The War Really Begins

The Elites went into their tents to gather their things. Omega went into his tent to get his war coat. Sona was sitting on her bed looking at him.

"Hey Sona."

"Yes, remember that you need not to care about Fiora apart from before leaving, but you need to remember that when Vayne says that she will go up to a vantage point, tell her that you will do that and she should go with the others."

"Okay, let's go eat."

"Sure," Sona said as she got up.

The night went as usual and then once the dinner was over, the others went into their tents, Sona and Omega went to their tent. Omega counted thirty seconds and left the tent. He spread his wings and jumped onto the wall of the camp. He used his wings to jump from building to building until he reached the hospital were he saw the doors were closed, the only people there were the people in case of emergencies. Sona told me it was the second window on the second floor on the western side. Omega glided across the street, which at that time was completely empty apart from the occasional guard patrol. He looked in the window and saw Fiora asleep on a bed with a cast around her arm and shoulder and had a cast to support her back. Looks pretty bad. He climb through the window and pulled a chair near to Fiora's bed. He touched her cheek with his hand and heard her murmur something.

"Vayne… Is that you?" Omega stayed silent until Fiora opened her eyes. Fiora slowly opened her eyes, "Who is there?"Omega stayed silent letting Fiora open her eyes more and see for herself. Fiora was startled when she saw Omega sitting next to her, "What do you want?"

"I am here to say I'm sorry."

"Really? How kind of you," Fiora said, sarcastically.

"I really am, and I am here to explain to you why I did that."

"Really? I thought it was just so you could have fun and brake someone's shoulder, so why did you do it then?"

"I'll tell you this but this stays between us."

"Sure, I just want to know why you removed my possibility of fighting for Demacia."

"So Sona, you know she is mute, but she talks to me."

"What do you mean?"

"She can select someone to bind to until that person dies and therefore communicate with them."

"Okay, so for the moment you're making some sense."

"And you know that Sejuani uses her foreseeing abilities to see the results and the costs of the war."

"Yeah, and what does that have to do with my shoulder?"

"Well, on the first day of fighting, you would have died to protect Sejuani, and so Sona was worried about losing some of the Elites, and since I have this new form, I can protect both Sejuani and myself in that event, since I will be taking your place in the first stage of the war."

"I see, and this is why you broke my shoulder and continued to make sure I couldn't fight?"


"And who else will you save with her foresight?"

"Jarvan, who would have died to protect Quinn."

"Really? Why Quinn?"

"Sona said something about an act of love so yea, you connect the dots," Omega said, "And why did you ask if I was Vayne?" Fiora's facial expression changed.

"Did I say that?"

"Yeah, you did and if it is love, well you'll be happy to hear that I will take her place in the event that she dies, by keeping her with the group and going to a vantage point myself," Fiora's facial expression changed back to happiness and she hugged Omega with her right arm.

"Thank you."

"Well, we are leaving tomorrow so I have to go."

"How did you get in?" Omega got up and moved the chair back to were it was. He smiled and climbed out of the window.

"This way."

Omega leaped down to the roof on the house next to the hospital and went from roof to roof once again. He soon arrive in the camp where once he was in his tent he saw Sona, already dress for the night, smiling at him. She didn't say anything and laid down and let Omega go to bed and sleep.

The next day, the entire group was awake, even Sona. They were greeted by Sejuani who was waiting with the generals of the infantry armies who had all their men ready and already were getting onto the large flat back flying creatures that were mounted with seats to carry as many soldiers and the fastest to the position to catch the Noxians off-guard. Sejuani turn after the Generals had been briefed.

"Let's get going?" Sejuani said as she pointed towards a dragon-like creature.

"Let's go," They all, all except Sona, climbed onto the Dragon creature and left quickly gaining the head of the convoy of troops. They flew above the entire city and quickly left the borders of the city and flew above large plains until reaching a cliff side which had a single narrow path with high ground above it. We are bait and when they enter the path the infantry will jump them, I see. This indeed was the plan. They landed soon after and all the infantry troops set up at the top of the high ground with pikes in the ground to then rappel down to open fire on the troops from above, but their dragon landed at the mouth of the path.

"Set up here and be ready for a fight." Sejuani said as they all got off.

"Yes Ma'am, are you going to fight as well?"

"Of course, why would I miss this opportunity," Sejuani said as she took out a rifle from the chest on their ride. She walked towards the path and started to sent up a barricade.

"Hurry on then, let's get ready."

Garen and Jarvan started to set up traps across the length of the path and Vayne found herself a small vantage point on the outer edge of the path where she had cover and could easily shoot into the path, Lux made sure she had all the potions she needed for the fight and Quinn counted her arrows.

"Are they all armed with guns?" Omega asked Sejuani.

"No, but they are mixed in, it is approximately 1 for 10, the number of them who have guns, but we are talking about thousands of troops, like five thousand of them, so get ready to fight."

