Outpost Hitting

"A little late, I assume the battle was longer than planned?" a voice said.

"Yes, they had more troops than communicated so more rounds, and more time needed," Sejuani said as she stopped.

"Let's go," Poppy, was accompanied by Lulu. They walked out of the forest and onto the highlands around the Noxian outpost. As they arrived onto hill that the Yordles had set up on, they saw a large robot suit. Sejuani turned to ask Poppy, but before she could ask, Poppy responded.

"That is Rumble's mech, one of our big weapons, our equalizer."

"What other things do you have set up?"

"Heimerdinger has his turrets soon set up and Veigar has his powerful spells."

"Well, this should soon be a victory then."

"Lulu, use your Wild-Growth and protection spells on Omega," Lulu nodded and smiled at Omega. They continued to walk towards the top of the hill. Once they arrived at the top of the hill, Poppy called Rumble. He hopped out of his mech and jumped onto the arm and down to the floor.

"Yes? So these are the Demacians, huh?"

"Yes, during this battle I told Lulu to use her wild growth on Omega," Poppy said, "He will benefit greatly from the effects and since you are in a mech it should be fine, don't you think?"

"Sure, but have you tried it on him?"

"No, that is what I wanted to do know," She said, "Omega come here. Lulu is going to use her Wild Growth on you so be ready to get larger."

Omega stood ready for Lulu's spell. As she used it he grew to a considerable size, matching Rumble's mech. The spell only lasted five minutes. "Tall folks don't last very long out here," Omega turned and saw a saw Yordle in full military gear and with a mask and hood on. He was armed with a blowgun.

"Teemo, where did you come from?" Poppy asked.

"I went to go scout the area and killed one or two men."

"There is still plenty of men, I suppose," Poppy said as she turned to the group, "So, here is the plan, Me, Omega, Garen and Jarvan with Lulu's backup with force the entrance, Heimerdinger and Rumble will go from the left flank, and Sejuani, Quinn and Vayne from the left, Veigar and Lux will be backline mages. Everyone clear?"

"Let's split up!" Sejuani said as Quinn and Vayne followed her.

"This will surely put a wrench in their plans," Heimerdinger said as he left with Rumble.

"The rest of you follow me."

The guards had been taken down from their posts because of Teemo's attack and there was no one to see them. Rumble started the fight by sending a barrage of missiles into the center of the camp setting the camp on fire and causing a massive panic. Lulu casted her spell on Omega as they forced the main gate open. Veigar and Lux rained down spells into the center part of the camp, the Noxian weren't ready and most of them died in the missile and magic barrage. Omega ran at the gunners with his new power and size, sending them flying aside and grabbing one of them and crushing his head with his hand. Sejuani, Quinn and Vayne had scaled the right wall and were firing arrows and the ones who survived the barrage of artillery. The fight continued for a couple minutes more and soon there was no one left alive apart from the general who had taken cover in his bunker. Poppy had knocked him down and smashed his gun.

"Sweet dreams," She said as she swung her hammer sending him crashing against the wall, he coughed blood and Poppy threw her shield at his head and it crushed his skull, he slumped onto the ground, she turned to the others, "No survivors."

The battle was over and the camp was soon overrun with Demacian troops who had arrived some time after the fight. They set up tents and started to cook the dinner. The war had just started and they were already halfway to the Noxian capital. They had sometime to rest until the next day where they went with the soldiers to attack a Noxian city. They sat around a fire. Teemo was cooking.

"Teemo, I thought you were just a killing type."

"When you are in the jungle, you need food to survive so cooking is one of my fortes," Teemo said this time smiling, He handed out a plate of food to everyone, it seemed so good, it smelled good and everyone was hungry, the day was long and the two battles were tiring. Teemo sat down and everyone began to eat. They ate and then talked, joked and laughed about how brutal Poppy had been to the General. After eating, they all went to sleep, the war had started well and they all hoped it would end like it started. Omega stayed awake after the others.

They awoke at dawn, they got up and ate and waited for the others to wake up. The morning horn sounded and all the troops left their tents and headed to eat. They were supposed to meet the 6th, 7th and 8th army of Infantry at the battle field and the 2nd and 3rd Artillery group, the day was planned as a long and deadly fight. The Elites left early and arrived after a short flight to the outskirts of the city. The Noxian army had set up an army in front of the gate and had reinforcements on the walls. Teemo appeared out of nowhere.

