Dra and Gon

The next morning at dawn, the five met up at the gate.

"Sleep well?" Benji asked.

"Yea," Omega replied "You, hunter?"

"I don't sleep."

"Oh, and what was your name?"


"You lead the way."

They started off on their journey. Dra explained the story behind the Maiden of the Mist. The four hunters listened carefully.

"This story is just a passed down tale and so it isn't the exact reason but that is what I was told," Dra said, "As I already told you, the Maiden of the Mist gives specific abilities to each member of the village and this gives them a role. For example, I was given the power of a Half-Dragon, this gave me the scales that you see on my right side."

"Only "half" Dragon, shouldn't it be a full dragon?" Diana interrupted.

"Well, I have a twin Sister, Gon, so instead of giving us separate powers the Maiden of the Mist separated a power between us, so she has the left side of the dragon. Together we make Dra and Gon so Dragon," Dra explained, "So as I already said we can't kill her nor can she kill us, so she sends hordes of beasts that are on land, in the air and in the water."

"She attacked after Jarvan III left?"

"Yes," Dra said, "When we arrive you will have more information than what I can give you now, if you want to know more. Now back to the Maiden of the Mist's Origins. The Maiden was around before the village, One of the elders, well the only one alive from then, he is over 200 years old, said that with his travel party they stumbled upon an opening in the forest and that she was in the middle by a small lake. She talked to them in a dead language that only one of the party understood since he was the translator of the groups since they were looking to make more maps for the country. She made a deal with them, which is now called the deal in the mist, that if they stayed in the opening and worshipped her, she would give them a fruitful harvest and a standing village for them and their families."

"So, your village was made by the Maiden of the Mist?"

"Yes, And when one of them stayed to worship the Maiden while the others went to get their families, she spoke with him, but he couldn't understand her. She blessed him with the power to understand all languages, but this blessing came with a counterpart, he could no longer use his body for any building or hunting, so he was the worshipper of the group."

The night fell as they arrived in front of a massive forest. The trees towered over them and blocked the setting sun's light.

"We will sent up camp here and then continue tomorrow in the Forest of Pillars."

Omega collected wood for the fire and Benji, Diana and Naomi set up the tents. Dra mediated. Omega brought the fire and placed it in the middle of the tents, he sat down and tried to start the fire.

"Let me make the fire," Dra said. Smoke escaped from his mouth and then flames erupted. They ignited the wood instantly. The four looked in awe.

"What?" Dra asked as they stared at him, "Is there something on my face?"

"No, but you never told us about that," Omega replied.

"A dragon can breath fire," Dra said, "Me and my sister can both do that."

"What are the things we should know about this village?" Diana asked as she sat down.

"Well, first thing is that the elder that worships the Maiden of the Mist is over 200 years old and speaks very slowly and he talks in riddles and he is our chief, then most people have visible marks of their powers."

"Like?" Naomi interrupted.

"Well, one of our mages, well, has a skin less chest or like our chief fisher has a dorsal fin and gills on her chest."

"Why the skin less chest?" Benji asked.

"Arcane moves fast when it has no limits and skin in a limiter of its speed."

"So is their anything we shouldn't ask about?"

"Well, they know you come to kill the Maiden of the Mist and therefore you are both respected and disrespected since without her we have no guardian."

"Will you lose your powers?"

"No, they are unchangeable."

The four hunters ate and soon Naomi, Omega and Benji were asleep. Diana was still awake. She was lying on her bed thinking about how fast her life had changed since she had met Omega. For a wanderer to a rookie hunter in one of the most respected trio in the country. She was startled when she heard Dra's voice talking.

"How much time until you arrive?"

Diana heard a female voice replied.

"I will be there by morning."

"See you then."

Diana got up and walked towards Dra how had been standing looking over the plains that they had walked.

"So, Who is coming?" Diana asked.

Dra jumped when she touched his back, "What? You heard me?"

"Yeah," Diana replied, "Oh, I didn't tell you, I have the same thing as you, that communication thing, yeah, I have it too."

"Gon is arriving tomorrow morning, she will arrive by there," Dra pointed upwards to the sky, "If you want you sleep here and I can wake you so you can see her."

"I'll sleep here then, make sure to wake me."

"I will."

The sun dawned as Dra shook Diana.

"Wake up."

She yawned and sat up.

"Where is Gon?"

"She is arriving soon."

They waited a little while. Diana thought everything was so pretty in the field that they had walked the day before.

"Where are you?"

"Arriving," Gon replied.

"Okay," Dra replied as he pointed towards the mountains in the distance, "You see, over there?"

Diana look carefully towards the mountains and saw two large wings arriving towards them.

"Here she comes."

Gon arrived a couple seconds later. She landed next to them.

"Hello, love."

"Hello, dear."

"I'll go wake the others," Diana said as Dra and Gon embraced.

She walked into Benji's tent first.

"Wake up!"

"Ah!" Benji jumped back when he saw Diana looking over him, "Don't do that."

"I'll go wake the others, pack your stuff," She said as she skipped out of the tent.

"Omega! Naomi! Wake up."

"What?" They both answer.

"Pack your stuff we are leaving."

"This early?" Naomi yawned.

"Dra said so."