What have I done?

They left the house and walked together along the path leaving the hills of Shinogo. The evening was calm, there was a soft breeze. The sun lit the sky in an orange shade, the grass rustled in the wind. The path was quiet. They walked side by side, Sona was visibly happy to have some time off and not have to worry about the Demacian affairs. Omega was happy to have some time to spare and not have to deal with the war or saving anyone. They soon arrive at a high point of the path. Sona sat down on the flat rock that seemed to be placed there on purpose, she gestured Omega to sit down, he sat down next to her. Sona gazed out into the distance, she smiled. The breeze brushed against her hair, making it move delicately. Omega sat there next to her for sometime before feeling her hand move onto his. He looked at her, and met her eyes. He had never paid attention to her eyes, they were a deep blue tone, they looked perfect. Sona moved closer to Omega, she closed her eyes. Omega moved forward as they met lips and embraced. Sona opened her eyes when Omega kissed her, but then closed them. They held each other for sometime, until a familiar voice broke the silence

"Oh, did I break your ambiance?"

Omega and Sona turned around. Omega realized that the person standing before them was Jarvan the Third.

"Jarvan, what do you want?"

"A little request that that little brat of a sister wouldn't give me."

"Wait, what?" Omega said as he turned to Sona, whose face was red with rage.

"How long has it been since we last met, Sona?" Jarvan said.

"Not enough time, you were banished and you won't be getting your 'request' anytime soon."

"Well then, Plan B?" Jarvan sighed and snapped his fingers. Four men appeared from out of nowhere. They were armed with crossbows, "Those arrows are coated with the blood on an angel, if they hit you Omega, you will lose your form permanently and if they hit Sona, well, they are arrows, they will hurt."

Omega gritted his teeth. He got up and cracked his neck. He spread his wings and the spikes came out of his shoulders once again.

"Unless, I get to you first."

"Bold choice, I have to admit, you still surprise me," Jarvan said as he tapped his walking stick on the floor. The four men drew their crossbows. Omega stood in front of Sona. He was cornered, if he ran they would find them, if he fought he could lose, but he had no real choice, running wasn't an option, fighting was the only option. He stood ready. The men waited for him to make the first move. Omega went forward and the men fired at him.

"Aim at the girl," Jarvan snapped. One of the men turned and fired an arrow at Sona. Omega turned around and dived with the arrow hitting him in the back. He fell, he got up slowly and two men jumped on him. He had lost his strength, his wings disappeared so did his horns. The men overpowered him and from afar he saw Sona being taken away but the third man and Jarvan the third. He heard nothing, she reached towards him. His view faded to black. What have I done?

He woke to see a night full of stars, he looked around, Sona wasn't there, his head pounded. He looked down at his arms, the scars were gone. He felt through his hair, his horns were as well. He got up. He looked around and saw nothing but the plains. He walked over to the bench-like rock they had sat on. A tear went down his cheek. What have I done? He sat there for a few minutes.

"I see you need my help," Omega turned around and saw no-one, "I will help you, you need a little godly help."

"Who is talking to me?"

"I am," the voice said as a ghostly figure appeared before him, "I am the god of the realms, the creator, but I have no control on what people do, and Sona, is the key for Jarvan the Third to unleash his power over Terruna, becoming a god himself and going after me to take my place."

"I see, but I don't even know where she is, how can I help?"

"She can only trust you, I will give you where she is and these gifts, these will help you in your new form," The creator said as he disappeared leaving a scroll, a set of armor and a sheathed blade. Omega picked up the scroll and opened it. Omega read it. Where she is, you know, this is where you came from, where you were shown the cruelty of this world. Omega thought about it for sometime. My village! Omega got up and put on the gear the creator had left him. The blade was inscribed with a phrase: 'He who wields this blade has been granted a chance to redeem himself'. Omega stood up and started to run back to the Shinogo village. He arrived and went to the chief.

"Do you have a horse I can use?"

"Yes, of course but why?"

"Sona was kidnapped."

"Okay, there are some steads in the stable by the farm."

"Thank you," Omega said as he sprinted up to the stables, he found a horse and saddled it and got on. Time was ticking. Jarvan could destroy the realms. He galloped out of town and onto the path he and Sona had taken the night before. He galloped up the path and arrived at a fork, he recalled the way he had arrived to the Shinogo village for the first time, when he was just a simple hunter. He went down the path to the left heading back into the dark period in his life. He galloped across the plains of his childhood. The environment still bore the scars of what the Lagiacrus had done to it. The rocks were smacked, the forest was made up of young trees, the path was dirt. There wasn't a creature on the path. Maybe the Lagiacrus is still here? Omega continued to gallop. The path went through forests and openings. He neared his village, when all of a sudden an arrow hit his horse in the side of the head. It fell sending Omega flying. His horse was dead. Omega got up. The same arrow that hit me, I must be close. Omega started running up the path.