Town Defence

After sometime, Benji, Omega and Naomi walked out of the their tents and saw Diana, Dra and Gon.

"Who is this?" Benji asked as he walked towards them.

"This is my sister, Gon"

"Hello," Gon waved smiling. She was like her brother but her left side had scales but they didn't have any scratches on them She still had her wings, they were taller than her.

"So you are a half-dragon as well?"

"Of course. I am half of my brother's powers and he is half of my powers," She said as she held his hand.

"You're brother and sister?" Benji asked.

"Yes, why?" Gon asked.

"You look like you are in love with each other."

"That too," Dra answered.

"Oh…" Benji said awkwardly, an awkward silence followed.

"So, when are we leaving?" Diana asked breaking the silence.

"If you are ready, we can leave soon," Dra and Gon both answered.

"Well, we haven't eaten at all," Naomi said.

"Sure, you guys should eat, I have things to catch up on from the village," Dra said as they walked away with Gon.

"How is the village?" Dra asked.

"There was another attack, Aerial. Nothing else, just aerial." Gon asked.

"How was it?" Dra asked, "Without me?"

"Weird, different, harder," Gon said.

"Your scales are scratchless," Dra said, "How come?"

"I had a change of scales," Gon said happily, "I am finally free and I can now lead a defense team," This was because a dragon was adult when it had a change of scales, this also went for half-dragons.

"Really? I am so happy for you!" Dra said as he hugged Gon.

"I think they are waiting for us. We should become the dragon now and join them."

"Okay, me or you?"

"You," They soon rejoined the group. The group pulled out their weapons, "Don't worry," Dra said, "It's just us, Dra and Gon."

"I was not expecting a two headed dragon with black and white scales," Omega said.

"Are you guys done?"

"Yes, we were waiting for you."

"Climb up," Gon said, "We are strong enough to do this."

"Okay," Diana said as she climbed onto their back. They climbed onto Dra and Gon's back and they started to rise up.

"Hang on."

The duo started to fly forwards above the forest that they had camped in. They picked up speed and soared above the forest and soon arrived in an open highland that was near the sea. The landscape was very different from an area to another. Naomi was sitting in the middle of the back, trembling. Diana was lying down near the wings looking over the edge. Benji and Omega sat near Naomi, who was scared of heights.

"We are arriving soon," Dra pointed out, "Look ahead."

In the distance, there were pillars of smoke that rose above a small area, which was the Jinto village. They soon arrived to the main square of the village. They were met by a small group of people accompanying the village elder.

Dra and Gon separated, Gon sighed.

"Really? Again?" Dra asked.

"What?" Gon asked looking shocked, "What did I do again?"

"You just sighed, stop doing that every single time!" Dra said.

"Calm down," Gon said.

"Calm down young ones," The village elder said, "You are always fighting."

They said nothing as they kneeled in front of him.

"I suppose you brought the hunters."

"Yes," they said in unison.

"Greetings hunters," The elder said as he turned to face them, "I am glad that you are here. Well, I suppose that Dra and Gon already told you about what was happening in the village and why we need you?"

"Yes," Naomi answered.

"Well, they will take you to the barracks so that you can get to know the teams and join the land, aerial or sea defense team."

"We will do that."

Dra and Gon got up and told the four hunters to follow them. They arrived in front of a large building made of stone and wood. They walked in and the teams were all chatting and conversing with their comrades. Dra walked up to the front of the room and rang the bell on one of the walls. Everyone stopped and turned to listen.

"So, as you know I went to get the hunters that will help us defend ourselves against the Maiden of the Mist. So here they are, and they will separate into each group, air, land and sea."

Omega, Benji, Diana and Naomi walked around and listened to the introductions and the training that each team did. Omega chose the aerial team, Benji and Naomi chose the land team and Diana chose the sea team. They were briefed about the strategies and the weapons that they could use.

A loud bell rang from the walls of the city.

"There is an attack!"

They all ran out with their teams, Omega met Dra and Gon already in Dragon form, "Climb up," Gon said.

Omega hopped onto their backs and they took off. Naomi and Benji met the mage that Dra had talked about.

"You two, follow me."

"Sure thing," Benji replied as they followed him.

Diana met the small team of sea. Most of them had a certain attribute to do their task. Diana put on a breathing mask.

"So when are we going?"

"We will go as soon as you are ready."

"Then let's go."

They dived into a tunnel of water that lead to the sea. They arrived in the sea and a massive head shoot up from the abyss. They couldn't see it's body which was down near the bottom of the sea. The team split up with two members swimming towards the "Dragonator". The dragonator was a pair of large spikes that could pop out to repel the beasts from the shore, causing considerable damage to the beasts. The rest swam towards the beast head as it slowly moved towards the shore. The beast's neck was covered in large spikes on its scales, too large and spaced out to hurt the team that used them to climb to the beast's head. Diana quickly climbed using her agility to scale the beast's neck, laying a bomb every now and then. She reached the top and started laying bombs a top the beast's head. By this time it was very close to shore and the bombs had been placed and connected. The dragonator was activated and struck the beast in its neck, but it ignored the spikes even if it was visibly bleeding and had huge gashes where the spikes had entered. Diana lit the fuse and the bombs blew up one after each other and the final explosion made the beast release an ear-splitting screech and then collapse into the sea.

In the meantime, on land, Benji and Naomi were fighting a considerable resistance. The beasts were humanoids made of root and rode on beasts that were as well made of roots. Naomi pulled out her gunlance and her shield and Benji pulled out his Insect Glaive. They lead the charge as two members set up a line of oil and straw. Benji used his glaive to jump up to climb onto the larger beasts, while Naomi used the rounds in her gunlance, making the roots of the beasts burn and separate. The mage that they had met was using a weird sort of magic, which was to use arcane strength to summon an exoskeleton that protected him as he was fighting the beasts. They fought off the beasts until the line was ready and could be lit to burn them. They fell back after Benji had dealt with the two giant root beasts and the riders had no mounts left. They backed up and the line was lit as the beasts ignorantly walked over the line. The fire burned them and they collapsed into a pile of cinders or burning roots.

As all of this was happening in the air, Omega, Dra, Gon and the air team were fending off the flying beasts. Omega used his bowgun to fire at the smaller beasts as Dra and Gon attacked the larger ones. Dra and Gon attacked the beast with extreme coordination. Omega fired off a volley of arrows to get rid of the small bird like beasts around the larger beasts. The beast soon fell lifeless out of the sky and Dra and Gon moved on to the next. A loud screech was heard as they were fighting. A beast came out of the clouds. Omega stared at it in shock, A winged Lagiacrus. Dra and Gon flew towards the Lagiacrus as Omega moved his attention to the beast. The beast flew in and out of their vision as the trio attacked it. Dra and Gon were face to face with the huge flying beast and created a huge cloud of fire that enveloped the Lagiacrus. The beast let out a huge screech and flew out of their vision.