"5,000 outside with 250 cannons to assist and inside there are about 3,000 more, with Rumble's missile barrage added to Lux and Veigar's spells, they should be done for."

"Teemo, remember that we are only 3,000 troops since the 1st infantry was removed and the 2nd and 3rd along with the 1st artillery are attacking another outpost."

"I know, Poppy told me yesterday before I left."

"Lulu, don't use your wild growth and stay back, this will be a brutal fight and if we lose you, the Yordles are no match to any of the other kingdoms."

"I will go to the East for a flank," Vayne said.

Tell her to go west! He thought.

"Go west, I'll go east," Omega said. Vayne looked at him questioningly and Omega nodded and mouth: Trust me. She nodded back. Omega was in charge of flanking the army alone to cause panic in the city, because the main gate was the only thing that allowed entrance in the city without scaling the wall. Garen and Jarvan, along with Poppy, Rumble and Heimerdinger went in through the front with the soldiers that were being dropped in now. Sejuani, Quinn and Vayne were responsible for the west flank. The Generals stepped forward. Sejuani and Poppy told them of the plan. Sejuani nodded to Omega, and he was off. He ran and jumped from the cliff they were behind, he instantly drew fire from the cannons, who once they saw him they fired, mostly hitting the cliff behind him, Omega dodged until the firing stopped. He turned to see that Rumble had engaged with his missile barrage and Heimerdinger used his turrets to open fire on the frontal defense, the fight had begun, the two armies clashed, the Noxians charged mindlessly and the Demacians fired back with a rain of rounds that was countered by the cannon fire. Omega arrived at the base of the west wall, he climbed up and soon found himself in the Noxian city, if someone had told him it was Demacian and hid the banners, he wouldn't tell the difference. He ran through the streets until he arrived on the main street that lead right to the gate. He was behind the army. But when he went to charge at them, someone called him out. He turned around and saw a woman, she was armed with two large daggers.

"Where are you going?"

"Who are you?"

"Katarina, the sinister blade, the most reputed assassin of Noxus! and you?"

"I am the Demacian Demonborn, Omega!" He said as he spread his four wings and grew his horns to have them stick out forward, his scars turned red and his shoulders grew spikes.

"I heard of you, you've made quite an impact in the war. I'll end it here."

"Wait right there missy," Katarina turned her head, "I am here as well, let me introduce myself, I am Draven, the glorious executioner," Draven and Katarina stood in front of Omega, Omega went forward and swung his arm at Katarina, she blinked behind him and dug her blade into Omega's back. He fell forwards, and pulled the blade from his back, he jumped up. He saw an axe flying towards him, he raised his arm and hit it away. Another flew above him and bounced off the ground and flew towards the back of his head. He used his wings to hit it away. Katarina blinked behind him again and Omega turned and swung his arm at her sending her flying, she crashed against a wall of a house. Omega leaped through the air as he turned his arm into a blade, but before he could hit her, he was moved aside by Draven's axes. They gashed his chest and his right arm. He turned around and stared at Draven, who gave him a cocky smile back. Omega used his blade arm to cut his right arm. It fell on the ground and in its place grew another one. Draven looked at him in shock and started to spin his modified axes and threw them at Omega. Omega moved out of the way, before leaping towards Draven and digging his bladed arm into Draven's neck and lifted his limp body and threw it aside, he then turned to Katarina, who was still just getting up from the hit, she stood on weak knees and Omega used his cut arm to create a chain around her legs, blocking them in place. He walked up to her and laughed. She tried to swing at him but she wasn't close enough. The battle in the front gate was still raging. Before Omega could execute her, a bullet pierced the side of her head, Omega turned to see Sejuani with her rifle out. He turned and ran down the main street. He morphed himself into a four legged beast and charged into the Noxian army. They turned and saw what was going on but it was too late to deal with it, Omega had teared through the backline and the soldiers had entered and were gunning down the rest. The battle was over, the Noxians lay dead on the floor and so did their generals. The people of the town had been evacuated earlier that day, leaving the city looking like a ghost town. The troop sent in small groups to search the town.