Return to Runatra

Soon after the battle, a messenger arrived looking for Omega.

"Omega, get over here!" Sejuani said.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"You have been relieved of your duty here, you can go back to the city, apparently Sona requests your presences."

"Ma'am, I need to tell you something," Omega said as he signaled to Sejuani to come closer, "Tomorrow, let Quinn go with the others and bring Rumble with you, or she and Jarvan will die."

"Okay, I suppose you have some evidence of that. Very well, that will happen," Omega nodded and spread his wings. At least I have done what I needed to do and the war should be one sided from now on.

He flew until he arrive near the Demacian city, he flew over the walls and directly into the camp, where Sona was waiting for him, "I see you received the message, you have done what you needed to do, now the war is no longer your war, it is the Demacian war."

"What shall I do know?"

"Return to Runatra and go see the queen? What do you think?"

"I think that is a good idea," Sona snapped her fingers, a portal opened, "Feel free to visit and on this goodbye."

"Will do, Omega said as he stepped through the portal. He walked through the portal. He found himself back in Runatra. It was dawn, a warm breeze could be felt. Omega went into his house. It was empty, he walked up to his room and found nothing, aside from his bed. He took off his military coat. He was no longer in Demacia and now he was the legendary hunter, who was supposedly dead. He went to the living hall and found one of his old jackets, it was nearly a total rag. Omega sighed and put it on. This will make a nice surprise for Naomi. He walked into the kitchen and found some hard bread and small scraps of smoked meat. He ate what he could find and set off on his journey to the Capital of Runatra. He was completely different than when he had arrived in the region. His first stop was the Shinogo village.

After a day of walking he arrived at the Shinogo village, He walked up to the chief, "Hello there stranger, what do you need?"

"Recognize me?"

"Your voice rings a bell, but I don't know exactly."

"Omega, that name ring a bell?"

"That legendary hunter who saved our village, yes, of course that name rings a bell, why do you bring that up? He died some time ago."

Omega removed his hood, "I think he is still alive," The chief looked at him for a couple of second.

"What happened to you? You went missing and everyone thought that you had died."

"I needed some time."

"Good to see you again and by the way this little fella turned up looking for you a long time ago," Omega looked down and saw Cinder. He kneed down and pet his head.

"Long time no see, old pal," Omega said as Cinder smiled back at him, "Let's get going we have places to be, if you want to come, you can stay if you want, I'll be back in a few days," Cinder sat down and nodded. Omega got up.

"See you in a few days."

"See you soon, more things to do? Like an adventure?"

"More or less," Omega walked for the entire day before arriving on the boundary of the Poro region. Omega walked into the desert, and soon a sandstorm buffed up. He covered his face with his arm and walked forwards following the only road in that desert. He walked until he came close to the village, he stopped and looked at the city, it seemed bigger than when he came before. He stood there for sometime with the sandstorm still battering his body. The wind howled and the sand stung his skin. Here I go. He headed towards the gates. A guard shouted something that sounded like halt and Omega said that he was looking for refuge from the sandstorm. The gates opened slowly, allowing Omega into the city. The wind was as strong as it was outside and the sand spread through the city like a wildfire. He walked towards the palace, through the main road. It brought back memories that seemed so distant to him. He had arrived here as a simple hunter and left here married to the future queen. Now, he was walking up the path as a stranger to this kingdom. He arrived in front of the doors of the palace, where the four guards stopped him.

"What is your reason to enter the palace?"

"I am a messenger of the Shinogo village."

"Very well," the Guard said as he and the four others opened the doors.

"Your Majesty, a messenger from the Shinogo village!"

"Bring him here."

Omega was walked in front of the throne by six guards. He looked up towards the thrones. There she was sitting next to her new husband, she wasn't in her usual dress, but in a simple royal-like dress, next to her was her husband he wore a smaller crown than her and was just in regular royal cloth.

"What is your message?"

"Here it is," Omega said kneeling as he held out the ring he had kept from the night Sona had told him that Naomi had given up on him. She snapped and a guard brought her the ring. She looked at it and then a detail caught her eye. On the inside of the ring it read 'Omega and Naomi'.

"Where did you get this?" Naomi said as she stood up and walked down to Omega, "Who are you? Where is Omega?"

"Right here," Omega said as he stood up and spread his wings ripping his coat and showing his horns. His scars were black and the only scar that remained unchanged was his village scar. Naomi froze. Her husband got up and walked down joining his wife's side.

"What is going on here?"

"Your 'wife' just saw a ghost."

"No, this can't be, you were dead. My men found the house destroyed and there was no trace of you, where were you?"

"Naomi, dear, who is this man?"

"Leave me alone. I can handle myself."

"I was here," Omega said as he held out the book him and Lissandra had found.

"The whole time? What did you do there?"

"Long story," Omega shrugged.'

"I have a lot of time, care to join us for dinner?"

"Yes, your majesty," Omega said as he knelt.

"Before he does that he needs to come with me."

Omega turned and saw the portal to Demacia open, and Sona stepped out. She was talking. Omega looked at her and she smiled. Omega turned and bowed to Naomi, "I'll be back," Omega entered the portal. They arrived in the Noxian capital, Sejuani, Lissandra and Ashe were there, the Elites, the Yordles and two Noxian Generals, Swain and LeBlanc. There was a paper on the table, the surrender of Noxus and the creation of the Demacian empire. Everyone had signed it and the only space was for Omega. Swain handed him a feather.

"So finally, I meet the Noxian killer," Swain said as he bowed his head. Omega took the feather and signed. The war was over, the Elites were alive, even Quinn and Jarvan, and Fiora and Vayne. Omega smiled and held out his hand to Swain. Swain shook it. Omega then left back into his portal with Sona.