Jarvan the Third

He arrive in the village. It laid in ruins, nothing seemed to have moved since Omega was there for the last time. Omega walked down the main path. He knew Sona had to be here, but the question he was faced with was where? If Jarvan wanted me to find her, she would be in the town hall, or ex-town hall, maybe I should start there. Omega ran down the main road. He arrived in front of the town hall. The doors were sealed. He pulled out his sword. He swung at the door, cutting it cleanly, the blade went right through the door. He walked in, It was a two room building without anything else, he looked around and found nothing. Where could she be? Omega pondered through the streets before seeing a store with a brand new sign, a music store. That's weird, a music store with a new sign, Could be a trap but, I don't really have a choice, I am all out of ideas. Omega rushed into the store. He looked around and found a door, the room had no windows and there was no light. He looked around in the dark room before tripping over the leg of a chair. He got up and felt the chair, someone was on it. He moved it out of the dark room and into the entrance. He looked at the person who had a bag on their head. He removed the bag. Sona, what did they do to you?. She was gagged and tied down to the chair. She had passed out sometime ago. Wake up, come on, wake up. Her eyes slowly. She gasped for air. She had cuts on her cheeks. Blood had stained her face. She had a black eye.


"Sona, I'm here," Omega said as he laid her head on his shoulder, "I am so sorry."

"How did you," Sona paused to grasp for more air, "find me?"

"I got a little help, don't worry about me," Omega said as he undid her legs, "What did they do to you?"

"It's too late," Sona stopped once again for air, "They forced me."

"What do you mean?"

"Jarvan is in terruna."

"Don't worry," Omega said as he picked her up, "I'll deal with him myself, you need some rest."

"No, you need to stop him while you can…" Sona said as she faded. She passed out once again. Omega carried her out of the city and along the path he had taken earlier that day. He didn't stop to rest or to sleep, he continued to walk until arriving at the Shinogo village. He walked through the gates, Sona was breathing softly. He walked up to the chief.

"She is hurt," Omega said as the chief got to his feet. Omega laid her down in the home he was using. He walked past the chief and into the house. He laid her down on the bed. The chief soon entered the house.

"What happened?"

"They tortured her."

"Oh dear, do you know why?"

"To use her power to get to Terruna."

"You should go stop them, we'll take care of her."

"Thank you," Omega said as he laid a kiss on Sona's cheek and then left the house. He was headed back to the first place he entered Terruna. He took another horse from the stable, and he was off. Time was ticking. For Sona. He galloped. He had no idea what to expect. Jarvan poses power in Terruna, but how much? How much is enough to challenge a God?

He arrived at nightfall in the ruins of his home. He went into his home and looked around to find the book. He searched but could not find it. He searched throughout his home before the creator appeared once again.

"I see you want not only to redeem yourself to Sona, but to me as well, with that, I thank you," The creator said as he opened a portal and disappeared. The portal was like a black hole, no light, and with Omega's want to redeem himself it pulled him in, into a realm he would have to save from it's own creation, Jarvan the Third.