Light against Dark

The group left the sickroom leaving the nurse questioning what was going on and if it had really happened. The group returned to Dra and Gon's house. Dra and Gon were shocked to see Omega back so early.

"Weren't you supposed to be in the sickroom?"

"As you can see I recovered."

"I wouldn't say completely," Diana said as she kick him from behind. Omega fell to his knees. The group stared wondering why she did that and then Benji burst into laughter.

"Nice one, Diana," Benji said, "A little taste of what it would have felt like if you weren't berserk."

"Oh, I understand now," Naomi said.

"Wait, what happened?" Dra and Gon asked in unison.

"Well, Me and Omega are going to go train to put him back into shape and test his new 'body'."

"I am going to explain what happened up on the island."

"I will too," Diana said. Benji and Omega left the house and headed to fields to train Omega's new body. They arrived in the field, Benji tossed a sword to Omega, he caught it, but it crumbled into pieces as it landed in his hand. Benji threw him another and the same result happened. Omega touched the pieces of the sword on the floor then his right arm morphed into a blade like shape. Benji drew his Glaive and he motioned to Omega to start the duel. Omega made his arm normal again and rush towards Benji, his arm turned into a shield as Benji brought his glaive down, causing it to bounce violently backwards. He returned to attack, but stopped when he heard the warning bell of the city ring.

"I need to get going then," Omega said as blood spattered from his back and black wings emerged. He took off and soared at an immense speed towards the city. The land team soon joined Benji in the field he had been training in.

Omega flew passed Dra and Gon who were taking off. He slowed and waited for them.

"What is waiting for us?"

"A huge armada of beasts, guarding a large beast."

"Ok, so kill everything then focus the large one?"

"Why not."

The trio flew towards the flying armada. The roars of the beasts broke the silence as hundreds of small flying beasts flew in disorder around a shadow that was hidden by the clouds. Omega flew up above the clouds. He realized that the beast was far larger than he thought. There was a strange, nearly transparent cord leading towards the Maiden's island. There were two others. He flew back down to where Dra and Gon were fighting with the smaller beasts.

"Can you guys deal with the small beast and just hold back the large beast?"

"Sure, why?"

"I need to get to the Maiden's island."

"Okay, we'll hold them here."

Omega plunged into the clouds and soared to the fields where a giant beast was slowly advancing with hundreds of elementals towards the city. Just as he expected there was a binding on the beast like the flying one. He saw the team fighting the beasts, he turned and sped towards the sea side of the city. He noticed the three beasts, one huge and two smaller ones, there was a binding on it as well. He turned and flew towards the Maiden's island. He set foot on the path he had once taken in a bloody rage and out of control. He ran down it and soon found himself in the clearing he recognized. The Maiden was sitting on a dead tree stump near the black waters of the lake. She turned towards him and smiled.

"I have been expecting you."

"I can tell."

"Prepare to meet your fate," The Maiden took the form of a mortal, losing her mist-like aspect and she was fully equipped with a white metal armor. She pulled out a white blade with a golden edge. A pair of bright white feathered wings came out of her back.

"Angel vs Demon, Light against Dark."

"You're on."

The Maiden lunged towards Omega, who side stepped. She turned as she felt a drop of blood go down the back of her neck. She turned and saw Omega gain a black aura around him. He lunged towards her and punched her in the stomach folding her in half. She coughed and got up and faced Omega, sword in front of her, keeping Omega at a distance. She lunged and sliced through Omega's leg, blood flowed from his thigh. He got up painfully, she lunged once more targeting the other leg. He fell to his knees, she kneed him in the side of the head. He fell on his back. She hopped back and put her sword in front of her once again. She was faster than Omega, and even if he had hit her in the stomach she still fought as if nothing happened. She brought her sword down towards Omega, he rolled out of the way and followed up with a heel in the back of her head, shattering her helmet. She stumbled back and slowly removed her shattered helmet, revealing a very human face, with long, white hair. She looked at Omega and went back to her position waiting for him to stand. Time is ticking. Omega knew that he village depended on his victory. He rose to his feet. The Maiden lunged towards him and he turned and bit into the blade, shattering it. The Maiden look at her sword in shock. She dropped the broken blade and pulled out another blade. She smiled and lunged at Omega, who had taken advantage of the time that he was given to morph one of his arms to wield a shield. The blade bounced off of the shield and it threw the Maiden off balance. She lunged once again, this time, slashing Omega's stomach, he fell back. He reminded himself that time was running out. She was going to lunge at him once more.

"How did you get your human form?"

The Maiden frozen when Omega asked the question. She just stopped not being able to answer the question. Omega blinked behind her and kneed her in the back. She fell forwards. He picked her up and grabbed her sword, which like all the other weapons he had grabbed, crumbled. The Maiden fainted when he touched her sword. Omega dropped her and flew up and out of the clouds around the Island and saw the bindings slowly disappear, and he heard three giant dying roars as the three massive beast died. He had done it, he had protected the city, and stopped the Maiden. He landed and sat down waiting for the Maiden to wake up. Her lake cleared from its black water. A small rock hit Omega's neck, there was a message on it. It read: This isn't over, signed J3. Jarvan III. He sat there and waited the Maiden's awakening. As he waited the clouds of the Island cleared and it slowly descended back to the crater it had left when it rose into the sky. The clouds slowly cleared around the island. Omega looked around and saw the townspeople walking towards the island. It would still be a long time before it found its place in the ground. He turned to look at the Maiden, who slowly sat up. He walked towards her.