
"Welcome to our kingdom, Omega."

The voice sounded familiar. He turned and came face to face with Lissandra and two others who resembled her.

"Here is your challenge if you want to come with us and appreciate our kingdom and our power," One of the Witches said, "My name is Sejuani and this is Ashe, we are the three queens of Terruna."

"Wait what?"

"If you want answers you need to complete the challenge."

"Sure, what is it."

"Three parts," Ashe said, "A combat challenge in both close combat and ranged combat, and then a magic challenge. What shall be your first choice?"

"Close combat."

"Very well," Sejuani snapped and a beast new beast appeared. It was the size of a human and had two blades on its arms, it hopped around very quickly, Omega was already in demon born from and lunge towards it and the beast swiftly hopped out of the way before being hit with a spinning kick, the beast stumbled back before rising again and going back to hopping around. It swung at Omega with its blades and slashed Omega's left arm. His arm that had been black and in the shape of a shield turned red and adopted a curved sickle-like shape. Omega charged at the beast before sliding under its swing and driving his knee into its back and followed up with a blow with his sickle across its back. This caused it to stagger and turn quickly slashing Omega's left arm again. Omega changed his left arm back into a normal arm with an armguard that ended up in several spikes, Omega lunged forward and drove his arm into the beast's chest and then ripped his arm out of its chest and pulled out the beast's red, pumping heart and crushed it in his hand. He turned and faced the three witches.

"Very well, now onto your next challenge, Magic or Ranged?"


"Very well," Ashe said, "Hit these targets," a pack of crystal birds took off and flew around in the blizzard "You need to hit at least ten of them."

Omega changed his arm into a bow and stood still for a few second before firing a hail of arrows into the sky after a few second the crystal birds fell all with an arrow there was no bird left in the air and no arrow without having hit a target.

"So, Lissandra was right, you are very talented."

"These are too easy give me the magic challenge."

"Cocky or confident? Who knows?"

"The last challenge, you must clear the blizzard and then join us."


"This is no simple blizzard it is a cryo mage casted blizzard."

"LOK-VAH-KOOR!" In a matter of seconds the blizzard cleared revealing an arena, "What is this all about?"

"Welcome Omega, to the Seeker kingdom."


"Oh, you count on joining your friends in Runatra, am I correct?"


"Well, let's meet tomorrow."

The portal opened once again behind him and he stepped through. He returned to Runatra, the sun was rising and there was a warm breeze, the sky was orange and purple and showed a cut between night and day. He walked towards the house. She was an Ice Witch? And never told me about anything like that. Omega walked into the house and met Benji who was lounging on one of the couches.

"Where is Lissandra?"

"Long story…"

"I have a lot of time, explain."

Omega sat down on the couch in front of Benji.

"Before you start, was it something bad?"


"Go ahead then, explain."

"So, last night we opened the portal and when we stepped through, we were met by a blizzard and then a huge beast attacked us and Lissandra froze it and when I turned around she was there with two other, nearly identical people."

"Who were they?" Benji interrupted.

"Well, it seems like Lissandra was one of the Ice Queens of Terruna."

"Oh, and why was she here in Runatra?"

"Don't know but then they gave me three challenges, a close combat, ranged, and magic challenge, they were designed to be near impossible, probably, because how are you supposed to hit crystal birds in a blizzard?"

"So? Did you pass them?"

"Yeah, and the portal lead right into an arena that they had used to test me."

"Wow, they probably planned it."

"And that's all that happened and here come the girls," Diana and Naomi walked towards Omega and Benji

"Where is Lissandra?" Diana asked looking around.

"In Terruna."

"Oh, that's cool."

"Did you sleep at all Omega?"

"No, I just got back."

"Hungry?" Diana asked, "Because I am," Benji got up and walked with Diana to the Dinner Hall. Naomi turned towards Omega after she was sure Diana and Benji were gone.

"Are you going back to Terruna?"

"Yes, why?"

"I received a message from my father and he told me to stay here instead of returning to the city, something happened, but he said it was okay but he was feeling sick."

"Well, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Don't kill yourself in Terruna. That's all."

"Should be easy enough."

"See you tonight," Naomi said as she kissed Omega and walked back to her room. Omega left the house and re-opened the portal and walked through. He arrived in a different place. It seemed like a throne room.

"Welcome back Omega," Omega turned to see three thrones with Sejuani, Ashe and Lissandra sitting there with their legs crossed in the same way. Omega turned and bowed.

"I see you are a man of respect."

"We would like to show you something."

"Stand and follow us."

The three queens got up in unison as Omega got up.