A New Sort of Adventure

They entered a room that had a large window overlooking a very large and lust city. The city was very weird to Omega. It was separated by a wall with the posh, rich and elite buildings on one side and on the other there was clearly a lot of poverty and the houses were wore out and most looked like makeshift homes. In the extremities of the city was a large mine, a refinery spewing thick, black smoke and a large group of factories that had no indication of what was produced.

"This is the capital of Terruna, Demacia."

"Wow, wait, why is there a wall?"

"Separating the slums from the elite, this palace is protected by that wall."

"What does that factory produce?"

"Weapons," Sejuani said bluntly.

"What for?"

"You want to know?"

"Why not."

"Follow us," The three queens walked in front of Omega, they walked down a long hallway and entered a room at the end where two guards stood, Lissandra, Ashe and Sejuani entered but the guards blocked Omega from entering by holding him back with their bayonets. Omega stopped and Lissandra turned and snapped at the guards. They instantly rose their bayonets and let Omega pass. They entered a room with a large table in the center. On that table there was a map.

"If you didn't know this is the map of-"

"Terruna, yes I know."

"Well, we only control part of Terruna, and to unify this region we must take over the cities of Bilgewater and Noxus, then of Piltover" Ashe continued.

"And why are you showing me this?"

"Well, We need your help," Sejuani said.

"Why do you need my help? Don't you have a huge factory making weapons? Don't you have a lot of men to use in the army? You could just go into the bad city and probably offer a pay for them to join the army and there you have it, plenty of soldiers."

"We know we can do that but against us there will be some deadly enemies."

"The entire Noxus army, who favor strength above all, with the generals like Kled, or Darius who are some deadly fighters themselves," Lissandra explained, "In Bilgewater, most of them are mercenaries and pirates who fight for a living and who aren't afraid to fight and die, like the Captain named 'Gangplank'."

"So, what do I get out of this?"

"Well, you can chose," Ashe said, "You'll be part of one of the most powerful empires in all of the lands."

"Well, aside from that do you even have barracks or military training areas?"


"You have the weapons, the men and one last thing."

"Yes?" Sejuani tilted her head towards Omega, "What is it?"

"Who is your general?"

"I am."

"Want an assistant maybe?"

"Can't say I might need more help."

"Very well."

"Follow me," Sejuani said as she gestured to Omega, "Let's see what you are made of."

"Didn't you test that already?"

"Not completely."

Omega and Sejuani walked down a narrow and dark flight of stairs and then arrived in a room with nearly no light. Sejuani hit a switch on the wall and the lights came on. They revealed a large room with weapon racks, training dummies and sandbags and in the middle there was a circle that outlined a sort of arena.

"Here we are."

"This is some sort of training dojo?"

"Of some sort," Sejuani said, "What weapon do you want?"

"I can't use weapons."

"Really? How come?"

"Throw me one of those daggers."

"Here," Sejuani said as she tossed him a small dagger. Omega caught the dagger and it simply crumbled in his hands.

"I see, why does that happen?"

"Don't really know but I think it is when the Maiden of the Mist, or Lissandra revealed my Demon Born."

"Well, that does make sense. But you said you are a Demon Born, are you sure of that?"

"Very sure."

"The people who are demon born are very rare and extremely powerful. I would like to test your strength."

"Sure, but in what ways?" Sejuani took off her military coat and put on a pair of gloves with studs on each knuckle.

"In a fight," She said as she went into a fighting stance.

"Are you sure? Should I level my power?"

"Not enough to kill me but pretty strong still."

"Okay, well just wait for me to get into demon form."

Blood dripped from his arms as his arm blackened. His eyes turned black and red. He knelt down and let out a ear splitting roar.

"Your move," Omega signaled to Sejuani to attack. She leaped forwards and dodged Omega's first punch and elbowed him. He took the hit and fell down.

"Is that it?"

"Real easy to fake you out, huh?"

Sejuani's expression changed as she saw Omega disappear from in front of her. She turned and received a punch to the stomach. Omega lifted her and brought her crashing down onto her back.

"What was that speed?"

"Just enough to not kill you but you won't be in a good shape, your back is in pain, along with the area around your liver, I can tell."

"Was that a guess?"

"No, I can sense pain and it makes me stronger," the cuts on his arms scared and his skin returned to their original color. His eyes lost the black shade but stayed red.

"So that is the power of a Demon Born," Sejuani said, clearly out of breathe, "You're smart right? Can you guess why the High Commander of the Demacian army, would want to test your strength?"

"To see what role I play in the war or in the army?"

"Exactly," Sejuani said as she got up slowly, "I think you would be a good general."


"What do you mean, no?"

"I am a one man army, why would I need to lead an army, I would like to take a front line role."

"Are you sure?" Omega nodded.

"I should be going back to my realm soon."

"Sure, here use this," Sejuani snapped and a portal opened once again. Omega walked through and arrived at the dusk of Runatra, He walked back to the house and found two messages. One was from Naomi and the other from Benji and Diana. Naomi's said that she had to return to her palace because her father was dying and she might have to stay there a few months and Benji's said that there was a messenger who arrived in the afternoon looking for them to help a city in the region and that they would be back in a week. He looked at them and sighed. Well, more time in Terruna then. Omega turned, left and went back into the portal.