Not from Runatra?

"What happened?"

"Why are you asking me that?" Omega said, "You created a living hell for the townspeople, you're the Maiden of the Mist."


"You're the Maiden of the Mist," Omega repeated.

"What do you mean? My name is Lissandra. What did I do?"

"So you're telling me you're not the thing that brought hell upon this city?"

"What city?"

"The city this island over looks."

"Wait, we are floating?"

"Yes, you and I just fought since you were threatening to destroy the city."

"Wait, I did that?" Dra and Gon landed in the clearing, this time not in a joint form.

"Who is she?" Dra asked.

"Where is the Maiden's body?" Gon asked.

Omega pointed towards Lissandra, "Right there."


"Yep, she has no idea what happened and she is clearly human and not the Maiden."

"Well, we have to leave you here since the Chief told us to leave you here until the island landed, see you in a bit."

"Okay," Omega said as Dra and Gon flew off the island.

"So," Omega said as he sat down next to Lissandra, "Let's recap, you are Lissandra, you have no idea what has happened or that there is a city under this island or that you are even floating?"


"Anything else to add?"

"I don't think so."

"When we land, you follow me and you don't talk to anyone, Okay? Can you manage that?"

"Sure, why?"

"The people will see you as the Maiden of the Mist and not as Lissandra and therefore as an enemy."

"Ok," Lissandra said unsurely, "What region are we in?"

"What region?"

"Like what region of Terruna?"

"We aren't in Terruna, we are in Runatra."



"I don't remember anything else than when I left Terruna and-"

"Terruna was destroyed over 500 years ago, so I don't know if I can trust you."

"What?! How?"

"I don't know," Lissandra began to tremble, as if a cold breeze hit her, "Are you okay?" Omega put his hand on his shoulder, her skin was freezing and his hand felt numb when it touched her. He let go of her shoulder and he noticed a small marking on Lissandra's shoulder blade. It was a very dark blue, he hadn't noticed it until then. She stopped trembling, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just felt very cold."

"I noticed," Omega said as he walked towards the edge of the island, "We will be grounded soon so just follow me when we walk into the city."


The island soon landed and there was a path in between what looked to be the entire village. The crowd was kneeling when Omega stepped onto the path but when they saw Lissandra, they got up in confusion. They were sure that he had defeated the Maiden of the Mist, but for them, she was there walking behind Omega. The villages blacksmith, who had lost an eye against the Maiden's hordes, lunged out at her, shouting that she should die. She turned in shock, Omega grabbed the blacksmith's blade and it crumbled in his hand.

"She is with me," Omega said bitterly, "Show some respect."

The blacksmith looked at his blade in pieces on the floor, he picked up the pieces and got back into the crowd. They walked until they arrived to the village's chief's hut.

"Who is this, Omega?"

"The human who the Maiden used as a body."

"What?! How dare you put the village in peril by bringing her here!"

"She is fine, she is with me and if you want, I guard her."

"Very well, but now that you say that, you did defeat the Maiden, am I correct?"

"Yes, I did and when the Maiden died, she left Lissandra."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, and I had one question, chief," Omega paused, "When was Terruna destroyed?"

"Why do you bring up Terruna?"

"She is from Terruna."

"She is over 500 years old then."

"How was it destroyed?"

"Well," The Chief hesitated, then signaled Omega to lean forward, then whispered, "It wasn't, it was lost," Omega stood back up and noded.

"I shall return with the rest of my group."

As they walked back to Dra and Gon's home, the townspeople glared at Lissandra who was visibly uneasy.

"Walk in front of me."


"Just do it, let's say for your protection."

Lissandra agreed and they continued to walk. As they turned into a narrow street, they met face to face with the blacksmith that had tried to kill Lissandra. Omega looked back and saw three men closing the only exit they had.

"What do you want?" Omega asked as he glared at the blacksmith.

"Her death," He responded.


"She killed my wife and my son," The blacksmith said, "Now, she must pay," As he said that he lunged towards Lissandra, Omega pushed her aside and bite into the blade, breaking it. The blacksmith looked down at his blade, in shock, then threw it aside and grabbed another blade from his back. He pointed towards Omega and the men, who were with him, surrounded him. He kneeled down and let out a demonic roar. Blood ran down his back and on his forearms. The men looked at him in shock as he got up. His forearm was black with a blade like spike on each of them and he had a pair of black and broken wings coming out of his back. The men around them stood frozen.

"Not so tough anymore?"

The blacksmith signaled to his men to run and they dispersed back out of the street. Omega turned to Lissandra, "You see what I mean?"

"Now I do."

He helped her up and got rid of his broken wings. They soon arrived to Dra and Gon's house. Omega knocked and Gon answered the door.