Saving the Elites

The sun started to set and Sejuani came once again in the evening. She walked in and instead of her usual call she walked past the tents and said just two words, follow me. She walked into the dinner tent.

"Listen Up, tomorrow we will be training in my dojo. Why you might ask? Because it will be routine training. We shall meet at dawn and be ready for pain and you are allowed to hurt each other, broken bones and pass outs will be a joke at this level. We will train from dawn to dusk. Am I understood?"

"Yes, Ma'am!"

"Have a good dinner and sleep well," Sejuani left and everyone sat down and waited without doing anything for a couple minutes.

"Well, if no one minds, I'll start eating," Jarvan said as he began to eat.

"What are we waiting for exactly?"

"I don't know but let's eat instead."

The night went as usual, everyone ate, Garen and Jarvan got a little drunk, Quinn and Vayne left first, then Fiora and Jarvan, then Lux and Garen, leaving Omega and Sona alone.

"Tomorrow you will probably be awake earlier than me," Sona said, "I forgot to add that you need to completely dislocate her arm, try adding another submission after the arm bar, like a kimura something like that."

"Okay… are you some kind of masochist?"

"No, but if you want her to survive, well that is the cost," They entered their tent. Omega turned around, this was his routine in the evening.

"Why me? Why do I come in now? How did I get into this position?"

"You were chosen. By someone or something. You are special," Sona said as she put her hand on Omega's shoulder, "Do you want to know about your wife?"

"Yes, actually."

"Well, her father died, she is now the queen of the, I-forget-city, and she has a new husband, since you've been gone for sometime and you are not popular in her eyes," Omega stood there frozen. He fell to his knees, "Are you crying?"

"Are you serious? How? How could she?"

"Well, power will drive you mad."

"How long since this happened?"

"She got married today. And she now wears another ring," Sona said as she pulled off Omega's ring, "This doesn't mean anything anymore."

"You knew this would happen."

"I would have, if I hadn't been paying attention to what would happen in this realm and in this camp."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't blame you."

"You shouldn't blame yourself either, this is something you need to get clear from your mind. You are a demon born, love never lasts, you can turn around."

Omega stood up and sat down on his bed. He had his head in his hands, the tears weren't clear nor were they water, they were red, blood-red, they were tears of blood. Omega looked up at Sona, his face now had new scars around his eyes that went up to his horns.

"Omega, are you okay? You are bleeding."

"I know, I haven't cried in so long, I haven't felt an emotion in so long."

"I see," Sona said as she opened one of her books and flipped through the pages and then stopped and pushed the book to Omega, "Read this."

Omega looked down at the book. The Demon Born Race. He read the page about his kind. It talked about why they cried blood.

"You have become more than you could have ever achieved with her. Once you are done here or you have a break, go to your realm and to find her. Don't kill her or her husband but show up. Make sure to look at her face and the expression she has."

Omega chuckled, he touched his horns. They were down and had two small horns towards the center of his head, his wings changed from black and red a bold red.

"This is your rebirth, remember to save the Elites. You should get some sleep, if you want I can help."

"Yes, that would be nice," Omega said as he laid down. Sona played a note and he was asleep.

The next morning, Omega woke up. He looked over at Sona. I should get a move on and get ready fast. Omega got ready and left his tent. He was alone. The camp was silent, he sat down on the floor. The ground was dry, the air was warm. He reminded himself of what he had to do when he started the fight with Fiora. He sat there for a while until the others left their tent.

"Did you get a wing make-over Omega?" Garen asked, laughing.

"Everyone here?" Sejuani said, cutting Garen's joke.

"Yes, Ma'am, everyone except Sona."

"Very well, follow me."

They walked to the palace, the guards stepped aside as soon as they saw Sejuani. They entered the palace, they walked up the stairs and then down another flight of stairs into Sejuani's dojo. Talon's body was gone, but his blood was still there and so were Sejuani's bloody gloves. There were four mats set up for them.

"So, Omega you will go with Fiora, Quinn with Lux, Garen with Jarvan and Vayne with me."

"Yes, Ma'am," Fiora and Omega walked over to a mat and bowed before the fighting.

"Give it your all, Omega," Fiora said as she stood ready to fight.

Omega said nothing, he knew he had to shatter her shoulder and he had to do it perfectly. Omega nodded, they moved around each other for a couple seconds before Fiora went for a take down, Omega saw this opening and put her arm in an inverted-arm bar. He rolled her onto her stomach, and went into a normal arm bar and flipped over Fiora, bringing her arm flat across the back of her shoulders, he felt her arm resist and then jolt and go limp, Fiora's face changed and she howled in pain as Omega put her in a kimura and twisted her arm with his legs. He couldn't hear anything he only saw what he was doing. He felt himself being pulled off of Fiora by Garen and Jarvan who dragged him off. He regained his consciousness and saw Fiora still on the floor with Sejuani holding her down and Vayne and Quinn moving her shoulder back into place.

"Omega, are you still with us?" Garen said as he waved his hand in front of Omega's face, "What were you thinking? Did you not here her giving up?"


"Are you okay?" Jarvan asked, "If we hadn't stopped you, who knows what you would have done."

"I-I'm sorry."

