me?" Omega asked as Naomi kissed him.

"What do you think?" Naomi replied, "And this girl you brought back, yea, she is fine, she is in Benji's dojo, she wanted to see you, alone."

"Okay then," Omega said as he left Benji and Naomi and headed to the dojo. He arrived at the dojo and walked in he heard the sound of blades hitting the training dummies and went in. He leaned against the side of the door as Diana was training, she still had bandages around her chest from the hit that Omega had delivered with his glaive. She was so focused she didn't notice Omega for a long while. As she swung her blades at the dummy, one of them slipped from her hand and fell near Omega.

"You're back," She said as she turned to him.

"You wanted to see me?" Omega asked.

"Yes," Diana replied, "First of all, who is this Naomi?"

"My wife," Omega respond.


"Why?" Omega asked.


"Answer the question, Why?"

"If you want to hear it, beat me in an unarmed fight," She said playfully.

"You are still injured, and clearly not on point," Omega said as he picked up her blade.

"I don't care," She responded, "You want the answer, you know what you need to do."

"Fine," Omega responded as he put his weapon aside.

"Great!" Diana said playfully.

They fought in the dojo. Diana moved around and threw shots at Omega, who simply moved out of the way. Diana was incredibly fast, a lot faster than him and he reacted on instinct. But after some time of dodging he grabbed one of Diana's arms and made Diana lose balance and fall. As she got to her feet, Omega kicked her across the stomach then, Omega grabbed her around her waist and fell backwards bringing her down behind him. He repeated this 15 times and then stopped.

"Are we done?" Omega asked.

"Not yet," Diana said weakly.

"You want another go?"

"Fine," Diana sighed.

"So why ask me who Naomi was?"

"Well, before the attack on our village and you losing your memory, we used to be very, and I mean very good friends, maybe a little more than friends, if you get what I mean."


"Wow, you are really thick headed."

"Oh, I get you, but no, I moved on."

Diana looked down and sighed. Omega walked towards her and held out his hand and helped her up. They both left the dojo and soon meet up with Benji at the feast.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Benji asked Diana.

"Stomach hurts but apart from that I am fine," She replied.

"Hey guys," Naomi said as she rushed towards them.

"What is it?"

"A hunter arrived asking for help at the Jinto village, something urgent."

"We'll leave tomorrow then."

The feast started as the sun set. Benji stood on a table and announced that the Dalamadur was dead and that they were now safe. The village clapped and then the actual feast started. Benji and Omega spent all night talking about the quest they had taken. They explained the battle and described every part of the journey. The villagers listened intently to every detail. The night flew by and once the story had ended the villagers decided to go back to their homes. Benji, Omega, Naomi and Diana arrived at the chief's home, they entered to find a hunter standing next to the chief, but they saw him from profile not seeing the rest of his body, he turned to face them and revealed the other half of his body. They frozen wondering why he was like that. His body had black and red scales and had many scars on his chest and neck. He had a long braid hanging behind him.

"This is the hunter of the Jinto village," the Chief said, "Explain why you need them."

"The Maiden of the Mist has attacked our village," He said, "She was worshiped by our village but after a strange visitor visited our village, she turned on us."

"Did he tell you his name?" Omega asked.

"Yes," He replied, "It was Jarvan III, why ask?"

Omega found Naomi's eyes, they both knew who he was and what he wanted to do.

"Me and Omega have already fought him," Naomi said.

"Well, back to what happened," He continued, "The Maiden of the Mist gives each newborn a specific power or ability making them part of her family as her children, as you already noticed, mine are these scales on my right arm."

"How is that a power?" Diana asked.

"Well, it gives me the power of a half-dragon, the possibility to do part transformations of a dragon, like wings, and the Maiden can't kill her own children, and therefore uses ghouls and other beasts to attack us and vice versa we can't kill her only an outsider can kill her. This is why I need your help."

"We'll go," Benji said, "We'll get our stuff and we'll leave tomorrow."

They all parted ways and headed to prepare their things.