
"Really?" She snapped her fingers and Omega rose and stood in front of Naomi, "And, I don't think you would want to kill your friend here," She snapped again and Naomi's sword crumbled into dust. Omega roared. He crouched down and two broken, black wings burst out of his back, his arms had blade like spikes cut out of his skin as blood poured onto the floor on the floor. His face showed the pain his body felt, red pupils formed in Omega's black eyes. He charged at her. Naomi dodged out of the way, but was tagged by one of his wings. She lost her balance and Omega quickly turned and waited for her to get up. She stared at him and sighed. She was now ready to fight her husband. He charged at her again and she jumped above him and put her legs around his head then leaned back throwing Omega off balance and spiking his head on the floor. She got up and looked at him lay on the floor waited for him to get up after the heavy blow that he took to the head. Omega rose up like a dead man waking up and turned to stare at her. He rose to his feet once again as if nothing happened. He moved slowly towards her with his fist up in front of him. He threw a punch towards her, Naomi dodged it and hit him in the ribs. His face showed no emotions or any pain. He swung his arm backwards and barely missed Naomi with the bladed arm. She took advantage of Omega's berserk fighting and grabbed his shoulders and fell back onto her back with her knees against his back. He rolled off and got up, still showing no pain. He charged at her like he did earlier on and hit her in the stomach. She was projected back. He rose again and the Maiden walked towards him. She whispered something into his ear. His eyes became completely red accompanied by a malicious grin. He leapt at her, she rolled away with the little strength she had remaining, he swung at her again and again, Naomi dodge every single one until he grabbed her neck and lifted her up and held her at arm's length in the air. Naomi flailed and struggled but she didn't have much energy left in her. She was fading slowly. Omega's grasp suddenly let out, She fell near lifeless on the floor. She saw blurry and couldn't tell what caused Omega to stop.

Diana and Benji showed up in the nick of time, pulling attention from Omega, "Omega?" He said nothing and grinned once more as he looked at them. The Maiden walked up next to him.

"What brings you here? Can't you see he is busy?"

"He has more work on his hands then."

The Maiden whispered something else in his ear and he nodded, still without having said anything. His arms were covered in blood. He charged towards them. Diana jumped away and Benji collided with Omega and neither of them moved. Omega used his speed to throw Benji off balance and used his head to push him away. Diana jumped onto his back and spiked his head like Naomi had done before. He reacted the same way and go up as he did before. He didn't seem to feel any pain, nor did he seem to feel his fatigue. Diana rolled away from his next charge. Benji bent him backwards and lifted him dropping him on his head once again. He got up near instantly again, but this time a small stream of blood trickled down his face. He charged at Benji and collided with him again with no result. Diana went behind him and kicked him in between his legs. He fell to his knees, he finally showed pain. The Maiden, shouted something that nor Benji or Diana could understand. Omega rose to his feet and his eyes were completely white.

"Let's see how far he will go until his body can't persevere, then you can take him back with you, I've had my fun. I'll summon the Abyssal Lagiacrus myself," Omega charged at Benji once again but stopped before him and tackled Diana sending her flying. She was on the floor in pain and Omega walked towards her. The Blade on his arm was out like a sword attached to his arm. He rose his arm only to have it grabbed by Benji. He turned and punched Benji, sending him flying and turned back to Diana. He was now looming above her with his arm high in the air.

He brought it down but stopped by a force that burned his skin. A coil of fire was wrapped around his arm preventing him from hitting Diana. He turned to face a giant cobra made entirely of fire. Naomi was weakly on her feet and had casted her familiar that she had learned about earlier that day. She ordered her cobra and it wrapped around Omega's body causing immense burns on his body. He quickly faded away. The cobra let go. Omega's body fell lifeless on the floor. The Maiden sighed and spoke once more.

"Very well, you win leave with your friends before I do something else."

"We'll be back, you just wait!"

"I'll be waiting right here," Diana and Benji, who go up very shortly after Omega was defeated, carried Omega and Diana out of the clearing and back onto the path. They were soon on the edge of the island. The night had fallen and they had no idea what time it was, the fog of the island blocks out the light and only the lamps that flow around light it up. They saw Dra and Gon flying around the island and Benji shouted their names. They turned and landed near them on the island.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just get us out of here."

"We don't want to stay anyways, so let's go," They flew down to the village. Dra and Gon brought them to the sickroom that had been repaired and had a new door. Omega was still in his demon like form and was covered in burns and blood. Diana woke up soon after Naomi and Benji had been stitched up and bandaged.

"What happened? Why are we in the Sickroom? Weren't we on the island?" Diana said faintly.

"Hey, you're awake! Well, the reason we are here is you and, well look next to you," Naomi said as she pointed to the bed next to Diana. Diana turned and jump when she looked at Omega.

"That's Omega?"

"Yep, you should have been there to see what stopped him, well, from killing you."

"And what was that?"

"A Death Valley King Cobra made of flames."


"Remember when I went to the Rune Temple, well, my familiar I can summon is a Death Valley King Cobra."

"Cool, so that explains the burn marks, and all the blood and the cuts?"

"On his back, from his broken wings, and his arms from the blade he nearly killed you with."

"Stop bringing that up, thank you for saving me."

"Naomi, stop running your mouth without us you would be dead."

"And vice versa."

"Stop arguing," The trio turned to see Omega sitting up, with no blood or open cuts. Diana pointed at him and before she could speak.

"The Maiden of the Mist showed me my darker side."


"Well, it is something my mother feared I would get from my father."

"What the demon form?"

"Yes," Omega said, "Let me show you something that will now stay with me forever." Omega took off the bloody bandages around his forearms. His arms were coal black, and he had small rock spikes extending his forearm further than his elbow.

"Omega? What is that?"

"My demon form," He said, "I can no longer go berserk but I can still call for my broken wings in a fight."

"Well, at least that is a good thing."

The nurse came back with more bandages for Omega who, when she left the room, was out and wounded. She suddenly stopped when she saw Omega.

"I thought you were-"

"He just woke up."

"I am fine."

"You feel perfectly fine?"

"Yes," Omega said as he got up, "So, let's go home?"