"You don't have to, but just be careful, you broke her shoulder and dislocated her arm."

"I know, a modified arm bar into a leg kimura. I know I did that, but I couldn't hear anything and I just continued."

"Don't worry now, what's done is done."

"Omega, come here!" Sejuani's voice broke the silence. Omega got up and walked over to her. Omega didn't know what to expect.

"Good job," Sejuani whispered, "That is what an Elite needs to be able to do but when someone tells you they quit remember to stop, Am I understood?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Very well, Sona is waiting for you outside of the palace, who knows what she wants. You have the day off. See you later."

"Yes, How bad is the damage?"

"Shoulder broken and dislocated arm, so she will spend time in the hospital probably 4-5 months, hey, come closer," Omega came close to Sejuani, "You will have to take her spot in the initial parts of the war, so be ready to a a few more tally marks in a week from now."

Omega nodded and left the dojo and walked out of the Palace, He stood there and looked around, "Behind you."

"Well, there you are, what did you want," Omega asked.

"Walk with me to the camp," Sona said, "And don't respond to me," Omega nodded.

"So I heard you overdid yourself in the training today?" Sona turned and smiled at Omega, "And did Sejuani tell you anything of the sort, um, you will take her place in the initial stage of the war? I think she did. When we arrive at camp go into the tent and remove your shirt, I would like to study your rebirth, nothing personal. And remember that if you go to the hospital too early you will flaw the occurrence of the future events and not be able to save Jarvan and Vayne," Omega walked alongside Sona, and nodded as a response but as she said he couldn't speak to her.

They soon arrive to the camp. They walked passed the soldiers in the lower ranks training both hand to hand and close-combat. The soldiers were planned to train from morning to evening and only had the breaks of lunch and in between turns. Seems like I got off easy. The duo arrived in front of the gates and Sona unlocked the gates and let Omega in first. He headed into his tent and removed his shirt. Sona came in a little later, she pulled out one of her books and opened to a blank page.

"Sit there," Sona said as she pointed towards a chair next to the table where she placed her book. Omega sat down.

"Can you spread your wings?"

Omega did what she had said. Each of his wings was nearly as tall as he was and could stretch out to form a shell around Omega to protect himself and someone else. Sona measured each wing and recorded the measurements in her book, she put her hand on Omega's shoulder. Omega turned around and looked at her as if to ask her what she was doing, she simply said nothing and smiled. She pushed down on Omega's wings, and Omega closed them. She then moved her hands from the wings to his horns. Omega stayed still as Sona wrote things down in her book, it seemed like minutes, hours even days that she was looking at his attributes and writing things down. After what seemed like an eternity, she got up.

"Thank you," Sona leaned forwards and kissed Omega on the check. He turned around when she did this and found himself extremely close to her face, Sona smiled once again and turned around and closed her book and put it away.

"What do you have in those books?"

"History, future, study of species. I did the same thing to Teemo and Poppy when they were here to be able to have entries on Yordles."

"Cool, like how far can you see in the future?"

"Very far but the further it is the more blurred it is."

"And history?"

"How old do you think I am?"

"I dunno, do I have to answer? Like how old do you give Naomi?"

"She is exactly 27 and 152 days old."

"Oh, well I probably would give you the same age."

"Far off, I am over five-hundred years old, I was here when the Queens came to power, I was here before Noxus and Demacia were here, I was one of the few who survived after the ascension of Xerath and the fall of Shurima."

"When was that?"

"Three hundred years ago," Omega nodded and thought of the things he could have done in that time.

"Don't people think you are some kind of god, goddess?"

"No, people don't often see me so they forget, and since I never talk to them," Sona chuckled at her own joke.

"I certainly won't forget you."


The conversation stopped there, Omega left the tent, it had been hours since Sona started studying him, the sun was setting. Omega sat down and meditated in the middle of the courtyard. He had been reborn and now could train to gain more power for his demonborn, one of the possibilities that he had learned from Sona was to ascend to the stage of an alpha demon. This was something that was nearly irreversible unless Omega was nearly dead and in which he went back to his demon born form. He sat there for sometime before he could reach that power. He sat there for a long while and began to ascend when the other Elites minus Fiora walked in. They stood in the entrance with Sejuani as Omega grew a new pair of wings which were black and his main horns curved like the horns of a ram and his smaller horns merged with the large horns. He got up and spread his wings without noticing the Elites looking at him. He only noticed them when Sejuani started to clap. Omega turned around.

"What happened to you?"

"Sona spent hours studying me."

The Elites and Sejuani laughed.

"Well, you are some specimen," Vayne said. Omega sighed.

"Enough children. Let Omega explain what that is," Sejuani said.

"So recently I had a demon born rebirth and gained the possibility to obtain several new attributes, one of them, that Sona had a record of was the Alpha demon form. This gives me more strength and resistance and also it gives me extra speed."

"Well, all that on top of all your base ability, you will certainly be able to take Fiora's spot in the war, the war begins tomorrow, we are moving on the offensive, the Yordles have informed us that the Noxian troops are advancing on the city. I have met with the generals and our two infantry armies will come in around them from left and right and we will meet them in the passage that they will be forced to enter. Gather your things because we head out tomorrow at dawn."

"Yes, Ma'am."