
Omega walked with the group until they arrived at the barracks. Omega walked through the streets with Talon still unconscious on his back. Omega still has his wings and his horns. This gained him strange looks from the guards and the locals. He arrived in front of the Palace, where the guards prevented him from passing.

"Who are you?"

"I am an Elite member."

"What is your purpose in entering palace?"

"A a special delivery for Sejuani."

"I will call her down to see."

"No, it's fine, I'll go myself," Omega said as he spread his wings and leaped into the air and flew up to the window of the throne room. He knocked on the window and this caught the attention of Lissandra, who was the one responsible for responding to request and emergencies of the city. Lissandra got up and opened a hole in the window that overlooked the city and allowing Omega inside.

"What is it, Omega?"

"I have something that will interest Sejuani."

"Very well, she is in her training dojo, so try not to surprise her."

"Yes, your majesty."

"Oh, by the way, you still have your horns and clearly your wings."

"Yes, I have to make sure he doesn't escape," Omega said pointing at Talon.

"Very well."

Omega walked down the several flights of stair and knocked on the door to Sejuani's dojo, "Come in, Omega," Omega walked in and saw Sejuani sitting on her knees with Sona in front of her.

"I see you found him," Sona said still without moving her mouth.

"I found the rebellion leader."

"Really? How are you sure of it?" Sejuani asked looking surprised.

"He said it himself and, by the way, his name is Talon of Noxus."

"Put him on that chair there," Sejuani said as pointed towards a chair that was attached to the ground and had two metal cuffs on each arm rest, two cuffs on the front legs and a leather belt, where the person sitting in the chair's stomach would be. Omega walked over and sat him down, still unconscious, and strapped him in.

"Sona, I think we are done for today," Sejuani said as she got back to her feet. Sona nodded and got up and picked up her weird looking string instrument. Once Sona was gone, Sejuani turned to Omega.

"You can go if you want, unless you want to see the fruits of your work," Sejuani said as she put on a pair of gloves with slightly larger studs then she had used to fight against Omega, she turned and pulled out a chair and sat in front of Talon, waiting for him to wake up.

"Should I go?"

"No, you stay here."

"Do you always do this? Are you some sort of enforcer."

Sejuani turned to Omega when he said that, "You could say it like that but if will give us an edge in the war, anything is worth it," After she said that, a knock came at the door, "Come in!" Ashe walked in.

"Poppy, the Yordle Ambassador, is here to talk about an alliance in the upcoming war," Ashe said.

"Really? I thought they were neutral."

"I see you have work to get to," Ashe said as Talon slowly raised his head, "I think Lissandra and I can deal with the alliance work, maybe you'll join us after to talk about the war strategy and what their elites can bring to the table, see you soon," Ashe smiled and left the room. Sejuani put her hand on Talon's chin and jerked it upwards as she got up.

"Talon, are you so arrogant as to think that you wouldn't be caught with the speed that rumors spread in the slums?"

"Demacian trash," Talon spat at Sejuani's face. Sejuani slapped Talon.

"Who sent you?"

"Why would I tell you?"

"Well, how much punishment can you take?"

"Enough for you to give up!" Talon spat on Sejuani again. Sejuani got up and delivered a hard punch to Talon's face, cutting his cheek.

"Once I am done, I will call in Sona and she'll heal you and I will repeat."

"Let me," Omega said as he moved her away.

"What are you doing?"

Omega's horns were standing up and his wings gained red scales, blackened bones erupted from his forearm and wrapped around it creating a solid blade, his shoulders sprouted spikes.

"Tell me anything about Noxus' plans, or else," Omega said as he stood in front of Talon.

"Wha-What do you want to kn-know?"

"Plans, Strategy anything that will help us."

"The only thing I know is that I was sent here to bring upon a rebellion to slow the preparation and to cripple the forces here. That is all I know, I swear."

"There, you should be killed for treason."


"We won't because you are useful to us," once Omega said that Talon exhaled. Omega looked at Sejuani, who nodded. Omega raised his arm and drove it into Talon's chest and pushed his heart out the other side. Talon's face froze in a expression of shock.

"Well, that's that, I have a meeting to get to, if you want you can join in, just don't say anything about her size."

"Okay, what do you mean about her size?"

"You'll see," Sejuani took off her gloves and left the room and headed up the stairs. Omega sat down in front of Talon's dead body. What a rat. I think we let him off easy, no one knows him nor do they care, in Noxus they would have publicly executed him. Omega brought his state back to normal and then washed the blood off his arm and smashed Talon's heart. Omega then left the room and headed up to the main room of the palace.