
"Omega! You're back!" Gon said as she hugged Omega, "Who is this girl?"

"I am supposed to guard her. Let me in and I will explain the story."

"Okay," Gon, Omega and Lissandra walked into the main room. Naomi smiled at Omega then once she saw Lissandra, she glared at him. She moved her head pointing to the next room and got up and walked into the room. Omega mentioned Lissandra to follow him. They walked into the next room.


"Lissandra, the human possessed by the Maiden."

"What? Don't you lie to me, who is she?"

"The human possessed by the Maiden"

"Stop lying! Who is she!" Naomi lifted her hand and slapped Omega.

"The human possessed by the Maiden."

Naomi lifted her arm again and swung at Omega, but before it hit him, a cracking noise was heard. Omega opened his eyes from anticipating the blow, Naomi's arm was frozen.

"What is this?" Naomi screamed.

"I did that," Omega and Naomi turned to Lissandra. She had lost her innocent look and her eyes were dark blue, she had an iced crown in her hair and her hair wasn't hair but was strands of ice that looked identical to hair. Omega and Naomi were in shock. Naomi's arm lit up in flames as the ice slowly melted

"I'm a pyro mage, don't try that again."

"You never told me that you were a cryo mage."

"Well, you can settle yourself, pyro mage, your boyfriend saved me."

"Well, first he isn't my boyfriend but he is my husband, and second I sure wish you died like the Maiden!"

"Settle it you two!" Omega shouted, his eyes darkened and his arms blackened, "I am a demon-born, and if you continue I'll deal with you two."

The two backed down and sighed.

"Our job here is done and since no-one has sent for us, we should go back to our house, it is in the Shinogo region."

"We can bring you there," Dra and Gon interrupted.

"Thank you, I will go to the chief and tell him of our departure."

Omega returned after an hour, He walked through the door with 4 tokens, He handed them to Benji, Diana and Naomi. They were tokens that the chief had given them as a mark of honor and respect that they have in the village.

"Are your things packed?"

"Yep, yours are too."

"Okay, then what are we waiting for?"

The group flew until they arrived at Omega and Naomi's home, they said goodbye to Dra and Gon and they parted ways. Their home was a gift from Naomi's father that his workers had built while the group was travelling. It was on a large, fenced property, it had an observation tower in one of the corners of the property and it overlooked a large lake. The house itself was on two floors with a kitchen, an armory, five bedrooms, a dojo and a large collection of books. They walked in and they all were impressed by the size.

"Since when do you have this?" Diana asked.

"Before I met you and Benji so not much time."

"You never told me of this," Naomi said.

"Sorry, your father told me not to so it would be a surprise."

"That's fine, it's a good surprise."

"There should be a dojo down that hallway for you two and there are people who work here, in the kitchen, to help you in the dojo and also to clean."

"Wow, this is amazing, Benji you coming?" Diana asked as she skipped down the hallway.

"Well, I think this is going to be fun, wait for me!" Benji said as he hurried down the hall.

"Well, I am tried, that trip was exhausting, I'll go sleep, and one thing," Naomi turned to Lissandra, "He is my husband, so hands off. Well, see you at dinner I suppose, bye!"

"Lissandra follow me."

"Where are we going?"

"The library to find out more about your story, if you want."

"Of course, you lead the way."

The two walked into the tower at one of the extremes of the territory. Omega opened a hatch in the small, circular building, it lead to a small vertical tunnel with a wooden ladder, the tunnel was dark but there was light at the bottom. Omega gestured to Lissandra to go first. She hesitated then climbed down, Omega followed down.

At the bottom of the ladder, they entered a giant library, the bookshelves went up to the ceiling a couple meters above them.

"If we find nothing about Terruna, I don't know where we will find this information, I'll start here you start on the opposite side."

The two searched and searched, they went from top to bottom, side to side, Omega went through every book that even vaguely about Terruna. They continued until Lissandra called out to Omega. She was in the back of the library.

"I found a book talking about Terruna! It seems on the point of break apart."

"I'll be there."

Omega arrived and saw a old and battered brick of a book that Lissandra held in her hands. They both sat down at the desks in the library. She opened the book and there was a small note, Don't use this book indoors, the note was from Naomi's father. They both looked at each other, Omega shrugged and then Omega closed the book and headed to the ladder with Lissandra on his tracks, they climbed the ladder and realized it was already time for dinner. They looked at each other and sighed.

"After dinner?"

"I need to see with Naomi, so I don't know."

"I will be out here anyways, so yeah,"

They both walked into the house and into the dinner hall. The table was set, but no-one was here yet, Omega and Lissandra sat down near each other with Omega at the head of the table and Lissandra on his left and supposedly Naomi on his right. Naomi walked into the dinner hall, she was in the dress she wore when she was just a princess in her father's palace, but of course she had her personal touch to it, it had shoulder guards and on the skirt had small plates of armor on it like scales. She sat down next to Omega and kissed him. She then proceeded to glare at Lissandra. Soon after Benji and Diana walked in, and to their surprise, they were holding hands, they had never done that before, at least in front of the group. They let go and sat in front of each other.

"How was that dojo session?" Naomi asked laughing.

"Fun, I would have liked him to be a faster opponent but, not everyone can beat Omega's demonborn," Diana answered as she smiled at Benji.

"And how was your book hunt?" Benji asked.

"True, you two went to the library to find a book about Terruna or something."

"Well, we did find a book but there was a note from your father, saying to use the book outdoors, so we didn't have time to check it out."

"Really? Well before we talk too much, there is food on the table so why don't we eat?" Naomi said.

"And how about a toast to the new love in the group?" Omega said as he held his glass up.

The group began to eat. They talked and talked and once it was done Omega and Lissandra said goodnight to the others and went out side. Omega placed the book on the ground. He opened it once again, and the note had changed and it read: 'Speak this phrase and you'll find the answers.'

"Here goes nothing," Omega pronounced the phrase and the book started to create a magical aura, the book created a portal that opened to another dimension, this was a snowy and barren tundra. The note drifted onto Omega's foot and it read: 'Here is the doorway to Terruna.'

"I guess this is when we go to Terruna."

"Well what are we waiting for?"

The duo entered the portal. They stepped through and set foot in an empty and frozen land. Omega looked around wondering where they were but he couldn't see past the raging blizzard. Suddenly, a white creature charged at them. It was several times their size and was bipedal. Blood dripped down Omega's back and froze on the ground. The beast swung at him and Omega parried it with a kick. The beast lost balance as his arm bounced back and Omega turned to face the beast and it was frozen solid. A cold hand touched his shoulder.