"Will do."

Once everyone had set up. The wait was long. They waited under a beating sun, there was little to no air and no one talked. They waited for the moment where the troops would arrive and the fighting would start. They waited and waited until Sejuani received a message on her ear-piece.

"Get to positions. They are heading up the path."

The pace had quickened and Omega's heartbeat accelerated.the ground shook when the troops arrived in the path, all of them marching at the same pace.

"I will draw them in," Sejuani said as she fired into the path.

The ground stopped shaking, and all of a sudden the order was given to the Noxians to attack, they charged towards Sejuani's position. They were far from her but they funneled into the path just as planned. The Demacian generals then gave the order to their troops. The battle had started. Garen and Jarvan took out their weapons. They had a bulletproof shield in one hand and a shotgun in the other. The Demacian troops began to rappel. The gunfight had started, the Noxians began to fall, but then once the gunners were in position the fire was coming from both sides. Omega, who was up on the high ground dived down and swooped down into the heart of the fight, using his wings to protect from the Demacian fire and the Noxian fire. Quinn, Vayne and Sejuani laid down constant fire, with arrows and bullets. Garen and Jarvan were guarding them and Omega and the infantry were in the fray between life and death. The battle was clearly on the side of Demacia, who suffered very little losses. The Noxians were less armed and not prepared. They desperately tried to pass Omega, Jarvan and Garen but because of the troops rappelling down on them and shooting their efforts were in vain. The battle became a one-way slaughter. The Noxians who were still alive and not in the path retreated and the one who were in the path were gunned down. At the end of the day, Demacia lost 53 men out of 1,000 and the Noxians lost approximately 4,800 out of 5,000. The first battle had gone in their favor. The Generals called their armies back up and Sejuani rounded up the Elites, "Good job today," Sejuani said, "Today was the easier part, tonight we leave again to meet up with Yordle scouts up north to flank the Noxian position with our troops tomorrow. And today, good job on defending us."

"No problem, I was just in the middle to hold them and with Garen and Jarvan, it would have been impossible to get to you, just aim a little to the left with that gun of yours," Omega said as he showed Sejuani the back of his left horn, one of her bullets had hit the side of his horn.

"Sorry about that, but at least I didn't hit you in the back of the head."

"Well, let's eat something before getting a move on."

"Sure, let's do that," Sejuani said, "Here comes division three and four of the infantry."

"Are we attacking a larger target tomorrow?"

"Yes, we are attacking one of the military outposts they control north-east from here, so no easy deal," The group sat down and ate. They were mainly silent, except Garen and Jarvan, who made jokes about blasting the Noxians' faces off. Vayne and Quinn ate silently and Sejuani left soon after starting to eat to talk with the Generals of the four divisions they would use. Omega sat and meditated. He replaced his left arm because it was damaged in the battle, it fell off like a rotten branch from a tree and in its place grew another arm, Omega threw his arm in the fire, they were sitting around and used to cook their food.

"Omega, do you mind?" Quinn asked.

"Sorry, but I can't do this while walking so I have to do it now."

"Just don't throw it like it it nothing.

Sejuani returned soon after and told the group to eat quickly. She attached her rifle to the strap she had on her coat and replenished her stock with new bullets. She put two smaller guns on the leather holders on the inside of her jacket and took out a shotgun like the ones Garen and Jarvan had. Quinn and Vayne counted their arrows and Vayne put her large crossbow on her back and made sure she had enough arrows. Quinn fed Valor some of her food and a small piece of meat. Lux sat there and waited leaning on Garen's shoulder and Jarvan sat there waiting for the group to be ready. Sejuani got up and the rest of the group got up. Sejuani started to walk down the war-torn path, the group was in ranks of two along the small path. They walked over the bodies of the fallen Noxians. Their bodies were burnt, cut up and inscribed with bullets. They were scattered along the path, their charge had lead to their own deaths, the plan had worked perfectly, and the bloodshed was heavy, the people who were left had run back to their outpost to gather with the rest of the army. Even if the Demacians were less, they were better armed. Sejuani walked with her shotgun out, followed by Quinn and Vayne, then Lux and Garen, and finally Jarvan and Omega. None of them talked they walked past the bodies down the cliff path that had lead the Noxians to their deaths. The path was narrow and steep, and went down very far, once at the bottom, Omega looked back, the cliff towered above them.

They changed paths. They followed a path that went into the forest that walled the plain. They entered the forest. The forest was damp and dark, there was very little light that came through the thick leaves of the trees above. They walked for sometime more before a small dart hit Sejuani's coat. She stopped and so did everyone else. The dart had a message on it. Sejuani read it in her head. She turned to her right and cut through the vegetation. The group soon arrive in a small area that was covered by the branches overhead but made a small clearing.