Sona, Not So Mute

They went back into the Mess Hall tent. And as they sat down there was a call from the gate. Sona got up to go get it.

"How does she answer the gate?" Omega asked.

"She plays a note from her instrument. Sejuani can recognize it," As she finished her sentence, Sejuani walked in.

"How do you like it here Omega?"

"I think I will stay with the Elites."

"Well, if you want you can go to the palace tonight or stay here in the free space in Sona's tent."

"I think I'll do that."

"What do you think Sona?" Sona nodded. Sejuani nodded back and left the barracks.

"Well, in a few days we have intensive training so let's get some good sleep," Garen said as him and Lux headed to their tent. Fiora and jarvan went to their tent, followed by Quinn and Vayne. The only two left in the tent were Sona and Omega.

"Did you like your first meeting with the Elites?"

"Yea, and how do you speak?"

"I can chose someone to link to and until that person dies, they can hear me and noone else can hear it, and I haven't communicated this to my friends."

"Why did you chose me?"

"I know who you are, I know what you have done."

"But how? We are from different realms."

"Did you think that the Elites were only front-liners?" Sona asked, without moving her mouth, "I am a foreseer and a medic."

"Oh, so you knew I would come?"

"Yes, and I know what Sejuani wants, what Fiora wants, what Ashe wants, and so on," A voice came from outside.

"Omega, who are you talking too? If you want to join us in intensive, you need some sleep."

"Ok!" Omega called out, he turned to Sona, "Shall we go?"

Sona nodded, they both walked out of the tent and into Sona's tent, there were two beds on each end of the tent. There was a table in the middle with a crystal ball, a pot of scrolls and a book.

"What is all of this?" Omega asked.

"My research," Sona said, "On people around you, like your wife, Benji and Diana, and all of the people around them."

"Wow, that is some serious stalking."

"Turn around," Sona said suddenly.

"Sure, but why?"

"I need to get changed. Is that simple to understand?"

"Yes, of course."

"Thank you."

"What was Vayne so worried about my demon form?"

"Oh, she is a Night Hunter, she gets rid of demons, vampires and so on."

"Okay, that's why she wanted to shot me."

"Yeah, you are new and you are a demon, so she can't trust you."

"What do the other's do?"

"Jarvan and Garen are born into military families, well that counts Garen's sister, Lux but she is a mage unlike her family who are generic generals, and there is some more than friendly things that happen in that tent, so yea."

"Wait, but they are brother and sister?"

"Yea, that doesn't change much. Oh you can turn around now."

"Thanks, and Quinn and Fiora, what do they have to do in this?"

"They were bounty hunters and got promoted to Elites."

"Well, I think it is time to sleep, no?"

"True, I'll bow the candle. Watch."

"Okay," Omega said as she played a note on her instrument and a stream a air blew out the candles.

"Nice, well good night."

"Good night."

The days went by. The on the third day, the six left their tents at nearly the same time. Garen and Lux both had their armor already on so did Jarvan, Fiora was adjusting her shoulder guard and Quinn was stroking Valor. Vayne came out with her crossbow on her back and a plethora of silver gleaming blades around her belt.

"Quick question, what is this intensive training?"

"A trip to the slums and some clearing out of some target areas," Garen responded.

"Okay, I suppose Sona stays here?"

"She isn't front line so she stays here to keep up on her research."

"Everyone ready?" Sejuani said as she walked in through the gates.

"Yes," Everyone said but Omega.

"Did someone explain the training to Omega?"

"Yes, I did, Ma'am."

"Good then let's go, the area of target is city 3, district 12, there is a rebellion building up, permission to kill."

The group left the camp and walked out of the barracks. They walked through the elite districts, the city was larger than Omega had seen it to be from the palace that overlooked it. They walked for half an hour before arriving in front of the large wall that separated the city from the slums. They walked through. And Sejuani told Garen to lead until then. She left them and returned to the palace. Garen lead the group until the district they were looking for.

"I'll go with Jarvan, Fiora go with Lux and Vayne and Quinn you go together, and Omega you can follow or just go alone and if anyone attacks you, remember kill."


Omega followed Garen and Jarvan until they arrived in the core of the city where they split up. Garen and Jarvan went into a building that was known to have a lot of criminal activity. As Omega walked in the narrow and dirty streets, a blade hit him in the back. He turned around and saw no one. Omega continued to walked forward and he stopped and heard a voice from one of the windows.

"What are you doing around here? You lost?"

"What would you do about it?"

"I don't know, you were with those elites, what were you doing with them?" Omega stayed silent, "Not so big mouthed anymore, huh? Boys surround him!"

"You don't want to do that."

"Why not? Rich boy," Omega was quickly surrounded by twenty men armed with swords and knives. They came out of nowhere. Their supposed leader hopped down. And stood in front of Omega.

"I am Talon of Noxus, and I will build a rebellion that will wipe through the Demacian reign and Noxus will be able to pick up the pieces and free these people."

"So I guess you just gave yourself in. I am Elite member, Omega! If you want some, come get some."

The men around Omega attacked him. Omega surrounded himself with his wings, protecting him until he could unleash his demon. The men continued to attack his protective shell. His arms blackened again and his eyes went entirely black. He erupted out from under his wings, opening them sending the men crashing against the buildings. Talon stood there frozen. Some of the men got up and attacked Omega. Omega grabbed one of them and made a blade come out of his hand, going through the man's neck. He used his other arm to send the men flying against the wall, killing ten of them. The rest ran away. Talon stood there, watching, he untied his cape which had several strands of fabric with blades on them. He leaped at Omega and was caught mid-air by the throat, Omega held him there and thought of killing him but instead made him simply pass out via choking. He dropped him onto the floor and let the scars close once again before picking him up and putting him on his shoulders. He walked back to the gate and saw the rest of the elites waiting for him.

"Did you find anything, because we certainly didn't."

"I found this guy. He is Talon of Noxus and told me about building a rebellion, so I think it would be good to interrogate him."

"Let's see what Sejuani says."

"You should go to the palace directly," Fiora said, "Sejuani will want to hear about it directly and not wait."
