The Elites

"Here already?"

Omega looked up and saw the three queens sitting in the same way on their thrones, Lissandra was in her long dress, Ashe was in a hunter's gear with a long skirt and Sejuani was in her short pants with her military coat.

"Yes, I have a month or so before I need to return to Runatra."

"Ok, I heard from Sejuani that you wanted to be a front liner? Is that correct?" Ashe asked.

"Yes, but I don't want to take orders like a simple infantry."

"Very well, do you want to be part of the elite squad? Or of the simple front line?"

"I think I would like to meet the elite and see if I can fit in."

"They are a hard bunch."

"We can go there now if you want," Sejuani said as she got up, "Follow me, they should be eating now maybe you can join them."


Sejuani lead Omega down a maze of stairs and hallways and out of the palace into the heart of the wealthy city, in the distance you could see the smoke from the factories. She lead him to the military barracks, as she walked by all the soldiers bow, the generals removed their caps. She walked up until they arrived in front of a steel wall and a closed door. She knocked.

"Who is it?"

"Guess," The door opened. The person who opened the gate was a girl, she was as tall as Sejuani, and had short, black hair with a pink fringe, "Hello Fiora," Sejuani said, "This is Omega, why don't you give him a tour and present him to your comrades?"

"Yes," Fiora sighed.

"What was that?!"

"Nothing, Ma'am."

"Good, I'll see you in an hour or two," Sejuani turned and headed towards the exit. Omega held out his hand for Fiora to shake it, but Fiora held out her hand for him to kiss it. Omega hesitated and finally did so. Fiora turned and motioned with her hand for Omega to follow her. They headed into the barracks, they waked past four very large and neat tents, and soon arrived in front of a very loud tent.

"There are only five people in there," Fiora said as she walked in. Inside the tent, there were five people around a table, two guys and three girls.

"Fiora, did you find a boyfriend?"

"Shut up and listen, Garen," Fiora said as she slammed her fist on the table, "This is Omega, and he is probably going to join the elite team."

"What? I don't even know him and he gets to join and I had to go from front-liner to this point."

"Sejuani's decision."

"Well, if you guys stop complaining, I would like to introduce myself, I am Vayne," the girl at the back said.

"I am Lux, and this is my brother Garen."

"I am Jarvan IV."

"She is Sona," Lux said, "She is mute."

"Sit down," Garen said as he moved over and tapped the bench. Omega sat down.

"So how are you so special?" Jarvan IV asked as he laughed, "Are you some sort of prodigy to get from unknown to elite?"

"This is what got me here," Omega said as the scars on his forearms, the blade like spikes rose from his arms and the black wings emerged from his back, and his forearms and eyes blackened.

"What is that?" Vayne asked as she put her hand on her crossbow.

"These are the powers of a demon-born."

"What's that? Some sort of magic?" Lux asked.

"A gene that you get from your parents and it can only be awakened through extreme pain and it also comes with a curse."

"What is yours?"

"Not being able to use weapons."

"Any weapon?"

"Yep, pass me that knife," He said as he pointed to Lux's belt.

"What will happen to it? Something bad?"


"Then have this one," Fiora said as she hurled the knife at Omega, who caught it with two fingers, the knife then crumbled.

"What on earth?" Vayne said as she rose her crossbow.

"I am on your side." Omega said as he backed up.

"I trust you," An unknown voice said.

"Who said that?"

"Who said what?"

"I, Sona, did."

"I thought you were--"

"Don't say anything about it. Just remember that this group is a special one, if you want to stay the night you should stay in my tent I have a free spot."

"Okay then."

"What did you hear? Voices of the demons in your head?" Garen said as both him and Jarvan cracked up.

"No, nothing."

"Maybe he heard me," Omega looked behind him and saw a girl with a large bird on her shoulder.

"That is Quinn and her bird, Valor."

"Nice to meet you, Omega."

"I won't ask how you know my name, but nice to meet you too."

"Here have some food." Fiora said as she pushed a plate of food towards Omega.

"Thank you."

"Where are you from?"

"Me? I'm from Runatra."

"Where is that?"

"It is another realm, I got here after saving one of your queens, Lissandra."

"You found her, no wonder you were special in their eyes," Jarvan said, "I still think you are weak, let's see how good you are."

"Now? Do you need to do anything special tomorrow?" Omega asked Fiora.

"I don't think so."

"Sure, Let's do this."

"Take it outside, you two."

"Sure," Jarvan said as they both walked outside, the rest of the group followed them.

Jarvan took his spear off of his back and went into a fighting stance.

"Are you and Sejuani close?"

"How did you guess?"

"Same type of fighting stance."

"Well, we were trained together. But she is royalty, I am just a noble."

"Your move," Jarvan leaped forward and went for the same thing that Sejuani did, Omega ducked and grabbed Jarvan around the waist and did an overhead belly to belly suplex, bringing Jarvan to the ground behind him. They both got up at the same time. Jarvan went for Omega's waist and performed a German suplex making Omega land on his shoulders. They both got up at the same time. Jarvan stumbled a little but his facial expression didn't change, "How is your back?"

"It's fine."

"The more pain you feel, the stronger I get."

"Bring it," Jarvan went for another suplex and Omega moved around him and picked him up onto his shoulders and brought him down on his back in a sit-out driver. Omega got up, but Jarvan stayed down for a second more, "I quit," Omega gave him his hand and helped him up.

"You should acknowledge the pain in your back. It will come back around to bite you soon."

"How can you tell that my back is in pain?"

"My eyes see where my opponent's pain is."

"Welcome to the Elites."